
[Group Buy] YouTube Channel Mastery by Adam Payne



Secret Little “Strategy” For Snagging The Top Spot On Youtube For Almost Any Video You Want… That Takes Only 60 Minutes To Implement
Resulting In Free Ongoing Traffic & Sales For Months, Or Even Years….

Dear Affiliate and Youtube Marketer,

Adam Payne here

I absolutely love Youtube. It brings me a ton of free traffic and sales on almost complete autopilot.

It’s been my “secret marketing strategy” for the last 8 years.

Although it’s not really a secret anymore because a lot of people now know me for my expertise in Youtube and video marketing.

Fellow marketers started to take notice of me because of my video marketing training and the results I’ve been able to achieve with it.

I guess it’s hard not to notice when I show people how I’ve been able to get results like…

You See These Results And You Might Be Asking Yourself… Is It Luck?

How can an average guy like me – father and husband living in Japan go from being a “nobody” to getting a bunch of videos online that bring sales on a daily basis?

Did I just get lucky and my videos magically appeared on the first page of Youtube and Google?

Did a bunch of random people just stumble upon my videos, click the links and buy the products I was promoting?

I wish it worked that way, but here’s the thing… This isn’t luck.

I’ve been getting these kinds of results for years.

This is the result of many months of trial and error, and many thousands of dollars spent on courses learning how to rank videos on YouTube.

I can replicate these results for just about any video I want (that are within my limits… Some video spots are almost impossible to crack!)

Maybe you could say that I have boiled it down to a science. A formula that I’ve been perfecting over the years.

And the most important thing to know – is that it’s still working now!

You See These Results And You Might Be Asking Yourself… Is It Luck?

After many long nights dissecting my own top-ranking videos (and others), here’s what I discovered.

The secret is that Youtube has a particular way they like to see videos set up, and more precisely, how a channel is set up.

Unfortunately, nearly all youtube marketers get this wrong! That’s why they struggle.

And if you’re reading this letter, then I’m going to take a wild guess and say you’re one of the many struggling with Youtube right now.

I was lucky enough to get it right. (after the money I’d spent on courses and after putting in the hours, I’d expect to have it worked out! ha!)

Now, I’ve decided to share my tried and tested formula for creating a Youtube channel and videos within it the way that YT loves and rewards.

I’m all about sharing my knowledge with the marketing community because that’s what I do and love.

This is what’s working for me right now (and has continued to work). I know it will work for you too.

INTRODUCING YouTube Channel Mastery

How To Create Perfectly Optimized Channels That Youtube & Google Love & Make You Money Inside Youtube Channel Mastery, you’ll be following along, as if you were looking over my shoulder, as I set up a new, fully-optimized Youtube channel from scratch – The same way I set up ALL my channels.

And when I say “optimized”, I don’t mean to get videos ranking high (although that’s part of it).

I mean making an optimized channel that set the foundations for long term success.

It’s All About Creating A Channel That Makes Money

That’s the whole point. You want to make money. And a properly set up channel is the ‘magic sauce’ to get buyers clicking, watching and purchasing your products.

It’s not rocket science when you know how to do it.

You just need to know what Youtube is looking for and optimize your channel for that.

And that’s exactly what I’m showing you how to do. You see everything I do. Everything from the start – from finding a hot niche market, to finding products to sell, to getting your videos in the top position.

Come with me and follow along as I share this secret formula with you.

Here’s What You’re Getting Inside “YouTube Channel Mastery”

After you make your purchase, you’ll be sent your login details for access to our members area where you’ll find the whole course.

I’ve set up the YTCM course into 4 modules. Each module contains several short, ‘over-the-shoulder’ instructional videos.

MODULE 1 Choosing A Niche For Easy Profit

  • How to uncover and validate profitable niches
  • How to create a brand that you can spread to all of social media
  • How to make sure you can get the .com domain for your brand too
  • How to come up with an endless supply of ‘profitable’ video ideas even before you start

MODULE 2 Creating & Optimizing Your Channel

  • What Youtube actually wants
  • How to gain instant authority with your channel viewers
  • The must-do’s when making your channel look pretty & professional
  • The basic and advanced settings you must optimize

MODULE 3 Amazing Analytics

  • Why you need to understand YouTube Analytics
  • How to use the data to grow
  • How to discover what your audience likes and dislikes

MODULE 4 Growing Your Channel

  • How to get more subscribers
  • How to make your videos appear everywhere instantly.
  • Scheduling Mastery so you get all your videos ready in advance


  • Plus I’ve Got Some GREAT Bonus Content For You Too
  • Keyword Research Mastery
  • Interactive YT Channel Creation Checklist
  • YouTube Ranking Myths Exposed
  • Social Media Video Specs Infographic

Who Is This For?

  • If you’re able to set aside 60 minutes to implement the steps as I teach them
  • If you want more real views and subscribers for your channel(s)
  • If you’re trying to sell more of your product or service
  • If you’re looking for a way to create an income stream from scratch using Youtube (I show you how to do it from scratch)
  • If you’re a local business consultant with clients who need a YT channel (or are struggling to get their current channel noticed)
  • If you’re just getting into video marketing and want to know the best way to create profitable Youtube channels and avoid all the mistakes

Who This Is Not For

  • This might not be for you…
  • If you’re “unteachable” and a “know-it-all” marketer
  • If you can’t stay focused for 60 minutes to implement this formula
  • If you are looking for a “get rich quick” scheme
  • If you’re not willing to invest any money into your business to learn correct growth strategies
  • If you are looking for ‘instant page 1 results’ (often blackhat methods that will get your account shut down)

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Delivery time: 12 -24hrs after paid


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[Group Buy] YouTube Channel Mastery by Adam Payne
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