
[Group Buy] Tactical Supplement Guide by PrimalThrive


Are you taking vitamin D, Omega-3 fish oil or even vitamin C?

Most vitamin and mineral supplements are made in labs, synthetic in origin and unnatural for your biology to utilise.

Writing this supplement guide will help you understand that:

1. Dosing isolated vitamins/minerals can oppose other vitamins/minerals and even hormones bringing your body out of balance.

2. Isolated mineral supplements can interfere with mineral absorption from food.

3. Some synthetic vitamins do more harm than good and don’t do what they claim to do.

4. Certain supplements can do wonders when you have a particular problem or condition. Taking it during that period while addressing your diet and lifestyle.

5. Eating a hole food diet and not restricting any food group is the best way to get every nutrient in. However when access to certain foods becomes difficult a supplement can make up for it.

You will learn:

  • What supplements to absolutely avoid
  • Why to avoid those
  • Which ones to take
  • Tactical application of supplements for certain illnesses

Supplements for:

  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Digestion
  • Amino Acids
  • Antioxidants
  • Nootropics
  • Tactical supplementation

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[Group Buy] Tactical Supplement Guide by PrimalThrive
$36.69 $16.90 Add to Cart

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