
John Jonas – The One VA Away Challenge


Hire the Right VA the First Time!

No more guessing or hoping you’re doing things right… I guarantee you’ll find a GREAT VA when I walk you through the DETAILED RECRUITING method I use to hire my personal Filipino virtual assistants…Or I’ll give you your money back!

My One VA Away recruiting training…

  • Is quick and effective. You don’t have time to waste.
  • ​Has proven successful over and over and over.
  • ​Took me more than 15 years to hone and perfect.
  • ​Has only been shared in detail with a select few in my inner coaching circle.
  • ​Will guarantee you a fantastic VA hire with very few exceptions.
  • ​Will give you the confidence you need to pull the outsourcing trigger, make your first Filipino VA hire, and help you get your life back.

What does One VA Away mean for you?

  • Maybe you’re someone who…
  • Feels sapped of creative energy by the day-to-day grind and you just need a break.
  • Has fresh ideas on how to grow your business, but no time to implement those ideas.
  • ​Has a growing business and you’re ready to hire help, but you don’t have the funds to source local workers.
  • ​Or maybe you just want more time to enjoy life outside of owning and running a business.

Completing my One VA Away Challenge means you can have the time, creative energy and resources to conquer all of the above. Take the challenge and watch the incredible results roll out.

Is the One VA Away Challenge for You?

Take a minute to ask yourself the following… (Check all the boxes that apply to you)

  • Do you have big plans for your business, but you don’t know where to start?
  • Do you get frustrated by the time constraints and menial tasks that make you a slave to your business?
  • Are you curious to know how outsourcing could help expand your business?
  • Are you ready to hire virtual help, but not sure where to find great workers?
  • Do you need help in your business, but can’t afford local wages?
  • Are you less than confident in your recruiting skills?
  • Do you wish you had more time to do the things that you love?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, you are ready for the 7-Steps One VA Away Challenge.

How Did I Create the 7-Steps One VA Away Challenge?

This is the BEST recruiting training I’ve ever done.

This challenge is driven by the mantra, “hire once and hire well.”

The directives are based on my experience of hiring tons of Filipino workers to work in my personal business (over the past decade and a half) AND the feedback/input of thousands of outsourcing business owners I’ve coached.

I’m handing you all of the recruiting tools that come from hours and hours of successful recruiting.

And I’ve packaged all of the information into easy-to-follow videos.

In seven brief sessions, you’ll discover everything I’ve uncovered about hiring Filipino VAs in detail. In fact, you’ll master the very process I use to this day to hire my incredibly talented and competent VAs.

This process includes the hiring strategies that work without fail, the red flags to watch for while hiring, the recruiting approaches you should avoid at all costs and so much more. This challenge is the Holy Grail of hiring Filipino workers, and you can uncover all of it and hire a VA for yourself in seven short days.

So, WHAT is it and HOW does it work?

In this 7-Steps Challenge, I won’t just tell you about my experiences. I won’t hand you a trivial “how to list” and wish you “good luck.”

In seven sweet and to-the-point videos, I’m going to guide you through the intricate process of actually hiring a VA, and I’ll teach you how to do it in the very personal context of your own business.

Just buy the 7-Steps Challenge at today’s one-time, INCREDIBLE price, and watch one video a day for the next week (or on your own timeline).

If you follow the steps I give in these videos and complete each daily assignment, you’ll be ready to hire the perfect-fit employee by the end of the week!

How Did I Create the 7-Steps One VA Away Challenge?


  • How to build an outsourcing business structure that works FOR you instead of one that DEPENDS on you
  • The BEST 4 things to outsource and how to identify them in your business
  • Why you don’t have to hire/fire multiple times to find the perfect-fit VA
  • What’s WRONG with the traditional approach to hiring a VA (And how to do it the right way)
  • Finally answer this question: “Should you outsource things you hate OR things you’re really good at?”
  • The MOST important skills to look for when evaluating candidates
  • Why you need to begin by hiring ONE VA to do ONE task, and how to expand from there


  • Discover the largest website for finding Filipino virtual workers, with over 500,000 Filipino resumes
  • Why you shouldn’t try to find ‘The one’ and what you should do instead.
  • A quick and simple outreach template you can use to contact potential VAs
  • Find out the best starting salary that will attract talented VAs
  • What to put into your job post that will help you quickly spot the rockstar VAs
  • What you shouldn’t do when it comes to dealing with potential Filipino VAs
  • Write and Post Your Job on


  • Let The Magic Begin(Interviewing)
  • Why I’m getting the most success from interviewing candidates
  • My winning interview process
  • The question set I use to gauge good VA candidates
  • What you shouldn’t do so you don’t scare away talented VAs
  • What you should look for from a VA candidate’s responses


  • What you should look at during interviews
  • The type of questions to ask for specific VA specializations you’re looking for
  • The one VA quality you should pay close attention to
  • Red flags you should know when it comes to evaluating a VA candidate’s response and their profiles
  • Qualities You’re Looking For


  • Narrow It Down/Skype Interview
  • When to start narrowing down your VA candidates
  • Follow up questions you should ask to ensure your relationship with your VA goes smoothly
  • The next step of the interview process that will help you find the VA candidate you’re leaning towards
  • The tools to download to make your relationship with your VA 10x easier


  • The key things to uncover about your VA and what to negotiate on
  • How to test all your VA candidates the right way
  • The best test tasks for specific VA roles
  • The things you should be wary of when offering test tasks to Filipino VA candidates
  • Test & Finalize Policies/Candidates


  • Hire! and Set Expectations
  • What to discuss with your first VA (Salary, work terms, working hours, output agreement)
  • The #1 problem you’ll run into with your VAs (and how to avoid it)
  • What the first task should be
  • What’s WRONG with the traditional approach to hiring a VA (And how to do it the right way)

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John Jonas – The One VA Away Challenge
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