
Melissa Griffin – Email List Academy


Email List Academy

A customized, 90-day system for online creators who want to massively grow their email list, increase engagement, and master the power of email marketing

Now, the dollar amount people give varies from “a month” all the way up to multiple six figures.
But the sentiment is the same. People want to make money from their blogs and businesses… and they want to change their lives.
And if you’re reading this page, I have a hunch that you’re on the same page.
Well, allow me to let you in on a little secret…

Your email list is your biggest asset as a business owner

Trust me – I went from earning less than a year at an exhausting full-time job…
…to a seven-figure business. In just 3 years.
(And it wasn’t because I’m any smarter, more experienced, or harder working than you!)
I was able to grow my business so quickly because I learned a system to grow my email list…
…build a relationship with my subscribers…
…and make sales through email marketing.
I’ll share more about my story in a minute – but first…

I want to get an idea of where you’re at right now.

Any of this sound like you…?

  • You’ve been working at this business thing for a minute now, but you’re having trouble growing your email list.
  • Or maybe you’re brand new in business, and you’ve heard email is important… but how the heck do you even get started? (Hellooooo tech nightmare!)
  • You’ve found some list-building strategies… but either they’re confusing and overwhelming, or you just can’t stay consistent with it (especially since, when you do try them, they don’t seem to work as well as you expected).
  • You know you should be sending things to your email list (even if it’s super tiny)… but you’re not sure what to write – and you just can’t seem to find time to sit down and make it a priority.
  • You see other people’s blogs and businesses take off as their lists grow... and you wonder, “What are they doing that I’m not???”

Yeah. I get it. I’ve been there.

And I’ve taught thousands of entrepreneurs who’ve been stuck in the same spot.

Just Imagine…

  • ..Finally hitting the coveted “1,000 subscribers” benchmark and feeling confident launching your first product.
  • …No longer feeling like you’re creating content that disappears into thin air…because now you have a list of subscribers who eat up your blog posts and buy your products.
  • …No more struggling with social media algorithms – and instead being able to pop into your audience’s inbox whenever you want to.
  • …Getting heartfelt responses to the emails you write from people who are obsessed with what you create in the world.
  • …Seeing notifications on your phone for new sales that came in from an email you sent to your list.

Here’s what I’m teaching you during your 90 days in Email List Academy:

Nail the Foundation

You’ll hit the ground running by learning WHY your email list is so important, developing your first lead magnet, creating a landing page, and engaging with your subscribers using my coveted Nurture Sequence.

Skyrocket Your List Growth

Hold onto your hat. It’s time to rev up your list-building engine and start skyrocketing your email list results. (But don’t worry – I guide you through it all, step by step.)

Master Engagement and Sales

Now that you’ve got the systems in place to build your list, let’s shift focus to boosting your email list and turning it into an automatic sales machine.

Sales Page: _


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Melissa Griffin – Email List Academy
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