
T3 Live – Earnings Engine


What You Learn With Earnings Engine

6 High-Probability Setups Designed Specifically for Trading Earnings Reports

After studying 590 earnings plays, Sami broke them up into 6 different setups.

Each one has its own criteria, and works in a specific situation. Between these 6 patterns, you’ll find countless trading opportunities every single earnings season. (10 or more a day sometimes, and it doesn’t take long)

1. The Pullback Play: For stocks that pull back in a specific type of uptrend

2. The Breakout Play: For stocks that are ready to break out on earnings

3. The Transition A: For stocks exhibiting a specific type of basing behavior

4. The Transition C: For downtrending stocks about to gap down on earnings for big short profits

5. The Run Play: For stocks ‘running’ into resistance/support

6. The Unfilled Gap: For stocks approaching an unfilled gap

Each pattern is easy to learn, and easy to implement, with simple instructions. There is no guessing involved.

Trade Metrics: Actually Getting In and Out of Positions

Patterns are worthless unless you know exactly how to put them to work.

So Sami gives you extensive guidance in trade implementation, including:

Scanning: Quickly assemble an ‘Earnings Hit List’ of stocks to target each day. And more importantly, learn which stocks to avoid, based on volume and setup quality.

Entry: You’ll be amazed at how simple the entry process is. Sami also explains how his trading platform is set up for earnings.

Share Sizing: Learn an easy system for share sizing, and determine what level of risk is appropriate for you.

Trade Management: Get Sami’s exact trade management parameters so you can maximize your reward:risk. Also — and this is VERY important — learn when to get out of a trade, take profits, and move on.

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T3 Live – Earnings Engine
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