
Shefali Tsabary – Conscious Parenting Mastery


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Conscious Parenting Mastery

Discover The Transformational Tools & Perspectives That Have Empowered Millions Of Parents To Nurture More Authentic, Fulfilled & Self-Aware Children.

To the parent who’s still searching for the “best” way to nurture and love their child:

Do you ever question the choices you make as a parent?

Do you ever worry that your child may inherit the same insecurities and weaknesses as you?

And do you ever feel overwhelmed by the myriad of conflicting opinions on what makes a good and effective parent?

According to clinical psychologist Dr. Shefali Tsabary, the true source of frustration and uncertainty faced by most parents comes from one fundamental misunderstanding that has been perpetuated for generations, which is this:

The child you’ve been blessed with isn’t actually the most important one for you to focus on.

But rather, it’s the one inside you.

Because until you heal your inner child’s wounds and return to a space of deep love and self-awareness – then you won’t be able to show up as the parent your actual child needs.

In fact, that’s precisely how you end up tattooing all of your own shortcomings and self-destructive patterns onto your child.

And so instead of worrying over discipline, parenting tactics, or which school or class to send your child to…

The absolute best thing you can do for your child is first to nurture your own inner child.

This is the fundamental truth behind Conscious Parenting: a revolutionary parenting paradigm pioneered by Dr. Shefali, who is now one of today’s most lauded parenting luminaries.

And through this Mindvalley program, you’ll discover everything you need to know about Conscious Parenting – and how to harness it to rise above your parenting challenges as you honor your child (and yourself) in the most authentic way.

Introducing The Definitive Guide To Conscious Parenting

Through the Conscious Parenting Mastery program, Dr. Shefali Tsabary offers the first-ever step-by-step roadmap for evolving your relationship between you, your child, and your inner child.

Through a series of powerful tools and mental frameworks, you’ll discover how to first focus inwards – and then harness your own self-evolution to address your parenting challenges with compassion and empathy, at every stage of your child’s growth.

More specifically, you will experience five unique transformational shifts that take you from where you are, to where you can best nurture your child and yourself as a Conscious Parent

  • From Projection: Superimposing our own thoughts and beliefs on to your child To Pause: Allowing your child to express who they truly are.
  • From Expectation: Placing undue pressure, both consciously and unconsciously, on your child. To Empathetic Engagement: Seeing the world from your child’s eyes in the present moment.
  • From Judgment: Labelling your child’s behavior as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ or ‘positive’ or ‘negative’. To Compassion Accepting: your child for who they are as an ever-evolving being.
  • From Reaction: Letting yourself to reach and get triggered by your emotions. To Feelings: Allowing yourself to observe and fully experience your emotions.
  • From Correction: Controlling and coercing your child’s behaviours. To Connection: Nurturing the deep, meaningful bonds you and your children crave.

Meet Dr. Shefali Tsabary: Your Conscious Parenting Expert

Endorsed by Oprah as “revolutionary” and “life-changing”, New York Times bestselling author and owning a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University, New York, Dr. Shefali is the foremost expert in the field of conscious parenting.

Dr. Shefali’s journey into this radically new parenting paradigm arose from her own experience as a parent herself. Reacting irrationally to one of her then 3-year-old daughter’s tantrums, Dr. Shefali became deeply self-aware that her parenting frustrations was never about her child. Rather, it was about her own unmet childhood needs that she was unconsciously projected on her own daughter.

This profound realization led her to dissect and challenge the more ‘controlling nature’ of traditional models of parenting – which, as soon discovered, often puts undue pressure on young children, robbing them of their confidence and autonomy.

Merging western psychology and eastern philosophy, Dr. Shefali espouses a more conscious approach to parenting that centres around honoring our children as sovereign beings, creating real connections with them, and most importantly, raising our own consciousness as parents.

What You’ll Learn

Effective Conflict Management:

Develop an instinctive understanding on how to navigate conflict at any age, rapidly resolve misunderstandings with love, and create an environment where empathic discussion is the default response, instead of anger or aggression.

Be Authentic:

Nurture both yourself and your child to communicate and show up as your most authentic selves, both with each other and with others – without fear of judgment or rejection.

Master New Parenting Skills:

From negotiations to boundaries to rules – discover unique Conscious Parenting tools and approaches to everyday parenting scenarios. And evolve into a parent that nurtures through love and authentic communication.

Be A Positive Influence:

Discover the most effective way to set a positive example for your child, and to create an environment of consistency – where your words and actions are always beautifully aligned.

Support Your Child’s Learning & Growth:

Learn how to motivate and inspire your child to evolve towards their fullest potential – without suffocating them through ‘old school’ disciplining or threats.

Enhanced Emotional Intelligence:

Help yourself and your child gain a strong level of emotional intelligence, so you can both understand and connect with each other on a deeper, more authentic level.

Improved Connections & Communication:

Empower your child to find their own voice, confidence, and empathy – so they can build meaningful and rewarding relationships with people from all walks of life.

Deeper Self-Awareness:

Understand the essence of who you really are, and inspire your child to discover themselves in the process. This is the core foundation of the Conscious Parenting methodology.

Explore Conscious Parenting Mastery

The Conscious Parenting Mastery program is the definitive guide to transforming you and your child’s life through Dr. Shefali Tsabary’s groundbreaking parenting philosophy.

On this 35-day journey, you’ll join Dr. Shefali herself for just 20 – 30 minutes per day, as she systematically elevates you beyond the myths and illusions of the traditional parenting model – while giving you the tools and guidance you need to raise your level of consciousness, and nurture a deep, meaningful connection with your child.

Whether you’re raising a toddler, young child, teenager, a young adult, or even if you’re still expecting or trying for a child – this program will empower both you and your child with extraordinary emotional and spiritual awakenings that will reverberate across your lifetimes.

PART 1 Conscious Parenting & Our Roots

Your journey begins by laying the groundwork for a new, more conscious approach to parenting. Here Dr. Shefali will shine a light on the current unconscious model of parenting as you take a deep introspective look at your own childhood patterns, and how they may be manifesting in your relationship with your child.

Highlights include:

  • Setting your sacred intention: use this 4-step exercise to get clear about how you wish to grow as a parent.
  • Disrupting the patterns we inherited from our parents: discover how your own upbringing may be influencing your current parenting style, and how you can free yourself from your parents’ expectations.
  • The myth of the parental instinct: embrace a new paradigm where conscious parenting is learned and cultivated so you can gradually connect with yourself and your children.
  • Transformative Skill 1 – Projection to Pause: learn how to stop yourself from projecting your own expectations on your children so they can learn how to step into their own authenticity.
  • And so much more…

PART 2 Changing The Mindset

Breaking through the cultural myths of parenting is a core pillar to becoming a more conscious and compassionate parent. Liberating yourself from these myths will naturally open you and your child to more beautiful, trusting connections.

Highlights include:

  • Nurturing an emotionally-resilient child: create the space your child needs to embrace the full spectrum of their emotions and why ‘wanting happiness for your child’ actually causes anxiety and suffering.
  • The Culture Archetypes: break free from toxic labels that may be negatively influencing your current parenting style – so your child can express their natural joy and bliss.
  • Turn fear into courage: discover the simple habit that encourages your child to be courageous and ‘in the moment’, without even thinking about it.
  • Transformative Skill 2 – Expectations to Empathetic Engagement: creating this simple shift in the way you parent is the key to nurturing a deeper relationship with your child.
  • And so much more…

PART 3 Changing You

This chapter, you’ll learn how to redefine yourself as a conscious parent. Discover the emotional toolkit you need to change both your inner world and become a more effective parent who raises children with a high level of self-confidence and self-esteem.

Highlights include:

  • The pitfalls of the ‘loving parent’: unravel one of the biggest parenting beliefs that cause many unwitting parents to place undue expectations and pressure on their children.
  • The emotional toolkit for effective parenting: use these techniques to assess your own emotional reactivity so you can meet your children’s own emotional needs. Recognizing your child as a sovereign being: understanding this simple concept could your child from years of anxiety and insecurity.
  • Transformative Skill 3 – Judgment to Compassion: learn how circumvent any unconscious judgment you may be placing on your children so they feel accepted and confident as they are.
  • And so much more…

PART 4 Changing The Relationship

Being able to see the world through your child’s eyes is crucial to understanding their most important needs. Dr. Shefali will show you how to better understand the root causes of your child’s behaviors –even the behaviors that may be deemed “disruptive” or “bad”.

Highlights include:

  • Understanding your child: most parents go through life never really knowing their child on a deeper level. Use this framework to finally learn who your child really is.
  • From parent to spiritual guide: transcend the role of ‘mom’ or ‘dad’ and instead become the guide your children need so they feel empowered to express their truest selves.
  • Transformative Skill 4 – Reactions to Feelings: use this technique to help assist your children navigate through any emotional turbulence they experience.
  • And so much more…

PART 5 Transform Discipline To Mindful Connection

Tie everything up in the final chapter where mindful connection and teaching becomes the heart of your parenting approach as a fully awakened conscious parent.

Highlights include:

  • How to relinquish control: learn how to negotiate between freedom and fear, and how you can guide your children without controlling them.
  • Creating conscious boundaries: discover how to place the right boundaries in your home that enriches your child’s growth rather than restricts and stifles them.
  • Transformative Skill 5 – Control to Connection: rewrite the rules of the “parent-child” relationship so you can see one another as allies on a path of self-growth and self-discovery.
  • And so much more…

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Shefali Tsabary – Conscious Parenting Mastery
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