
Ruth Soukup – Elite Blog Academy 4.0



Freedom and flexibility. The two things you want more than anything else. The only problem? You have no idea how get there.

Maybe you’ve dreamed of starting a business, but aren’t quite sure how to begin. Maybe you’ve heard that there’s money to be made online, but you don’t really see how, or have any idea how that could work for you. Maybe you’re just stuck in a job you hate, and are looking for a way out. Maybe you’re just ready for a change.

EBA will show you exactly how to build this business you’ve been dreaming of, step by step, because our unique Upside Down Business Model™ has been proven, time and time again, to get results.

By the end of this program, you will:

  • Nail down your messaging. Know your target audience and what you want to say, setting yourself up for exponential growth.
  • Master the art of creating content that resonates. We’ll give you a clear template for crafting content that people pay attention to.
  • Build a beautiful, organized, professional-looking website. Your website is the face of your business, so it has to be good. We’ll help you make it great.
  • Drive traffic to your website through proven growth strategies. We’ll help you get more eyes on your page and ensure you don’t waste time on the wrong things.
  • Build your email list. We’ll show you how to leverage email to nurture a thriving community of people who know, like, and trust you.
  • Create a cohesive social media strategy. We’ll tell you exactly where your time is best spent so you don’t waste precious energy trying to be everywhere all at once.
  • Successfully create & launch your first product. We’ll walk you through the process and show you exactly how to get it done.
  • Generate a steady income. We’ll show you how to focus on ROI in order to start earning more money a whole lot faster.
  • Craft a long-term business strategy for sustainable growth. In the end, blogging is a marathon, not a sprint. We’ll show you how to build momentum that keeps you going strong.


Here at EBA®, with over 11,000 students in 60 countries worldwide, we’ve refined and perfected the process of creating a successful, profitable and sustainable online business. We know what works and what doesn’t, and we’ll show you exactly what steps to take to create and grow the online business you’ve been dreaming of.


Since launching my first blog, Living Well Spending Less, in 2010, my business has grown into a multi-million dollar company. I’ve become the New York Times bestselling author of 6 books, launched a top-rated podcast, and even given a TED talk.

But it didn’t start out that way!

When I first started, I struggled hard trying to figure it all out. There were SO many times I felt like quitting, and I can’t even tell you how often I secretly wished for some magical fairy blog-mama to share all her secrets of success. Sadly, she never appeared, but I swore to myself that if I ever did figure out the secret to blogging, I’d be that fairy blog-mama to someone else!

And that’s exactly what Elite Blog Academy is all about.

No, it’s not a magic wand, but it IS probably the next best thing: a clearly laid out, step-by-step guide that will show you, in crystal clear detail, exactly what to do.

It’s the secret blueprint for success you’ve been waiting for.


“Since 2014, I’ve gone through the course three times. Every single time, I learn something new. Ruth’s teaching has proven correct through the years. Her wisdom isn’t based on the latest algorithm or fad but tried and true methods that withstand the test of time. Even after the first few lessons, I doubled the traffic on my blog. Since enrolling, my blog is more focused, more beautiful and more useful to my readers. Thank you, Ruth!” — Elaine Mingus, Radical Christian Woman


Have you ever felt completely overwhelmed by the amount of expert advice available and wished someone could just show you, step by step, exactly what it takes to grow a successful, profitable online business?

Believe me, I get it. I have totally been there, and I know exactly how it feels.


When I first started blogging, I was completely clueless. I was a stay-at-home mom of two little girls, and truth be told, I was going a little bit stir-crazy. I decided to start a blog about trying to live well on a budget, which was something I was really struggling with. The purpose of the blog at first was simply to hold myself accountable—I never dreamed that people would actually read it.

But almost right away, I discovered that there was this whole other world of blogs and bloggers and blogging, and that people were actually making money online. I knew I had found my people, and I wanted to be a part of it, and I soon set a goal to make enough money blogging that my husband could quit his job, even though it seemed completely crazy.


At first it was hard and completely overwhelming to find my voice, and even to just figure out what to write about. Add to that the logistics of trying to grow an audience and somehow get paid for my time, and I was struggling. After all, I didn’t feel like I really had anything original to say. I was just a mom of two little girls. I certainly wasn’t an expert in anything, (much less saving money!).

I saw all these bloggers around me who had been doing it for so much longer. From the outside, it seemed like they knew exactly what they were doing. It felt like I was so far behind them that I’d never “catch up,” while offline none of my real-life friends understood either. Even my husband questioned what in the world I was doing. Truth be told,

I think he thought I was completely nuts!


But I knew that if other people were making money online, then it was actually possible, and that I could do it too. And so, despite the fact that I didn’t really know what I was doing, I was determined to make it work. I began learning everything I could about growing my traffic and creating a successful blog, and I started to gain a little more confidence as my efforts slowly began to pay off.

In a moment of frustration, I also swore to myself that if I could figure out how it’s done, I would try to help as many people as I could.


Ten years later, my business reaches more than a million subscribers and generates a 7-figure income. But more importantly, my message is resonating with people and it’s helping them live a better life. So now, the more I share, the more impact I’m able to have.
Every day I receive emails from readers whose lives have been impacted by words I’ve shared, and that’s pretty amazing.


But this story doesn’t stop with me, because I want the same for you. No matter what your message is, I will show you how to reach your tribe and effortlessly draw them in. I’ll show you how to turn that loyal following into a full-time income and I’ll show you how you can do it by focusing on a few key activities that will make all the difference. This is the exact plan I continue to follow to this day. And it is the plan I lay out in detail at Elite Blog Academy.


“I was blogging for 6 years before I started EBA, and I went through every single module and got something from all of them, even the ones where I thought I knew a lot about that specific topic. It is a great guide for anyone who wants to go from being just a blogger to having a blogging business.”
— Jasmine Watts, Miss Millennia Magazine


Over seven years and 11,000+ students, we’ve learned what really works….and what doesn’t. Our powerful, game-changing framework is designed to get you the massive results you are looking for, in less time, with far less frustration than if you tried to do it on your own.

Here’s a look at how our course is structured:


The first phase of creating a successful, profitable blog is to refine your message–not just what you say, but how you want your readers to feel when they come to your site. Elite Blog Academy will show you exactly how to refine this message of yours, to hone and craft it and perfect it until it is part of you, and until every single person who comes across your blog can tell at a glance what you are all about. More importantly, they’ll know what they have to gain by being there.

For experienced bloggers, this will immediately allow you to forge a deeper connection with your audience, and begin cultivating a real tribe of raving fans.


  • Nailing down your blog structure & tagline.
  • Creating your customer avatar.
  • Learning how to write with F.O.C.U.S.
  • Designing the perfect website to showcase your brand.


The second phase in our EBA framework is to grow your audience. Finding people to actually read your blog can sometimes feel like a daunting prospect, but it doesn’t have to be. From list-building and SEO to viral growth using social media, at Elite Blog Academy we’ll provide you with an armory of proven, detailed strategies for how to get your message heard and shared. You’ll never feel unsure of how to get more traffic again.

If you’ve already been blogging for a while, this module will especially help you hone in on the importance of (and secrets for) growing your email list.


  • Crafting your elevator pitch in order to convey your message clearly & succinctly.
  • Optimizing your stellar content for maximum search results on Google and Pinterest.
  • Creating your first lead magnet and autoresponder campaign.
  • Learning how to grow your email list quickly and easily.
  • Developing a cohesive & effective social media strategy.


The third phase in our EBA framework is to monetize your platform. This is where the rubber meets the road and where blogging starts to get really fun, because it is where all the hard work you have put in starts to really pay off and multiply. But believe it or not, not all income streams are created equal, and at Elite Blog Academy you’ll learn exactly where to focus your efforts in order to maximize your bottom line and skyrocket your profits.

For experienced bloggers, this module is where you will see a dramatic boost in revenue as you begin to hone in on

ROI and more effective and advanced monetization techniques.


  • Nailing down your monetization strategy in order to begin generating a steady income from your online platform.
  • Developing your first real product.
  • Planning and executing a “Baby Seed Launch” to introduce your new product to your audience.
  • Mastering the art of sales & marketing, from writing sales copy to building a sales page and so much more.


The fourth and final phase of creating a successful, profitable blog is to build your business. This is the point where you realize that you are not just a blogger, but an entrepreneur, and this is also the point at which you can really take off and begin to find massive success. Elite Blog Academy will show you how to work smarter, not harder, and how to build momentum that keeps you going long after you’ve completed your course work.

As an experienced blogger, this module will be key to your future growth and sustainable revenue, answering many of your business-related concerns.


  • Learning how to maximize your time and energy and work a whole lot smarter, not harder.
  • Crafting a long-term business strategy for sustainable growth, long into the future of your online business.
  • Changing the way you look at your blog, as not your business itself but as the most important marketing tool of your business.
  • Truly becoming the CEO & leader of your company and understanding how and when to grow your team.

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Ruth Soukup – Elite Blog Academy 4.0
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