
Sex Coach Prep School by Alexa Martinez


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So you want to be a sex coach?

Every week for the past few years, I’ve received DOZENS of direct messages asking me the same question…

“Alexa, how did you become a sex coach?”

And you know what I tell them?

I tell them that all of the things you THINK you need aren’t necessary.

You don’t need to get a 4-year degree to become a great sex coach.

You don’t need to lead with sex online.

Heck, you don’t even have to be in a relationship, or having sex at all.

To become a great sex coach you must make one very important decision…

You must DECIDE you are a sex coach, and then begin.

This is exactly why I created Sex Coach Prep School.

So that all you have to do is decide that it’s time, and let me guide you the rest of the way.

It’s time to become the sex coach that everyone wants to work with.

Sex Coach Prep School is for you if…

  • You’ve always wanted to become a sex coach but have no clue where to start
  • You’ve thought about going back to school to get a degree but don’t want to wait that long to get started
  • You desire to become a coach but need some accountability & direction
  • You naturally find yourself coaching your loved ones and friends about their relationships
  • You’ve always been intrigued by sex, love, and relationships and how they operate

You love talking about sex

and feel excited to create a life where you get paid to talk about it!

…or if

  • You are ready to feel confident as a coach and begin accepting paying clients
  • You are done feeling stuck in your professional life and feel ready to move forward and take action
  • You are ready to debut as a sex coach OR integrate sex into an existing coaching business
  • You are ready to connect with a community of other sex-positive coaches doing the work alongside you
  • You are ready to stop talking about it and FINALLY make your dream of becoming a sex coach a reality

In Sex Coach Prep School, we’ll cover:

Coaching Basics

  • I start with the basics and what it actually takes to become a great coach
  • For example, I cover how to structure a coaching call and what can be included in your time with your client
  • Then I give you access to dozens of tools to use on your coaching calls like journal prompts, meditations, visualizations, etc
  • I go over everything from how to ask great questions, to what to do when you don’t know how to help a client
  • Plus I teach you how to create your coaching support squad so that you have a holistic team to refer to with confidence

Sex Education: Anatomy, Sexual Health, Sex Basics & Advanced

  • Next, I go into the sex education that I wish every coach had. This includes an in-depth anatomy lesson, learning about hormones and cycles, as well as the importance of getting tested for STIs, and my personal favorite subject…orgasms!
  • Together, we will actually go through the entire Sex & Love Academy program – which is my signature sex education course. In SLA, we will cover both the information as a participant and how you would actually coach this material so that you get both perspectives.
  • In Sex & Love Academy, you will receive the following modules:
    • Module 1 – Welcome, Forgiveness, Support Squad, Up-leveling Friendships
    • Module 2 – Sex Ed Basics: Anatomy, Sexual Health
    • Module 3 – Sex Ed Advanced: Lube, Toys, Kink, Tantra, BDSM
    • Module 4 – Communication
    • Module 5 – Relationships by YOUR Design
    • Module 6 – Sex Magick & Beyond


  • Throughout the entire program, I will be giving you opportunities to practice your coaching skills because I truly believe great coaching requires one main skill: practice!
  • You will receive opportunities to coach and run activities both for the group and in 1:1 sessions
  • I will also be assigning you plenty of opportunities for you to coach outside of the Prep School container as well with your homework assignments

Business, Sales & Content 101 

  • Now it’s not enough for me to teach you the basics of great coaching, I want to teach you the basics of running a coaching business as well.
  • What that looks like is understanding how to gain clients, how to make a business plan, and the basics of making an irresistible offer.
  • I also teach you the basics of how to make offers and sell your services both via messaging and on sales calls so that you can sell yourself and your brand with ease!
  • Last but not least, I show you the basics of creating great, authentic content that engages the right type of people

Exam & Certificate of Completion

  • I care very deeply that each of my clients leaves my container feeling confident in their abilities which is why I provide an examination for each student to take and pass before completing Prep School.
  • Based on passing the exam, and your attendance in the program, I will be able to grant you a certificate of completion.

I’m Alexa and this is my story

I’m a sex, love, and relationship business coach for dedicated and passionate people who are ready to create a life of abundance doing what they love.

In my experience, people make getting started as a coach harder than it needs to be.

My journey to getting started was quite simple. It was when I DECIDED to be a sex coach. Yes, that’s it.

And your journey can be that simple too.

First, I started talking to anyone and everyone who would listen about sex, love, and relationships. I coached my friends, my family, and eventually, my first client.

Then, I took an active role in educating myself. Yes, I have a degree. However, most of what I utilize in my coaching is all self and experience taught.

I am CONSTANTLY seeking deeper knowledge in my field. And the knowledge is VAST.

Becoming a sex coach gets to be easy


Because here’s the thing. If I had waited to feel like I know it all, I’d never gotten to help the people that I have always known that I am here to serve. I would have made it so much harder than it needs to be.

I simply made a decision to serve.

Ever since I made that decision to commit to myself as a sex coach, I have been able to build a business and life that I love.

Now I’m packaging EVERYTHING I have learned from my entrepreneurial journey and what I’ve learned working with clients over the last 4 years into Sex Coach Prep School. So that you can become the Sex Coach that you’ve always dreamed of…and that everyone dreams of working with!

This is what gets me out of bed every morning. It’s this mission that together we can help SO many more people.

It’s knowing that you are only a few months away from building a business that lights you up AND makes your money.

Because life is TOO DAMN SHORT to not live in your purpose.

And I’m here to support you through the very exciting and most important step.

The step where you decide to begin.

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Sex Coach Prep School by Alexa Martinez
$1,850.00 $79.00 Add to Cart

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