
Simpler Trading – Small Accounts Secrets PRO


Basic Package BONUSES

Bonus 1: Quickstart Class with John Carter

Saturday, August 31st, 10am – 11am CT

New to trading? This interactive quickstart session is designed to get you up to speed fast. You’ll discover the simple setup that let John avoid big losses, become consistently profitable, and finally escape his corporate day job. If you’re new to options, or new to the Simpler Trading community, this training is for you.

Bonus 2: Options 101 Course with Henry Gambell

This popular course is designed to give you exactly what you need to know to trade options without confusing jargon or needless theory. You’ll learn the Simpler way to trade calls and puts so you can take advantage of big ‘directional’ moves (whether the market goes up or down). Then you’ll discover how to generate steady options income under a variety of market conditions. You’ll also learn how to avoid common mistakes and understand essential money management, too, so you can put John’s trading strategies to use right away.

Bonus 3: John Carter’s TOS Workspace

John had simple tools developed for ThinkorSwim(TOS) to make it as easy as possible to identify the current market phase at a glance.  These custom tools are not required to follow John’s Small Account strategy, but his workspace is included with the strategy class (and you can get a free TOS account if you don’t have one).


Strategy Class + Quickstart Class + Options 101 Course

Generating consistent gains in an ever-changing market is nearly impossible unless you know how (and when) to adapt to different market ‘phases’. Even a great strategy won’t work in the wrong conditions. The good news is there are 4 market phases that repeat. Once you know how to identify them, it’s possible to choose the right strategy. John Carter has refined strategies for each market phase over 30 years.

In this new class, John will share exactly how to adapt his Small Account strategy to current market conditions. This class is designed so that even newer traders with smaller accounts can generate consistent profits without watching the market all day.

In this Saturday Stacked Profits class session you’ll discover:

  • John’s favorite strategies for consistent gains (even without a strong uptrend)
  • John’s favorite strategies for consistent gains (even without a strong uptrend)
  • How to know when each market ‘phase’ changes and be positioned to profit
  • Proven setups to safely turn volatile moves into quick and reliable cash flow
  • When to use ‘soft bets’ for low-stress income
  • The early warning signs that ‘blink’ before almost every stock market crash
  • How to build lasting wealth by staying ahead of the biggest economic trends

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Simpler Trading – Small Accounts Secrets PRO
Simpler Trading – Small Accounts Secrets PRO
$497.00 $85.00 Add to Cart

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