
TRAFFIC Transformation 3.0 – Lena Gott



To celebrate passing the 2500 copies sold mark, Traffic Transformation recently received another major overhaul!

I’ve learned a LOT since its original publish date in 2015.

The newly revised guide contains reflections from the past 23 MILLION PAGE VIEWS.

I cannot describe how excited I am about the new edition. I personally think it’s twice as good as the last! I hope you love it as much as I do!

Are you stuck deep in the pits of blogging darkness not knowing how to get traffic to your blog?

Or maybe worse – riding a crazy traffic roller coaster?!

I feel your pain!

When I began this page views journey long ago, I vividly recall sitting at around 15,000-17,000 page views per month (sometimes dipping lower than that), despite publishing a TON of content and working 30-40 hours each week on my blog.

I didn’t know what the heck was going on! I seriously wanted to throw in the towel.

I was spending sooooo much time on my blog that, in addition to being a stay-at-home-mom, there was no way I could scale that up and produce more income. It seemed no matter what I did, my blog traffic increased at a snail’s pace.

I was tired of seeing others hit milestones of 50,000, 150,000, and even 300,000 page views all the while I wasn’t sure I’d make it to the 20,000 mark each month.

I vividly recall the moment when I decided something had to change. When I said enough is enough! It’s when I tried to apply for a sponsored post, thinking I had about 27,000 page views for the past 30 days (25k was the minimum needed to apply) and finding this when I logged into my Google Analytics:

17,097! I was devastated.

All that hard work, and my page views were going down!!

You can see I had that one spike in early March, but it was short-lived, and I was back down in the dumps. I had ended January with 25,100 monthly page views and ended February with 35,722 thanks to a good selection of Valentine’s Day related posts on my blog. I just assumed things would trend up as long as I kept working hard the same way I had been.

Boy, was I wrong!

I finally realized I needed to take a step back and figure out exactly how other people were getting tons of traffic when all I could get consistently was a few hundred page views per day. After studying countless of other bloggers, I realized I was going about this all wrong.

I dreamt of becoming a full time blogger. I committed right then and there to drop my bad (i.e. ineffective) blogging habits immediately and replace them with effective ones.


This guide is the story of my journey in figuring out just what I was doing wrong and what I could change to improve my blog traffic.

I dedicated myself to learning one new thing per day and making one change to my blog each day that would improve my traffic. It was 2 hours here, 3 hours there kind of thing.

Slowly but surely, I started to see improvements, and it’s been a steady climb ever since.

Here’s what happened in graph form:

It was a long gradual steady climb with a few motivating spikes in traffic along the way (and one dip – due to me not having any Thanksgiving content at a time when people aren’t otherwise on their computers!) That’s what I love about blogging. It rewards consistent hard smart work – little by little you can get there!

I tested out many different traffic strategies over this time frame, and I found some worked really well while others were a complete waste of time. Once I reached 300,000 page views, I was able to exceed the income goal I set for myself for THIS year….I decided at that point I would see what I could do about teaching others to do what I have done.


I put my top 21 traffic generation tips & theories and a list of what NOT to do in an 100+ page guide so you can learn what has worked and not worked for me. If you follow along, you’ll be able to get traffic to your blog without having to learn it the hard way yourself!

I poured all my best tips, from what I do just after publishing each post to how I share my content after I publish each post.

How to use this guide

Traffic Transformation contains A LOT of detailed instructions.

I recommend you go all the way through it once before trying to implement anything. Then go through it a second time and takes notes.

You will find that some steps are easy to implement and others require you to think out a strategy.

How would you feel if, not too long from now, you no longer felt like traffic was a mystery?

I finally feel that way. And that is my hope for YOU.

21 actionable strategies

The tips in Traffic Transformation are listed in the order I implemented them on my own blog.

While you may not need to start at the very beginning if you’ve been blogging for a while, even experienced bloggers tell me that they find at least six to a dozen blog traffic tips to test on their blog.

Many people read the guide again and again every time they need a traffic boost.

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