
Paul R. Scheele – Meditate with the Himalayan Masters


Master Meditation through Modern Technology and an Ancient Tradition

You can increase your creativity and reduce your stress, when you learn to master meditation. Many of the most successful people in business meditate to gain these benefits plus many other positive changes such as improvements in…

  • Physical, mental, and emotional well-being
  • Concentration and focus
  • Thinking and decision-making

This​ digital program makes it super easy and much faster to master meditation. You can practice these meditations in just a few minutes each day to gain significant advantages in business and life.

Ask yourself these 3 questions:

  1. Do you intend to meditate yet find you have little or no time to practice?
  2. When you meditate, do you want a more profound and deeper experience?
  3. Do you find it difficult to sit still or stay awake?

These are the most common difficulties even the most advanced meditators face. If your answer is yes to any one of these questions…

Meditate With The Himalayan Masters is your solution to master meditation.

Increase Your Energy, Peace, and Happiness in Just 3 Minutes

What if you could close your eyes and within minutes, light up regions of your brain and gain access to more of your mind’s resources?

Imagine…in the same amount of time that you often wait for a traffic light, you could:

  • See new possibilities, so your work produces more prosperous results.
  • Reduce anxiety and worries, so you can be more effective in decision-making.
  • Improve self-confidence, so you can conquer challenges with greater ease.

All this is possible when you master meditation from this ancient tradition taught through modern technology.

What insights could be waiting for you as you master meditation?​

Dr. Paul Scheele and Swami Veda Bharati, a direct descendent of the Himalayan Yoga Tradition and an initiate of Swami Rama, the great yoga master and founder of the Himalayan Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy brings these meditations to you.

Swami Veda’s breakthrough demonstrations of mind mastery are legendary from the research completed at the Institute of Noetic Science. These studies indicate he could exert physiological control over his autonomic nervous system, maintain his ordinary state of awareness while deeply in meditation, and even exert greater coherence in the environment.​

As a student at the University of Minnesota, Dr. Paul Scheele’s yoga disciplines were a welcome relief from the stress of his studies. As a businessman, husband, and father, Dr. Paul Scheele practices meditation each day to gain new perspectives, keep mentally sharp and emotionally calm, and maintain his youthful physiology.

Dr. Paul Scheele knows this incredible meditation practice can benefit entrepreneurs, other leaders, and you.

Together, the brilliance of Dr. Paul Scheele and Swami Veda give you a quick way to drop into profound states of meditation almost instantly anytime of the day or night in just 3 minutes.

As you follow each recorded meditation, you can:

  • Discover brilliant ideas and profitable creativity to compete in business
  • Experience profound restorative relaxation to maintain your health
  • Enhance physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of yourself

Those who master meditation for just a few minutes a day also enjoy more:

  • Tranquility and harmony
  • Clarity and concentration
  • Energy and balance

Now it is your opportunity to experience these benefits when you master meditation.

Here’s Why This Digital Program Helps You Master Meditation

The four, 30-minute meditations anchor a powerful state of meditation with a 3-minute version that follows to instantly elicit the same state. You learn how to practice these 3- minute meditations throughout your day, every 2 to 3 hours, so you can reconnect to the deepest meditative state you experienced earlier. You can listen to Swami Veda guide you in the 3-minute version meditation until you can do the 3-minute process by yourself.

Swami Veda’s mastery of a 5000-year-old tradition combines with the modern expertise of Dr. Paul Scheele in this program. It creates a most powerful way to master meditation…quickly with ease!

Your ability to meditate is vital in this era in which stressful challenges and rapid change impact how well you can accomplish your business and life goals.

These digital meditation recordings are effortless… just sit back, relax, listen, and allow the audio to help you master meditation without any difficult yoga postures.

Master Meditation to Improve your Business and Life!

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Paul R. Scheele - Meditate with the Himalayan Masters
Paul R. Scheele – Meditate with the Himalayan Masters
$127.00 $15.00 Add to Cart

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