
[] Shawn – 100K Super Affiliate 2021


“How My Brother Took 1 FREE Traffic Source Turned Into 2000+ Email Subscribers- and $25,334.77 In Profit In 10 Days From
ONE Affiliate Product”

I’m sitting here in a bit of disbelief in what I just witnessed.

Money was just being printed.

Over and over and over again.

ClickBank sale after ClickBank Sale.
Over $25,334.77 was made in PROFIT.
All from free traffic.

And ONE affiliate product.

Not to mention the list of 2000+ that was built at the same time.

I got into online marketing in 2008 for this VERY thing.

Online marketing SHOULD move this fast.

SHOULD be this lucrative.

I started online in 2008 and I roped my younger brother into this world in 2010.

And neither of us has looked back since.

Only problem here is – I am an email marketer and he isn’t.

He has driven me crazy because he wouldn’t build a list.

Let’s fast forward a bit…

You know I now live in Australia.

But about 3 months ago I had to make an emergency trip back home to see my ailing father.

And due to the pandemic, I am still here.

And I’m living with my younger brother.

I’ve been watching him work on this ‘free traffic’ source.

It was getting some traction and then about a month ago it stopped.

Game over.

He had made a few thousand dollars but it looked like what was a new ‘goldmine’ had dried up.

But luckily for you… the story doesn’t end there.

Because he kept at it…

And just when he was about to accept it wasn’t going to work…

He is literally printing money now.
Look at the dates on that screenshot.

That is literally stats from last week.

And guess what he’s doing next week?

Replicating it.

Again and again and again.

Which is why…

Recently, He and I sat down for a little chat.

Looked at exactly what he’d stumbled on.

And how he made a fat 5-figures off of a single promotion.

Built a huge 2000 person email list from scratch

And guess what…

This week he’s teaching me.

And in turn, I am teaching YOU.

You get to watch as I set up my traffic.

Set up my optin.

Get subscribers on my list.


10 years ago my brother and I took a
fake $100,000 bill and ripped it in two.
He has one half in his wallet.

The other half in mine.

We made a bet that one day we’d work on the same project.

And race to $100,000.

Well, last night he opened up his wallet, pulled out his 1/2 of the $100,000 bill and went…
Game freakin’ on.

We’re both working the same system now.

And as I roll this out, you get to watch my entire process.

From niche, to setup, to offers I promote.

And by this point you’re probably wondering “Why on earth would you share this with me Shawn?”

You’re one of my subscribers.

You are the ONLY ones seeing this offer right now.

And because I’ll get better at my own process if I’m teaching you everything I’m doing.

It also holds me extremely accountable.

Remember, I’m in a race with my younger brother to $100,000.


So what exactly does this mean for you?

Starting next week we’re doing a live training.

You get to watch me build this from the ground up.
Our $100,000 project.
(Remember, this is net earnings, not gross)

My brother has already proven what’s possible.

I literally watched as it unfolded.

With a huge grin on my face from ear to ear as he kept reminding me of all the sales pouring in.

And he threw down the gauntlet.

Again, you have been on my list for a while now.

And I’m rewarding you.

You get front row seats as I roll this out.

And document it all.
My brother has cracked the code.
He just made over $60,000 (once the recurring payments hit).

He also has a fresh list of 2000 hungry subscribers.

And he did it all by making simple little videos and posting them up.

And before you start guessing – NO – it has nothing to do with YouTube.

And the best part…

Once he started collecting emails, it was game over.

He now has a money printing machine.

And it’s NOT stopping.

Him and I are in a race to $100,000.
It’s Like 2011 Facebook All Over Again.
This is a relatively new traffic source.

A year ago I ALMOST jumped in.

But then I saw a ‘guru’ say, “I don’t know how marketers will make money from this”.

Fast forward to now…

It’s like 2011 Facebook All over again.

Ever heard of TikTok?

Now before you click away thinking “TikTok – that’s a joke – I ain’t having anything to do with TikTok”

Please – hear me out.

I thought it was a freakin’ joke.

And I am inviting you to join me.
Look… This is the holy grail of internet marketing…

YouTube? Over crowded – good luck getting your videos seen!

Facebook? Well… I hope you don’t get your ads account shut down!

Tik Tok is truly the Wild West for internet marketers right now…

The proof is in the pudding.

You saw the stats…

You saw the earnings…

And it was all done with ZERO ad cost… nilch – nada – nothing!

And I truly believe – anyone can do this… including YOU!

What do you have to do?

Just replicate what I am doing… That’s it!

I’m being coached by him…

…and you get to watch me replicate all this LIVE.

So here is what happens now.

Training goes live on Tuesday the 15th.

I’m getting set up this week and documenting it all.

Getting my traffic started and prepping my promotions.

And IF the big yellow button below still works, you’re in!

If not, that means this has already sold out.

I’ve never seen a system work this fast.

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[] Shawn – 100K Super Affiliate 2021
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