
[Download] Traffic and Funnels – Client Kit 2021 DIY


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First of all, Congratulations…

Hey, it’s Taylor again and I want to congratulate you on making a great decision and claiming a copy of Newsfeed Authority.

In the next 5-10 minutes, you’ll receive an email granting you access to everything you just ordered.

Before that arrives, I want to introduce you to our flagship consulting program…


Use Our Profit-Proven, 5-Pillar System – Validated by 1,982 Businesses in 79 Different Industries to Achieve Your $10,000/month Business in the next 10 Weeks…
… (even if you’re starting from scratch)…

The Key is Our 5-Pillar, High-Ticket Consulting System

(Previously reserved for our 1-to-1 Clientkit clients…)

PILLAR 1 Packaging Your Expertise

Nailing the Fundamentals – Drilling down to Who you want to serve, What you want to do for them, and How you will fulfill on it.

How to become valued as the only viable solution for your perfect client’s most painful problem.
5 common marketing pitfalls that cause you to. unknowingly project out to your market, “I’m only 20% certain that I can get you this result, so invest at your own risk!”… and how to avoid them.

Two fool-proof packaging elements that automatically boost the perception of your value in the marketplace.

How to build a clear and concise high-ticket package that allows you to 10x your pricing, without adding more work.

PILLAR 2 Your Perfect Audience and Offer

How to avoid being seen as a COMMODITY and “like everyone else”. Learn how to set your own prices, define your own value, and NEVER be compared or price-shopped again.

The “hidden mechanics” of the human brain that allow you to prompt people’s natural “cost biases”, helping them see how it’s in their best interest to buy from you.

How a proper “Offer Ascension” works and how it sets you up to SERVE your clients with maximum impact – and maximum profit (everyone wins).

The Power of Positioning – There are only a handful of psychological factors that come into play when a prospect is about to buy – You’ll discover exactly which ones and how to trigger them.

The “4 Levels of Service” and how to pick the RIGHT ONE for you. Each Level has pros and cons. Level 4 is the most profitable with the least amount of labor.

PILLAR 3 Creating Opportunity

The 9 pitfalls that commonly keep entrepreneurs from enjoying a constant stream of “new opportunity”

How to use organic as a “validation tool” BEFORE wasting 50+ hours on a webinar or a few grand on ads (this removes practically all the time-wasting, frustration and guesswork)

How to find and nurture pre-existing pools of clients so you can get traction quickly

How to speak the language of your market in a way that breeds trust and gets them paying attention to you

The “Organic Roadmap” that took us 4 years to develop – you’ll never again find yourself wondering “what should I write” or “what content should I create today”

How to establish yourself as an authority and get more conversations and strategy sessions with hot lead

PILLAR 4 Conversations to Clients

A complete walkthrough of the exact script our team uses to close millions in sales each year. Enter any sales situation with confidence knowing exactly what to say, what to look for, and how to handle any resistance.

How to use “price elasticity” to help someone break through price resistance.

The truth about building rapport – Most people butcher their efforts here without ever knowing it (but remedy this one error and you’ll see your close-rate increase fast).

The Filtration Framework for creating “tension” and protecting your bandwidth so you can spend more time talking to the best prospects.

How to ethically leverage your prospects own “inner turmoil” so they can make the decision to move forward WITHOUT using skeezy tactics, intimidation or external pressure.

PILLAR 5 Scaling With Paid

The super simple method for spinning up Hyper Organic Ads in only 2-3 minutes – plus, our top back-end “hacks” for maximum reach and results.
A complete breakdown of successful lead magnets and landers – learn what works, what doesn’t, and WHY.
How to identify and LEVERAGE the “Awareness” and “Sophistication” of your prospects, so you can meet them where they’re at and instantly earn their trust.
The “3 Questions” you MUST answer, to know exactly how to connect with and motivate people to take action and hire you.
The 2 vital factors that determine your success getting high-ticket clients from paid — if you’re missing either, you’re sunk — but with them, there’s no limit to your growth.

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[Download] Traffic and Funnels – Client Kit 2021 DIY
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