Lawrence Bernstein – Million Dollar Hard Drive Players in Print


Lawrence Bernstein – Million Dollar Hard Drive Players in Print

I am writing today to sell you the world’s most expensive computer hard drive of blockbuster ads and response boosters.

And with that sentence, I’ve just broken a cardinal rule of sales letter writing – I’ve told you up front what I’m selling, instead of warming you up first. If you think that’s unusual, in just a moment I’m going to break some more.
Because this is no ordinary hard drive and to be truthful, it’s not for everyone. You’re busy and probably don’t have the time to read this through to the end only to discover the price and content of this unusual offer are out of reach for 99% of those reading this. So, with your permission, I’m now going to break another rule and tell you the price right up front.
It’s the world’s most expensive hard drive for creating winning direct response advertising and.
It’ll set you back a whopping $100,100

That’s £81,056 in pounds. €95,112 in euros.

And finally, let me break one more rule while I’m at it.
Sales letters like this are normally heavy on the guarantee. They promise unconditional and instant money back if you don’t like the product for any reason.

Want to know what the guarantee is with world’s most expensive hard drive?

It’s precisely the same as with ANY print ad insertion, DRTV spot or direct mail drop.

Zip. Zero. Zilch.
That’s the REAL world of high level direct response. and business.

So, if you want a friend, get a dog. And if risk-free “voyeurism” is your thing, stop reading. The Internet is awash with “zero-risk” products and you can download one thousand thirty one $97 e-books instead.

Why have I chosen to break all the rules? Because this drive breaks all the rules as well.

Announcing the 17-pound FedEx laden with your new direct response SUPER POWERS
for 2017. 2018. 2020 and beyond

1,853 HEALTH & BEAUTY print ads. Everything under the sun. (“Health & Beauty MegaBase” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
HIGH TICKET Selling (Part 1): “How to turn $49 investment newsletter subscribers into high ticket buyers. for a $10 Million week. (“High Ticket” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
634 FINANCIAL ads. DM packages & print with 15,000 fully searchable keywords. Investment newsletters, trading systems and software, options advisories, penny stock pitches and more. (“Financial MegaBase” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
CRIMINAL CLOSER’S Manual: The Feds shut them down. but not before this rogue firm booked $250 million in sales. This 76-page training manual was mandatory reading for employees. (“Criminal Closers” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
KILLER CHIRO campaign grew this franchise from a handful to HUNDREDS of clinics. 29 ads. 134 total chiro ads. (“Killer Chiro” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
30-page checklist for writing “Story Ads that Sell.” (page 600, Players in Print Volume 3)
ALT-HEALTH. 320 Direct Mail control packages. (DM Health MegaBase on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
4-foot-11 marketing GIANT’s fool proof knock-off insurance. and $200 million payday. 52 ads. (“4-foot-11 Marketing Giant” on Million Dollar Hard Drive.)
SELF-HELP secrets: 209 DM packages and print ads. (“Self-Help” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
Supplement Swipes. 352 proven print ads. (“Supplement Swipes” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
RETAIL COPYWRITING dwarfs mail order. and this treasure trove of 420 long copy ads TROUNCED the competition. (“Retail Copywriting” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)HEALTH INFO-MARKETER’s secret stash. No pills or potions here. The secrets of selling health related books, reports and plans. 185 winning ads. (“Health Info Marketing” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
“Dentorials” that pull. 69 print ads. (“DENTAL” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
PREPPER products. Market of hillbillies, paranoids and cooks? Think again. The survivalist’s market continues to soar. and high ticket products abound. 124-page lesson for selling $10,000 power generators. 84-page “how to” for pitching $500 freeze-dried food rations. a 30-page control for moving cases of colloidal silver kits. (“High Ticket” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
FASCINATION FILES. 134 pages. Ad collection sent unsolicited to direct response legend, Marty Edelston. His friendship worth a thousandfold the check. (“Fascination Files” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
HOT NEW direct response lead for 2017. $8.5 million in sales and 80,000 new customers thanks to this unlikely lead. Working like gangbusters in health and wealth. (“Hot New Lead” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
$1,300 GOLD? The greatest silver and gold print ad swipe file there is. from a 50-year copywriting veteran. 75 ads. (“Silver & Gold” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
Socialist’s SALES SECRETS. He once boasted in a headline: “Do You Realize (blank) is the Largest Book Publishing Enterprise Ever in Existence?” But since he sold HUNDREDS of millions of books, none can quibble. His 223-page title testing manual. and greatest ads collection. (“Socialist’s Sales Secrets” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
Ultimate Trading Swipes. 75 DM packages. (“Trading Swipes” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
Pain Relief 151 winning print ads. (“Pain Relief” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
PICK-UP artist in print. Mild mannered agency-man by day. pick up artist by night. His pioneering print campaign. (“Pick Up” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
WEIGHT LOSS. Many marketers don’t have the risk tolerance for it. But if you do. try this: 1) a good advertising lawyer and 2) this weight loss swipe file of 171 current and recent print ads, including: supplements, weight loss centers, hypnosis, and cosmetic surgery. (“Weight Loss” on Million Dollar Hard Drive)
FUNDRAISING fortunes. Ogilvy’s response boosting dynamite (not in any of his books). British advertiser’s £147.7 million windfall in 2015. Virginia farmer’s formidable fundraising secrets. €278 million raised in 2015 by this monolith…


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Lawrence Bernstein – Million Dollar Hard Drive Players in Print

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