
[Download] Frank Kern – Social Sales Formula


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I Laughed When I First Saw This. But When It Brought In $202,000 In The First Week …

“This works better than anything I’ve seen in the past 22 years of selling products and services online.”

What We’re Doing

  • We’re Getting VERY WELL KNOWN Using Three Types Of Simple Social Media Posts.
  • We’re using those same posts to Build A HUGE AUDIENCE, And We’re Also Getting Email Subscribers In Droves.
  • We’re GETTING CUSTOMERS …by using a super simple “zero resistance” approach that’s working better than anything I’ve ever seen.

How We’re Doing It

  • We’ll work together for three days, (Of course everything is recorded and you’ll have unlimited access to the recordings, handouts, and templates).
  • ​You will get the scripts, templates, and frameworks that I use so there will be no guesswork and you can hit the ground running.
  • You’ll have ONE ON ONE access to my team so you can get help with anything you need.


In addition to the complete Social Sales Formula Training, the frameworks, the templates, and the ethical “algorithm hack” that makes Facebook and Instagram show your stuff to complete strangers …even if nobody’s ever heard of you, now you’re getting …


I have a small team of experts that have been helping my clients for YEARS. They’re not outsourced or commission based …these are long-term team members who earn over six figures on average.

These are the same experts that work with our $40,000 per year private clients, our $10,000 per month agency clients, and the same experts who have (literally) managed millions in ad spend for clients across almost every industry you can think of.

I mention all of this so you’ll know you’re dealing with real professionals …not just random people we outsourced. They’re the same people I trust with my OWN business.

Oh, in case you’re wondering …this is NOT a “Strategy Session” in disguise.
It’s 100% coaching and consulting for the sole purpose of helping you get results as quickly as possible.

Actual help from real experts who are qualified and happy to guide you.

And the way this works is simple:
Inside of the training itself, you have access to LIVE CHAT.
So whenever you have a question or need some guidance – we’re here for you.
In the event you message us in the middle of the night and we’re not able to answer right there on the spot, our favorite way to respond is by sending you an email with a personal video response …walking you through the answer to your specific question ...just like we were working together side by side. 
Most (if not ALL) trainings that offer this level of individual help cost upwards of $10,000.00
But you don’t pay a dime!
And I suppose you’re wondering why.
Like maybe there’s a catch or something.
Well, here’s my “confession”.
I’ve been in this business for 22 years and I’d like to stay in it for 22 more.
And most of my customers are repeat customers …so if you really love this training and you get great results from it, there’s a good chance you’ll take more trainings from me in the future.
So as much as this helps you, it helps me too! We both win!
You win because you have a great experience …and I win because I’ll probably have a long term customer.
Pretty simple really 🙂

But There’s One Small Issue …

(Isn’t there always?)

It’s not a big deal or anything.

It’s just that my team is pretty small. Like I said, I’m not pawning you off on some outsourced “contractors” or anything like that.

These folks have worked with me for years. They’re the same people who help me in my private client work and agency services.

They help me with my own business.

And that’s why this is so limited. We don’t have the capacity to do this for a ton of people.

So if you want in on this, act now.

The Requirements

  • Internet access, Social Media accounts, and a computer.
  • SOMETHING TO SELL: Or at the very least, an idea of what you want to sell in the very near future.
  • FOCUS: The method you’re learning is very simple. You might be tempted by “shiny objects” or other distractions. Don’t let that happen! If you follow the formula you learn in this class, you WILL have a super-engaged audience that you can sell to repeatedly …starting with your very first post.

No experience is required.

Important Disclaimer:

This is business.
Business has risks.
And there are no guarantees.
I’m not promising you any results of any kind other than a great learning experience as you discover a new and simple approach to selling products and services online. 
This approach is working better than anything I’ve ever tested, but I’m certainly not implying you’ll have the same experience I’ve had.
I’ve been doing this for 22 years and one thing I can promise you is that everything always takes more work than we think it will at first.
Having said that, the skillset I’m going to teach you is something you can never UN-LEARN.
The skills you learn here CANNOT be taken away from you. You will have this knowledge forever.

The Investment:

$397. That’s it.
This is a ridiculous offer and we both know it.

You will learn more from this class (and get better results) than you would from taking something that’s ten times more expensive.

The reason the price is so low is because I want everyone to be able to take advantage of this opportunity.

Another (admittedly selfish) reason is that the overwhelming majority of my customers are repeat customers.

So I know that if I do a good job for you in this class, you’ll probably want to take more classes from me in the future.
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Frank Kern – Social Sales Formula
[Download] Frank Kern – Social Sales Formula
$297.00 $30.00 Add to Cart

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