
Jacob Caris – Fast Cash Rolodex


7 Closely Guarded ‘Cash On Demand’ Strategies You Can Start Using TODAY…

JC’s Fast Cash Rolodex Has Been Unlocked!

Watch The Video Below In Full Before You Get Started…

In my 10 years experience working with businesses of all shapes & sizes…

From multi billion dollar companies through to one person startups in the online space…

The biggest issue is ALWAYS cashflow.

Nearly all businesses die because they simply cannot generate enough cash.

The ability to literally generate cash on demand is VERY rare in business & few entrepreneurs & business owners possess the strategies to make this a reality.

Since I started building my online business in 2017, and to this day as we tackle scaling from 7 to 8 figures, I am ALWAYS on the lookout cash generating strategies.

Having strategies like this at your disposal does more than just bring some fast cash through the door…

It gives you control & confidence.

You can make decisions about the direction of your business, the offers you’re going to make, the clients you’re going to work with & the content you’re going to create WITHOUT ‘needing’ to do anything.

This has a significant flow on effect to your brands positioning & your ability to charge premium prices too.

That’s why I created this program…

So entrepreneurs like you can turn the tables on the game & protect your future & your businesses future.

The Fast Cash Rolodex arms you with the playbook to start generating sales TODAY with these little known fast cash strategies.

It’s all well and good to have a ‘long term’ focus, but if you can’t start making sales NOW your business will die & ‘long term’ won’t even exist.


Jacob has built his online business from 0 to 7 figures over the last 4 years quickly becoming a leader in the information marketing arena.

He has won several HIGHLY sought after awards, helped hundreds of students breakthrough online & is highly regarded as a top expert in the digital marketing industry. He is known for his direct, no BS approach to sales, marketing & business.

In short, Jacob knows online business & he knows monetisation. Here’s just a snapshot of his results & achievements in the digital marketing space….


The Fast Cash Rolodex is a program the market has been BEGGING for & it has finally been delivered in style.

It is a course for serious entrepreneurs who want to arm themselves with tightly held secrets & strategies to generate cash on demand in their business.

It is a straight to the point, no BS training revealing a playbook with SEVEN strategies you can start using today.

The Obvious Yet Difficult Reality Is:

Your Business Needs Cash To Survive.

Sadly, Most Entrepreneurs & Business Owners Do NOT Have Strategies To Generate Cash On Demand Leaving Their Business At Serious Risk Year Round.

This leaves them vulnerable, weak & exposed to competitors, industry changes & market conditions.

Not having strategies like the ones revealed in the Fast Cash Rolodex for your online business is the equivalent of driving a car, blind folded, the wrong way down a one way street.

It’s insane.

An online business needs 3 things to function like a well oiled machine; something to sell, people to sell it to & strategies to extract the maximum amount of cash from your audience as possible & ascend them to your highest value offers.

Chances are if you’re on this page you’ve got something you want to sell & you’ve probably got some kind of audience.

An email list, a FB Profile, a Group, a YouTube Channel?

You’ve been creating content & trying to build your audience but just hasn’t been able to really nail monetisation.

You’re sick of ‘waiting’ for the day you can cash the check from the hours & hours spent creating content & ‘nurturing’ your audience.

The problem is, when most entrepreneurs try & do this, they fall flat on their face due to impotent & ineffective cash generating strategies.

Maybe your coaches & mentors have told you to just ‘provide value’ & the sales will flow because you are so helpful to your audience?

How’s that working out….

You simply cannot leave sales, cashflow & monetisation up to chance.

You MUST tackle it directly & you must start today.

That is what the Cash Flow Rolodex allows you to do.

Any ONE of the strategies taught inside the Cash Flow Rolodex program are enough to 10x your investment this week…

But if you’ve followed me for any length of time (or purchased any of my programs) you know I overdeliver. Period.

So we haven’t limited this program to one strategy.

We’ve opened the whole Rolodex & hand picked SEVEN absolutely killer cash siphoning strategies that you can start implementing today.

If you’ve got something to sell & some people to sell it to…

These strategies are the missing piece between your phone lighting up with those juicy Stripe & PayPal Notifications…

Or another Facebook notification from that clingy freebie seeker in your DMs wanting more for nothing (you know who I’m talking about).

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Jacob Caris – Fast Cash Rolodex
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