
John Carlton – Best Ads



From: John Carlton
To: You


For years now, people have been hounding me about a rumored collection of all my most infamous, notorious and (sometimes) legendary ads and direct mail letters…

… that includes detailed stories on how these beasts came to be written (revealing the often – shocking tales behind the hooks, headlines and strategy)…

… all supposedly stuffed into a single digital package…

… for cheap.

And I’m here to finally admit
that it’s all true.
This collection exists, and all the stories revealing how each ad or letter was created are included.

And… yes, it’s so freakin’ inexpensive, it’s kind of embarrassing.

I mean, people have spent massive time and money stalking many of these ads… and some of the manuscripts were once thought to be lost forever (because, over the decades, I often did not keep samples of the steady stream of ads I pumped out).

This collection has been carefully edited and transferred to digital form… which makes everything super-easy to access. It won’t take up nearly the massive space on your bookshelf as the original packages would, either.

And while the ads are pure gold… they’re even more valuable with the added insight and back-story I’ve provided on each one.

Some of the stories behind the creation and execution of these pieces will give you an otherwise impossible-to-get window to the world of hyper-successful entrepreneurs, and how legendary copy gets created.

You’ll laugh, you’ll be shocked and delighted, you’ll be allowed behind the scenes of advertising tales involving Gary Halbert, Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy, Joe Polish, and a host of brilliant, semi-insane and ridiculously-successful entrepreneurs who are fearless about running outrageous ads (as long as they make money).

My handle has, for many years, been “the most respected and ripped-off copywriter alive”… and it’s no idle boast. Marketers have desperately sought out my ads for decades, so they could both see what a great ad looks like…

… and absorb some of the mojo for themselves. Headlines, hooks, verb choice, positioning paragraphs, killer closing pitches, brilliant teasers, bullets that kept people awake at night…

… every ad is a Grad School course in salesmanship, persuasion and evil-good marketing strategy.

I’ve had uber-successful biz owners shyly admit that their entire campaigns were based on studying my ads and copy, and applying what they learned to their own efforts.

I’ve also known that MANY so-called “famous” ads bouncing around have been incorrectly attributed to me… while others I actually have penned are not.

That’s why this amazing collection is such a hot ticket.

Not only are you assured that this towering pile of ads and letters was PERSONALLY collected by me…
… but you get back-story introductions that could
ONLY come from the original writer.

Along with the absolute guarantee that each ad and letter are the REAL THING, in the form they were created and run in the real world.

And yes, I reveal stuff (like results and embarrassing details) the clients probably would prefer I didn’t share…

… and maybe down the road this collection will be pulled off the market. (It’s been impossible to find for years… and it’s NEVER been in one digital format before.)

So, yeah, you wanna jump on this.

Here’s what you need to do now: We really will pull this collection off the market if we feel we need to.

So grab your package now, while it’s available (and still dirt cheap).

How much?

Well, first consider how much these ads were worth to the clients. I’ve always charged breathtaking fees for writing copy… tens of thousands of dollars, often with a royalty attached.

And you should note, by the way, that I’m STILL receiving royalty checks on some of these ads. The client simply converted them to Web pages, or to Video Sales Letters to run on mobile devices… and with almost no changes at all, copy I wrote 20 years ago is STILL pulling like crazy today.

(That’s the sheer power and beauty of great salesmanship.)

Next, figure that the RESULTS of running these pieces brought home massive moolah, often over years and years of remaining a control. (The normal life-span of a control ad, for most high-end marketers, is three to six months. Many of my ads are still pulling, as I said, twenty YEARS later.)


… you’ve got payloads of cash and results hovering around this collection… from both a long history of absurdly-profitable campaigns, and all the after-market success from folks using these ads to spur ideas, hooks and copy for their own projects.

I will tell you, also, that a few years ago – the first time I made this collection available in one package – several hundred marketers who were “inside” enough to know about it paid over a thousand dollars each to get their hands on the collection.

And I dribbled it out over three years… so no one had the entire collection all at once when I first released it.

For you, today, I am offering the whole enchilada – the complete newly-edited digital “John Carlton’s Best Ads… and The Stories Behind Them”…

… for just $197. [Yes, there’s a payment plan that gets all the ads in your hands today for a fraction of this price.]

There’s no better way to learn how to write great copy yourself…

… than to have a collection of ads and letters that you KNOW were successful…

… at your fingertips…

… with explanations of how it was put together in the first place.

Whether you devour this collection for inspiration… or for insight into how this level of advertising is accomplished… or for specific ideas on how to write your own copy…
… the main thing, right now,
is to HAVE it.

And for the price of a medium-fancy meal at a not-so-romantic restaurant, you can. 24/7 access, from any device, to the package of ads other marketers have been hounding me to release for years.

(You can replace that $197 pretty quickly, anyway, the moment you are inspired or suddenly-hip to writing the ad YOU need to make your own project explode.)

This is not just inexpensive – it’s freakin’ cheap.

But I want you to have it. This release will likely only be discovered by copywriters and entrepreneurs who deserve to know about it. No way is this collection getting co-opted by the mainstream business audience out there.

So it’s a very good thing that you stumbled over here.
… Every ad and letter is available,
via any device you’ve got, 24/7.

You’ll have full access within minutes of placing your order.

Your satisfaction is guaranteed – if you’re not happy with the package, for any reason or for no reason at all… just let us know within a month for a full refund.

No questions asked. And we’ll still be pals.

I obviously could charge a small fortune for this collection…

… but I want as many entrepreneurs and copywriters as possible to have it. The price is a small nod to the decades of hard work and effort I put into my career and writing.

I’m not gonna get rich off this release… but I am charging a small amount to receive it. I’ve put my heart and soul into these ads (and the stories behind them).

If you’re like the few others who managed to secure this collection years ago (before it disappeared)… then you’ll immediately discover the POWER of great ads to inspire you to write your own killer stuff.

And that’s the Key To The Kingdom, my friend. Really knowing what goes into a great ad unlocks the future for you, so you have a wide-open path to whatever cash-heavy goals and lifestyle you desire.


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John Carlton – Best Ads
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