
[Group Buy] Xshot Email Method


What’s up – it’s xShot.

I’m guessing you’re here from BlackHatWorld.

You may have viewed the highly accredited online money-making methods I’ve shared on the forum (such as the LinkedIn Passive Income method or the Fiverr Lead Generation Method).

If that is the case, then you know the caliber of content I aim to provide.

I’ve read countless messages from individuals who’ve implemented free methods that I invented from the ground up, and it’s one of the most fulfilling feelings to this day as a full time internet marketer. In my small amount of time on BHW, my contributions have been acknowledged by numerous well-respected members of the forum including Jr. Executive VIP’s.

Simply put: I know what the fuck I’m talking about when it comes to making money online.
One of the most common occurrences on BHW (and other internet marketing forums as well) is newcomers looking for the key to riches. The method that’s going to turn them into overnight millionaires with bare minimum effort. If that’s what you’re looking for here, I can honestly say this is not that. Anybody claiming to have such a thing is “selling the dream”, and I encourage you to be wary.
That being said… I can say with a full chest that this PDF is the closest damn thing to it. And for that reason, this is not a method I am willing to publicly disclose.
I don’t have any fake testimonials to try and convince you to purchase this guide, nor do I have any fancy sales copy. What I can share with you is my own personal experience, that way you can decide if it sounds like a good investment for you. In full force, my profits ranged from $X,XXX to $XX,XXX per month using this method (see screenshot below).


This method hasn’t been executed before by anybody other than myself. It involves executing hyper-targeted email campaigns to generate traffic to a drop-servicing store. You do not need to keep any physical inventory on hand, nor do you need a pre-existing, drop-servicing store because in the guide I cover how to build this out from scratch. You do not need to run any paid ads, and all client relations are handled via email; that way you never have to speak to anybody on the phone. It’s as simple as generating the leads using the custom-tailored lead generation method included in the guide, and sending them the tested scripts that are also included in the guide.

Because the leads you will be targeting are active and highly receptive, your click-through and open rates will be through the roof. This is not something that is typically seen in email marketing (especially when it comes to cold outreach). This has been made possible through hours of tweaking and split-testing. Lucky for you, I’ve already taken care of the hard part. All you have to do is follow the instructions.


Your leads will be quite literally begging for more information after you contact them. Sounds too good to be true? Here’s a real life example. I executed a small campaign before writing this (~75 recipients), and have already received 4 responses. I expect to close at least one of them, and this is a process that can be rinsed and repeated. My conversion rate when implementing this method was far greater than average – often times over 10% on completely free traffic. Because you will have the exact same infrastructure in place (scripts, lead generation methods, tools, etc), there is no reason this number will be different for you. The emails you send will come from a standard Gmail account. I even include multiple niche’s I used when implementing this method, which can be replicated to earn almost right away.

This method can be done as a complete beginner, and that’s the scary thing about it. A general understanding of email marketing will certainly give you a head start, but even if you have never executed a cold email campaign before, everything you need to learn is conveniently packaged in this guide at a reasonable price. In fact, I genuinely find it hard to believe that you won’t make this investment back within a month or less.

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[Group Buy] Xshot Email Method
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