
Jon Sinn – Get Laid More Study Course


“The BRAND NEW Get Laid More Home Study Course Shows You How Five ‘Average Joes’ Became Legendary For Their Ability To Get Girls Into Bed… And How You Can Too!”

Hey Man,

You’re not getting laid as much as you could be. Practically no one is. It’s not necessarily your fault either. The fact of the matter is that there’s not much quality information out there that’s going to get more women into your bed.

After about two year into the “game” I was able to get laid on a pretty regular basis. I was laying probably about a new girl or two a month on average. But I knew that I could be doing better. So I decided to seek out guys who were getting laid A LOT more than I was to learn directly from them. Some of these guys where naturals, and others where seduction community “pick-up artists” types.

Flash forward three years later, and I’m now getting laid a lot more than even I could have imagined in my wildest dreams. But that’s not the point of this letter…

The point of this letter is that I’ve spent over three years building my own “inner circle” so to speak of guys who are truly legendary for their ability to get girls into bed. These are the guys that I have personally learned and ton from and the guys that have helped me take my game to the next level. Put it this way. These are the guys that I go to when I’m looking for advice.

And now, for the first time ever. I’ve gathered up the four absolute best “ladies men” I know and asked them to reveal to me their BEST secrets for getting laid. The end result of this is a groundbreaking new course called the Get Laid More Home Study Course. This course is designed to help you do one thing and one thing only and that’s help you…

Get Laid More And Get Laid Faster Than Ever Before!

The Get Laid More Home Study Course is an action-packed six CD course that will take you inside the minds of the world’s greatest pick-up artists. Here’s what I have in store for you on the ground-breaking new program:

CD #1: Brad P and Sinn on 10-Minute Lays

You may have heard about the legendary pick-up artist who goes by the name of Brad P. Brad took the pick-up world by storm a few years ago and since then has consistently been ranked by many people as the #1 pick-up artist in the entire world.

One of Brad’s specialties is meeting a new girl and then having sex with her in literally ten minutes or less. That’s right: meet to sex in under ten minutes. It may sound impossible but it’s true. Brad has done this countless times and I have done it quite a few times myself.

In this CD, me and Brad P detail the exact strategies and techniques that you need to make 10-minute lays a regular part of your game. Here’s some of what you’ll discover in it:

Brad P’s simple process for making you a master of 10-minute lays as quickly as possible! (He’ll tell you exactly how he mastered this seemingly “impossible” skill when he was first starting out!)

The #1 most important secret for getting 10-minute lays! (Amazingly, Brad P has narrowed the process for getting 10-minute lays to two steps that literally anyone can do!)

Revealed for the first time: Brad P’s secret technique for showing mental dominance over the women you are gaming!

The REAL difference between the guys that go on to become “get laid experts” and the guys who are only experts at coming up with excuses… and how not to become one of the guys in the second category.

The hidden secret of “buying temperature” and how it can transform your sex life!

Brad P’s simple method for finding out which girls are ready to get laid RIGHT NOW… and which one you’ll have to “close” a little later!

And much more!

CD #2: The Legendary Captain Jack and Sinn on Sexual Framing

If you’ve followed my stuff for any length of time, then you know that the pick-up artist that goes by the name of Captain Jack needs no introduction. I moved across the country to learn first-hand from this guy a couple of years ago and my game has not been the same since.

Captain Jack is famous for his ability to get Same Night Lays and he is also famous for introducing the concept of Sexual Framing to the community a couple of years ago.

In this amazing CD, I interview Captain Jack as he gives his latest breakthroughs on Sexual Framing as well as his latest teachings on female psychology. This is all BRAND NEW stuff that has never been heard before. Even I was taking notes during the interview! Trust me when I tell you that your game will never be the same after listening to this CD.

Here’s some of what you’ll discover in the interview:

Captain Jack’s recent revelation on female sexuality that will COMPLETELY change the way you game from here on out!

How Captain Jack gets laid like a rock star without using flashy “attraction techniques” and why it’s often harmful to use them!

The #1 thing Captain Jack is trying to accomplish when he first starts talking to a girl that allows him to get laid almost every time he goes out!

How to pick-up a girl that has a boyfriend! (And why it’s sometimes easier to get a girl into bed if she does have a one.)

Captain Jack and Sinn’s “brain dead easy” formula for getting laid! (This one is so easy that you could forget everything else in the course and still get laid like a rock star!)

Exactly what to say when you’re going for a quick lay and your girl says, “I’m not that type of girl.” (This works every time and it’s SO sneaky that it should be illegal!)

CD #3: Scotty OTM on Lifestyle Mastery

In the next CD, I interview Scotty OTM on how to develop your own “rock star” lifestyle. Scotty is not a “pick-up artist” per se. He’s actually one of the most amazing naturals that I’ve ever seen.

The thing that really stands out about Scotty is that he’s engineered his lifestyle so he’s always around beautiful women. He’s done such a good job of this that he’s able to date tons of super-hot, model types of girls without having to ever do a “cold approach.” He’s a master of “social circle” game.

Not only that, but this guy is amazing when it comes to getting hooked up at clubs, getting free stuff, and getting connected with seemingly “unreachable” people.

If you want to become “that guy” that is always surrounded by hot girls and has tons of social connections then you need to listen to this CD.

Here’s some of what you’ll discover in it:

The #1 key building a social circle filled with hot girls!

Insider secrets of getting “hooked up” at the hottest clubs! (Scotty reveals in step-by-step detail exactly how to do this!)

How to be the type of guy that girls will actually want to introduce their hot friends to! (It’s much easier than you think!)

The MOST important club employee that you need to become friends with! (I promise that it’s NOT who you think and that you have NOT heard this before!)

How to live a superstar lifestyle even if you have a “normal” job – and why this “normal” job may actually be one of your biggest assets!

Revealed: the #1 rule of social circle game! (Break this rule and you’re in trouble; obey it and you’ll be getting more easy pussy than you know what to do with!)

Breakthrough strategies for dating super-hot girls (like models and actresses) and how they differ from regular girls!

And much more!

CD #4: AFC Adam Lyons And Sinn on Logistics

The last member of my “inner circle” of top flight pick-up artists is none other than AFC Adam Lyons. AFC Adam is a guy who was voted the least likely ever to get a girlfriend in high school and went on to become recognized as one of the top pick-up artists in the entire world. He’s consistently ranked in the top of three of every “Top 10 Pick-Up Artists” list out there.

In this CD, you’re going to discover Adam’s secrets for handling logistics (as well as my own logistics secrets). So many guys miss out on lays because they don’t correctly handle the logistics of the situation. This will never happen to you after you listen to this CD.

Here’s some of what we’ll cover:

The first step you must make if you want to have any chance of taking a girl home with you! (Without this step, getting laid is literally impossible.)

Adam’s killer technique for “game planning” before you go out! (This technique alone will literally multiple your chances of getting laid that night.)

The single biggest mistake guys make in terms of logistics – and how to make sure it doesn’t happen to you!

Sneaky tactics from both me and Adam for getting girls out of the club and back to your place!

Exactly how to set up your apartment to give yourself the best chance of getting laid!

How to get the girl you’re gaming to get rid of her friends so the two of you can have sex – and have her think it was her idea!

And much more!

CD #5: Guide to “Sexalation”

The next CD features yours truly on the topic of “sexalation.” Sexalation is my funny made-up word for sexually escalating the interaction. It’s escalating the interaction verbally, physically and logistically towards sex with the idea of having sex with her overtly on the table

This process is so powerful that it alone can turn a guy who isn’t getting much sex at all to having sex with four or five new girls a month EASILY. If that’s something you’re interested in, you’re going to want to listen to the CD and take detailed notes.

Here’s some of what we’ll cover:

The FIRST thing you must do before you can begin moving your conversations towards sex!

The single biggest mistake guys make when trying to get laid… and how to avoid it!

How to develop unstoppable sexual confidence – fast!

Revealed: my top three absolute best techniques for creating physical arousal!

Two great, “top secret” routines that make physical escalation SUPER easy!

Easy ways to bring up the topic of sex in a way that seems very “innocent” and non-threatening!

And much more!

CD #6: Overview of Same Night Lays

Want to meet a girl and take her home that SAME night? If so, then you’re going to want to listen closely to this information-packed CD where I give an overview of my complete system for getting Same Night Lays.

Here’s some of what you’ll discover on this amazing CD:

The “hidden secret” for getting Same Night Lays that absolutely NOBODY talks about!

The 3 magic questions you must ask if you want to know if getting a Same Night Lay is possible!

The importance of choosing the right venue when it comes to Same Night Lays and my easy 4-step formula for determining if a venue has good Same Night Lay potential!

Why “blow outs” are actually your friend when it comes to Same Night Lays!

A misunderstood reason why many girls who don’t look like the “one night stand” type are actually some of your best candidates for getting Same Night Lays!

My closely guarded secrets of sexual rapport! (This is another misunderstood topic that can me the difference between going home alone and ending the night with hot, porn-style sex with a new girl!)

And much more!

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