
[GroupBuy] Tej Dosa REPROGRAM YOUR MIND IN 45 DAYS ( Live cohort based 5 week training )



CYIW is a cohort-based course that leverages powerful inner world cleaning technology to help online entrepreneurs clean their inner world of unconscious blocks and make more money, improve performance and build a strong mind.

But unlike most mindset courses, you won’t transform by consuming – you’ll work directly on your consciousness, safely digest old experiences, and open up to who and what you truly are.

Stop self-sabotage, falling on and off the wagon, getting in your own way. Finally let go of old identities and start hitting the income numbers you deserve.

Who it’s for

CYIW is for online entrepreneurs who’ve hit an income ceiling and have gone 90+ days without cleaning their inner world. If this is you, then you probably:

  • Have taken all the courses, read all the books, followed all the money tweeter gurus, but you’re still struggling to breakthrough and hit the income numbers you deserve
    ​​Go periods of crushing it – firing on all cylinders – only to fall off the wagon and go days, weeks, months without putting in any real effort without knowing why
  • ​​Tell yourself enough is enough and you’re going to make a change by doing x at y time and you’re all excited – only for y time to occur and you find yourself being run by a completely different version of you that doesn’t want to do x
  • ​​Wonder “what would become possible for you and your life if you could just stop overthinking, getting in your own way, and being weighed down by endless judgments, self reflection, and damaging beliefs about yourself”
  • ​​Are in need of a quantum breakthrough quickly

If any of these sound like what you’re going through right now… there’s a strong likelihood your inner world has been overtaken by the ghosts of the past and now they’re running you on auto-pilot (without you even knowing what’s happening)

This is the bad news. The good news?
Clean Your Inner World (CYIW) was made for you!

How it works

CYIW consists of 5-weeks of C.L.E.A.N Training, 45-days of real inner work directly on your consciousness using THE DAILY PRACTICE with group accountability & weekly check-in calls for the duration of the cohort.

Week One – Come back to your inner world
Week Two – Let go of the ghosts of the past
Week Three – Enter the present moment
Week Four –Align your inner world with your outer to create magic
Week Five – Navigate life fearlessly and relentlessly

Enter as the current you, leave as the new you.

(C.L.E.A.N Training + The Daily Practice (60-minutes/daily) is the fastest/easiest/most effective method I’ve discovered for quickly freeing you from the past, unlocking your capacities, and generating quantum breakthroughs both mentally and financially.)

Why I created CYIW

I believe what keeps most people from hitting the income numbers they’re capable of is not lack of knowledge (we all know what to do), not lack of skills (easily learned), not lack of time (only takes 4 hours/day of deep work), but a messy inner world that gives rise to a weak mind which spills out into your business and life – causing stagnation and frustration. This is the BIGGEST culprit. 

And the reason for a weak mind has more to do with your past than your present. Healing the past, digesting old experiences, letting go of outdated identities is what reduces the pull your unconscious (past) has over you — allowing for greater capacity, functioning, well-being in the present moment.

Only problem with all this?

When it comes to online business success we ignore this entirely. Instead, we try to cover our weak mind with fancy programming techniques. But this doesn’t work. It’s like covering rotten fruit with a nice looking carpet.
No matter how beautiful the carpet (programming techniques/new identities we build) – the foul smell from the rotten fruit (unconscious) is going to rear its ugly head and continue to run us.
Only solution is to safely enter your inner world, give it a good cleaning, and LIBERATE your inner powers so you can live fearlessly and relentlessly instead of going through life with a heavy brick tied to your foot. 
This is what CYIW makes possible and why I created it.
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Tej Dosa REPROGRAM YOUR MIND IN 45 DAYS ( Live cohort based 5 week training )
[GroupBuy] Tej Dosa REPROGRAM YOUR MIND IN 45 DAYS ( Live cohort based 5 week training )
$497.00 $85.00 Add to Cart

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