
[GroupBuy] Leonie Dawson – 40 Days To A Finished Book


Books change the world

One story at a time.

One person at a time.

It’s time to actually birth this beautiful book of yours into the world and let it do what it was meant to do.

  • It’s meant to heal you as you write.
  • It’s meant to touch so many lives.
  • It’s meant to create more clients for you.
  • It’s meant to build your credibility.
  • It’s meant to bring you abundance.

So here’s what we’re going to do:

Fuck waiting another year.

Fuck waiting for another time that will never come.

We are going to DO THIS THING.

  • We are going to schedule in 40 days.
  • I am going to give you daily, step-by-step instructions and accountability.
  • You are going to be surrounded by a mastermind of other writers.
  • There is going to be guidance. And support. And calls. And accountability. And FUN.
  • I am going to teach you everything I know about getting that book into the world into as many hands as possible.
  • I’ll teach you how to self-publish, and why it can be the best option.
  • I’ll teach you everything I know about getting a publishing deal.

Why should you learn from me?

To put it simply, I know my shit when it comes to writing, finishing and marketing hugely successful books.

  • I’ve sold well over a million dollars in books
  • I’ve sold over $14 million in revenue – all while only working 10 hours a week!
  • I’m an internationally best-selling author whose books have been used by over 500,000 people
  • I’ve hit #1 and #3 at the same time on Amazon Aus for ALL BOOKS!
  • I’m prolific – I’ve authored 15 editions of my Life + Biz workbooks, plus three more books.
  • I’ve had a huge amount of success both in self-publishing + getting a publishing deal.
  • I’m the winner of Ausmumpreneur of the Year’s People’s Choice Business Coach, Global Brand & Businesses Making A Difference Awards.
  • Proudly neurodivergent with ASD.

What you will get

  • You will get a daily accountability email for 40 days. It will include a writing tip + a request for your word count completed for that day. This is author accountability on SPEED!
  • You’ll join a Kajabi Community mastermind. You will get additional support, advice + brainstorming help from other authors on the same path as you! You are not alone!
  • You will have access to our collection of group coaching call recordings. Got questions about the process? I can 98% promise they will be answered already in these calls!

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Delivery time: 12 -48hrs after paid


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[GroupBuy] Leonie Dawson – 40 Days To A Finished Book
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