
[Group Buy] Steal My Secrets 4 by Dave Kaminski


101 Profit-Making, Time-Saving and Problem Solving Secrets, Hacks & Tools For Your Online Business That You Never Knew Existed…


25 Years…

That’s a long time to be earning a full-time living on the Internet. But that’s been my life for the past two and a half decades. And I’ve learned quite a few things along the way. Like a lot, a lot of things.

It’s why 7 & 8 figure gurus contact me at 11pm on a Saturday night (and sometimes 6am on a Sunday morning), in a panic. “Sorry, but you’re the only one who can solve this” they’ll say. They need help fast and they know I have the answers.

It’s why my private coaching clients are usually stunned when I help them solve their problems in 5 minutes, after they had spent weeks (and usually a lot of money) having no luck trying to figure something out themselves.

I know a lot of stuff. And for the past several years, I’ve been putting together giant collections of my unique know-how and calling it Steal My Secrets. It’s my most popular training.

And now I’m back with Steal My Secrets 4, where I’m sharing an entirely new batch of my private hacks, tools and secrets. In fact, 101 of them in all. And here’s your opportunity to get your hands on them.

It’s Like a Roledex of Answers To

To Your Online Business Problems

In fact, any one of the secrets I share could save you weeks of wasted time, bring you thousands of visitors or thousands more in sales. And I’m giving you a virtual treasure chest full of these secrets…101 of them!

Here’s a quick peek at just a few of them:

Plus How To Turn Your Digital Courses

Into a Search Engine!

Video training is great, but videos aren’t searchable. So if you (or your customers) don’t take notes while going through a video course, you (or they) are screwed. You’ll have to scrub through hours of videos trying to find that one thing you can’t remember.

Now that problem is solved. I’ll show you how to turn your digital courses into a search engine, where users can simply type whatever they are looking for and they’ll be shown the exact spot in your videos where the answer appears!

Even better, by offering this search feature in your training, you can charge more for your courses!  And here are even more secrets, hacks and tools you’ll get inside of Steal My Secrets 4:

What Are The 5 Worst Email Service Providers?

You’re Probably Using One of Them!

When it comes to email service providers (the people you pay to operate your mailing list), two things are for certain.

First, the most popular email service providers are the most popular for one reason; they pay the highest affiliate commissions, so you hear about them the most.

And second, you have no clue on how bad your email service provider actually is. That means you don’t know how often your emails end up in spam, never hit someone’s inbox or worse yet, never get delivered at all.

But I do know the statistics that email service providers don’t want you to know…I know which email service providers are the worst at delivering your emails and which do it the best. And I’m going to share it all with you. Plus more, like…

This Is 1,000% More Effective Than Popups

Use It Now For More Leads and Sales!

There’s a new way to build email lists and get appointments booked.

And it’s something that people can’t resist.

Even better, it totally replaces the popups that we’ve all become blind to. In fact, it can work 1,000% better than the popups you’ve been using.

What is it? I share it with you inside Steal My Secrets 4. Along with more tools and know-how like…

How To Have AI (artificial intelligence) Write

Your Ads, Blog Posts and Sales Pages!

Writing stuff sucks and takes a lot of time. I know because I’m handwriting every word you see on this page.

But AI (artificial intelligence) is changing all of that. And in the not so distant future, I’m certain it will replace human writers.

How can I be so certain? Because in many instances, it already can. With the click of a button, you can have an AI robot write headlines, emails, ads, blog posts, sales copy and even books.

Cool. But how do you find these AI writing tools and which are the best to use? I’ll tell you exactly what to use and how to do it all in the training. Along with more like…

Plus…The Two Fastest WordPress

Hosting Providers On the Planet!

Do you have a website that runs on WordPress?

If you do, I’m going to guess that your site is slow…either when people visit it or when you log into WordPress to work on your site. I’m also going to guess that you’re probably using a well-known hosting company or one that someone recommend.

Well, there are two web hosting providers that you’ve never heard of that make Wordpress websites blazingly fast. I’m not talking just a little faster than what you have right now…but stunningly faster.

Want to find out who these two little-known web hosting providers are? I’ll tell you inside Steal My Secrets 4. Plus even more like…

And Even More Like…

How To Start a Turn-Key Dropshipping Business!

Dropshipping isn’t new. With it, you sell physical products but never touch the product…someone else keeps the products at their warehouse and ships them for you as the orders come in.

Sounds like a great business…and it is…but only if you know what products to sell. And most people don’t know what to sell, which is why most dropshipping businesses fail.

But now there’s a new, little-known service that can change this for those who are lucky enough to know about it. You see, with this secret service, you don’t have to guess at what to sell…instead, they curate products guaranteed to sell for you. And they store and ship them for you too. It’s a 100% turn-key dropshipping business!

And I tell you what this secret service is inside the training. Plus…

The Hottest New Online Business That

You Can Start One Hour From Now!

So what’s the hottest new online business these days?

Well, it’s one where you pretty much don’t need any money or technical skills to start. And pretty much anyone can do it.

What is it? Newsletters.

This is where people pay you month after month to receive a newsletter that you publish about your market or topic. And if your newsletter gets enough subscribers, advertisers will pay big $$$ to sponsor your newsletter (I’m talking tens of thousands of dollars for every newsletter you send).

Awesome. But how do you get started in the newsletter business? Well in the training, I’ll tell you exactly where to go to have your own newsletter business up and running in under an hour.

Along with more secrets, hacks and tools like…

Can’t Stay Focused or Get Things Done?

Here’s The Surprising “Cure”!

Too many distractions. It seems like it takes you forever to get anything done. Worse yet, your sleep sucks too.

There are plenty of pills, powers and magic techniques that are supposed to solve these things.

But now there’s one that actually works, is based on science and has the science to prove it.

If you’re an entrepreneur like me, or are trying to be one, you’ll definitely want to check this out. It can give you your focus back in just a few minutes. Seriously.

But I’m not done yet, there’s still more like..

Need a Quick & Easy Way To Have People

Pay You For Coaching or Memberships?

If you’ve tried or have sold any type of product or service online, you probably found out one thing along the way.

And that is settings things up so people can actually pay you and then get what they paid for can be a total pain in the a**.

But there is a way that is super-simple, even if you’re allergic to technology. Where in just a few minutes, you can be setup to have people pay you for coaching, services or even to join your membership site.

What is it? I share it with you in Steal My Secrets 4. Along with more gems like…

These Are NOT Search Ranking Factors

and You’re Wasting Your Time On Them

Every day people ask me about their SEO strategy and ways they can improve their ranking on Google. And every day, these people are asking about things that Google could care less about.

To put it another way, most of the SEO information you find online is wrong. Dead wrong.

So I’m going to set the record straight by telling you point-blank what SEO techniques have absolutely zero effect on your search engine ranking. You’ll be surprised at what you learn – because what you’ve being doing is likely wrong. And it also means you can quit wasting time (and maybe money) on techniques that no longer work and will get you nowhere in Google.

Along with more tips like…

Whew…That’s A Lot of Secrets

and It’s Not Even All of Them!

There’s 101 secrets in total, in Steal My Secrets 4And all designed to make you money, save you time and in some instances…save your a**.

This training isn’t about a single topic. It’s not a course that covers just one thing. It’s training that covers many things…and in some ways, everything.

And it’s all broken down into bite-sized lessons where you can quickly get answers to problems and go you on your way. You don’t have to spend hours hacking around the Internet for answers…instead you can get them in minutes.

From hardware, software, video, WordPress, SEO, marketing, list building, business building, AI and beyond, Steal My Secrets 4 contains 101 golden nuggets that will help you work faster, get more traffic and make more sales.

It will be your go-to resource. Your one-stop shop. Your cheat-sheet of answers. Your Wikipedia of doing business online.

All of the lesson are 100% video based, so there’s no guesswork for you. I explain each secret, hack and tool, telling you what you need to know and showing you what you need to do.

And you get lifetime access to everything in Steal My Secrets 4 too, so they’ll always be there at your fingertips, whenever you need them.


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