
Frontend Unicorn – Become a Unicorn Developer (eBook)


Learn faster, earn more and become a true unicorn developer!

Discover how to learn, and what skills are essential to grow as a developer. Master the tools and methods, and you’ll feel confident in both small and large-scale projects.

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What’s inside?

Who is this for?

If you’re a junior or mid-level front-end developer, you’re in the right place. We don’t teach coding in the book, but instead we show you how to learn useful skills both within and around your craft, so you become a very valued member of your development team. These skills include understanding design, how to learn and how to communicate your ideas better.

They are based on our decades of experience with building digital products for both startups and Fortune500 companies.

Who are we?

This is our second book, after widely acclaimed “Designing User Interfaces” which is currently being used by thousands of UI Designers to boost their skills.

We are a team of designers and developers from Hype4 – a Warsaw, Poland based software house with over 500 projects under our belt. They range from pregnancy tracking startups, to huge fintech portals with charts, graphs and big-data.

Our other book

Our previous book, Designing User interfaces has been used by staff and faculty of many US based universities.


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Frontend Unicorn – Become a Unicorn Developer (eBook)
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