Matt Furey – The Power of Thought Vibration


The Power of Thought

On the way to breakfast this morning, I popped in a CD called The Power of Thought Vibration, something I’m giving out  to everyone who gets a copy of The Unbeatable Man, a book that fans says is “the best I ever wrote.” In fact, this book may be winning an award very soon.

Anyway, I hadn’t listened to this CD in a while, so I wanted to make sure everything on it was as incredible and amazing as I once thought.
And let me tell you, before and after breakfast, despite having umpteen things on the front “to do NOW” burner – I kept driving so I could listen to the entire CD.

My friend, what I reveal on this CD applies in sports, in business, when talking to others and when opening yourself up to new experiences that you’ve always wanted but couldn’t have because you were making life more difficult than it is.

This CD is easily worth $49 and I’m certain you’ll want to listen to it again and again and again. You can get it NOW, at no charge with your order of The Unbeatable Man.

But I’m not going to make this premium CD available forever when I really could be charging for it. So I’m only going to make it available to the next 247 people who jump on this offer right NOW.

BTW, here are a couple shameless plugs from others about my book.

Matt – I’ve read The Unbeatable Man several times now and get something different out of it each time! I’m still lovin’ your ability to weave the story in and out of the education you wish us to glean from the lessons you’re teaching.

I gotta say, I’m surprised that, after at LEAST 3 read-thrus, I’m still anxious as each match approaches, still cheering as if I were in the stands, and still feeling the emotions after each battle. I have laughed, cried, and shared it with all my friends.

Thank you for such a wonderful book. Like so many others, I’ve given it to my 13 year old son to read. I’ll send his thoughts to your office as they are much more private (and telling of how much a truly open mind can get from what you teach!) THANK YOU!

Rachel Campbell Young
author of What if You Were Thin!



I just finished your new book. It was powerful. Read it straight through. I’ll be telling my readers about it next week.

Looking forward to “the college years” version.

Stay strong,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, M.Sc.
Author of Turbulence Training

Thank you Rachel and Craig. I’m thrilled to hear how much you like The Unbeatable Man. Keep spreading the word.

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Matt Furey – The Power of Thought Vibration

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