
[HOT] Steven Clayton & Aidan Booth – The Kibo Code


What we’re going show you today BREAKS ALL “THE RULES”

Every last one of them.

Here’s why…

We can safely assume that since you began looking to the internet as a way out of your day job…or simply to supplement your income, you’ve been led into trying one of the following in an attempt to make money online…

Affiliate Marketing…

Selling products on Amazon…

AliExpress Dropshipping…

Creating Info products…

Search Engine Marketing…


…and obviously, the list goes on.

Of course, maybe you’ve had success, (and we sincerely hope you have)… but what we CAN assume is the reason you’ve pursued one or more of these avenues is because the products, courses and people you’ve been following have been telling you to do so.

Now let me just clarify something important…

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with any of the business models I just mentioned…

However, while these business models can produce huge profits, some of them are notoriously difficult to implement, financially risky and can take many months to materialize into money.

And this “months to materialize into money” factor is a REALLY KEY POINT for one VERY important reason…
“Failure to see results fast” is THE biggest reason why people throw in the towel and it regrettably means that 99% of people never get anywhere.

Has this happened to you?

Have you failed or given up before?

If you have, then obviously it will have hurt (and maybe still does!)… but the only way forward is to ignore the past, forget about previous failures, and focus on the future.

That’s how every successful online entrepreneur thinks (without exception)… and it’s how you should be thinking too.

This’ll Probably SHOCK YOU…

What if we were to tell you that you could generate more money in just 30 days than most people make in an entire year at their day job…

And what if we were to tell you that in order to do this, you need to have exactly ZERO experience at online marketing.

Difficult to believe, right?

Well, that’s totally understandable… and at this point we’d fully expect you to be dubious.

However, what we’re going to do is prove beyond all doubt that this really is the case by “opening the doors” and revealing a powerful formula so ridiculously simple to put into practice that with only a little bit of drive and concentration, literally anyone can make it work.

It’s something so revolutionary and so unique that hardly anyone talks about it for the simple reason that most people don’t even know it exists.

…and you wanna’ know the best thing?

In order to consistently make money using this system, all the “stuff” you usually need to think about is thrown completely out of the window…

In other words, here’s what you DON’T need:

7 Huge Benefits That Set This Apart From Everything Else Out There…


We use untapped sources of high-targeted buyer traffic where you place the products you are selling directly in front of people who are looking to buy them right at that very moment.


We only use products from US suppliers and to begin with we only sell these products to US based people. We don’t have to worry about communication issues like you often get when dealing with China.


We don’t stock, ship or ever touch any products and we NEVER buy inventory upfront. With many models you need to spend as much as $2000 to get started. With this method you don’t need to buy a product until you’ve actually sold it.


We have no competition as we’re choosing items from a selection of 3 million products. Therefore, unlike most business models where everyone is trying to push the same thing, it is exceptionally unlikely that we will be selling the same product as someone else.

You get extremely HIGH PROFIT MARGINS

Net profit margins for this business model are on average 50%. This means that if you earn $200,000 in revenue, then $100,000 will actually end up in your bank account.

You get very RAPID RESULTS

As you are able to fill your store with top-converting, profitable products within minutes you can test products to see if they sell within super-short time periods of 48 hours or less.


This system requires very little time to start, and as little as 5 to 10 hours a week to run so you can continue to work your day-job or current online business (if you want to).

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Steven Clayton & Aidan Booth – The Kibo Code
[HOT] Steven Clayton & Aidan Booth – The Kibo Code
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