
Ed Reay – The Facebook Compliance Code


The Facebook Compliance Code

The Proven Framework To Scale Offers To 100… 400… Even 1,000 Sales A Day On Facebook… Without Worrying About Getting Pounded By Facebook’s Dreaded BAN HAMMER

PLUS how you or your in-house copywriters can create high-converting Facebook compliant copy lightning fast

Being in a toxic “on again, off again” relationship with Facebook doesn’t have to be the norm.

It doesn’t have to be “part of the game” to constantly get your ads shut down or banned.

It doesn’t have to be “part of the game” to have a cortisol spike every time you launch a new ad because you don’t know if it’s going to go live or not.

And it doesn’t have to be “part of the game” to suffer conversion in exchange for compliance. (In fact, compliant copy can help increase conversion).

There’s a better way to play the “Facebook Ads Game.”

And my clients are playing it well.

They’re breezing past Facebook’s compliance protocols and sustainably scaling fast & furiously without fear of getting shut down or banned.

My Name Is Ed Reay. When It Comes To Facebook Compliance 

I’m The Guy 7, 8, And 9 Figure Business Owners 

Call When The Stakes Are High And It’s Do-Or-Die

Like reviving a multi-7-figure a year funnel that got mercilessly banned. Locking them out of $345,000 in monthly revenue.

Or helping “Facebook-Proof” a free + shipping book funnel in the political niche doing 2000 front end sales a day that got banned every time they spent $100K in ads.

There are plenty more case studies and examples where I’ve helped businesses and brands scale their offers on Facebook compliantly.

And I could toot my own horn about this all day.

But I’d rather let others do the tooting for me (especially since I gave up playing the trumpet years ago).

Facebook Wants You To Run On Their Network

Your advertising dollars are their revenue.

It’s what makes their stock prices look good to investors.

But they also have to create a POSITIVE user experience which is at the root of how to create Facebook compliant funnels that scale to the moon.

When you understand how to create funnels and copy that can create a GREAT experience for the user…

Facebook will love you and reward you.

Which is exactly what I’m going to show you how to do today.

The good news is you don’t need to relearn copywriting from scratch or write incredibly boring stuff.

You Can Apply What You Already Know About  Copywriting And Marketing To Facebook Compliance

All it takes is a few of the right tweaks.

It’s incredibly simple when you use my Facebook Compliance Code Framework – or the FCC Framework for short.

For example, some people think that compliant copy simply means removing the word “you” from your copy.

In fact, I frequently use the word “you” in my Facebook compliant copy.

Which is why nothing makes me laugh harder than when people say:

“bUt YoU UsEd ThE WoRD ‘yOu!!’ ThAt’S NoT FaCeBoOk CoMpLiAnt!!”

It’s more subtle and nuanced than that.

And my Facebook Compliance Code Framework will pull back the curtain on WHEN and WHY it’s not okay to use the word YOU.

It’s not as cut and dry as removing simple words.

It’s also not about getting a new domain, new ads, new facebook page, new business manager, or changing your credit card.

And It’s NOT About Skirting Around Facebook’s Compliance Policies

Or trying to “game” the system.

That’s stupid.

Facebook is smarter than that.

I want to help you understand the SUBTLETIES.

To do that…

I’m Going To Decode And Simplify Facebook’s  Complex And Vague Compliance Policies

And show you how to apply what you already know about good ol’ direct response principles.

In a way that creates high-converting Facebook compliant copy and funnels that’s actually INTERESTING to read.

Which also creates a powerful, positive experience for the Facebook user.

So they keep coming back to the Facebook platform.

This keeps Facebook happy and happy with you.

And Over The Next Few Pages, I Want To Show You What’s Working On The Front-Lines For 8 And 9 Figure Powerhouse Companies That Are Scaling Massively Profitable Facebook Compliant Funnels And Copy

I want to show you exactly what’s currently working for 8 and 9 figure powerhouse companies that are on the front-lines of scaling massively profitable Facebook compliant funnels and copy.

Not only that, in the next few minutes I want to share with you…

  • The “3 part Facebook Compliance Code Framework” that you can apply immediately to your campaigns making Facebook compliance far simpler and easy to understand than you could ever imagine.
  • How to make your funnel “Facebook-Proof” so when your competitors are scrambling to get back online after getting banned you’ll be able to double down on ad spend and take their slice of the pie.
  • The surprising truth behind why your ads could still get shut down even if your offer and copy are super squeaky clean (it can be as simple as missing elements from the footer or header, or a landing that page isn’t set up properly).
  • A unique opportunity for the right people who are ready to become Facebook compliance wizards fast.
  • Why appealing your ads is one of the worst things you can do when you suffer an account shut down or ban
  • Plus I’ll take you behind the scenes and share an actual case study breaking down how I helped that Zuck-Slapped multi-7-figure a year funnel run at scale again compliantly this time.

You’ll Also Be Able To Outlast Your Competitors 

Because The Money Isn’t In Scaling Up Overnight On Facebook

It’s in being on Facebook for the long haul.

Because of how much stricter it’s getting, people are getting booted off consistently.

That means your competition.

So if you can survive on Facebook you become the king / queen of your industry by default.

Plus it helps if you get some feedback from ya boy Ed on how to not just have compliant copy but high-converting copy too!

And If You’re A Busy Business Owner You Don’t Have To mRelearn Copywriting To Write Facebook Compliant Copy

Anyone who gets their hands on the FCC Framework, will be able to write copy normally, but with a few simple tweaks.

You can implement these tweaks rapidly and have punchy, high-converting Facebook compliant copy ready to go.

As I’ve mentioned a few times this is a LONG-TERM adjustment to your business.

It might take some time.

It will take some work and getting used to (though with the FCC Framework I’ll show you how to make it simple).

But once you “get” it, you’ll be able to happily scale on Facebook with few bumps in the road.

I don’t want to say it’s a “set it and forget” it method of scaling compliantly on Facebook.

However it’s the closest thing I’ve come across to that.

Now normally I’d go into the course modules and show you what we’re gonna cover in each of the 4 weeks.

However I want to get you some quick wins first.

I know how urgent it is to get this compliance issue sorted out asap.

This was supposed to be a 4 week program (and it is) however I know you wanna put out this fire ASAP and get the ball rolling.

You can’t wait 4+ weeks to have your funnels well equipped to go to war with Zuckbook.

You want a quick solution?

I gotchu.

 I’m Gonna Break The Flow Of A Good Sales Process  And Introduce 2 Of The Bonuses You’re Gonna Get  When You Enroll In The Facebook Compliance Code Today. K?

These two bonuses alone are worth the entire investment (which we’ll get to soon. Lemme build up this value first real quick)….

They’re the product of $11M+ in tested ad spend from clients I’ve done done-for-you writing for (not including the ad spend from clients I consult with).

They’re also the product of learning from and working with many of the giants doing 7, 8, and 9 figures in revenue per year.

Use these two bonuses to comb through your funnel and ads to craft high-converting, Facebook compliant, scale-ready funnels in no time.

In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if you did all that before we even have the first live class!

These Bonuses Will Be Unlocked Over The Next Few Days 

So You’ll Be Able To Start Using Them Almost Right Away!

Without further ado, here are the firsts 2 bonuses:

Bonus #1: Copy & Paste Compliant Claims

Bada bing bada boom.

You already know I got the goods.

This is just one of the reasons they call me the Facebook Compliance Candyman.

If there was one thing that’s been requested more than anything, it’s this.

Any time you want to make a claim on Facebook, go through this list.

Pick a claim you want to use.

Copy & paste it onto your copy.

And watch your ads have a significantly higher likelihood of getting approved!

Plus some of these claims are pretty nifty and creative.

This is an ever growing list so you’ll get updates.

If you’ve got a claim that you don’t see handled on the list, just lemme know and I’ll be happy to dig for a claim that supports what you’re trying to say.

Or create one on the spot that’ll work for you!

Bonus #2: The Complete Facebook Compliance Checklist

This is the same “mental” checklist I take my private consulting clients who pay me $1500 an hour to go through.

And you’ll have it right in your hands.

Before you or your in-house copywriting team launches a new offer, sales letter, or ad, walk through this checklist.

Or if your ads are getting disapproved or shut down, walk through this checklist.

And drastically increase the chances of getting your ads approved.

It takes all 3 components of the FCC Framework and puts it in a simple, easy to follow process that anyone can do – even if they’ve never even heard of the word “compliance” before.

It’s that simple.

Plus there’ll be examples and deeper explanations added in.

You’ll also get to see what elements you need on each part of your sales letter, VSL, or landing page to ensure maximum Facebook compliance.

NOTE: This is not a ClickFunnels thing you can download. I’m going to give you a sheet showing the most important parts of a funnel to ensure maximum Facebook compliance.

So you’re not going to have to wait 4 weeks to get your funnels battle-ready.

You can take these 2 bonuses alone and craft Facebook compliant copy and funnels from scratch.

But we’re not going to stop there.

We’ve got 4 whole weeks to cover (plus a few extra delicious bonuses you’re going to love getting your hands on).

So let’s get to what we’re going to cover in each week of the course:

Week 1 – What Facebook Wants & How To Create Facebook Compliant Offers From Scratch

In this week we’ll cover:

– What Facebook actually WANTS so you can adjust your marketing message and THINK Facebook compliantly

– How to create a Facebook compliant offer from scratch (or adjust an existing one to be more Facebook compliant).

– The sneaky but easy way to name your products to be Facebook compliant… AND sexy.

– Where to find out what products you should and shouldn’t advertise on Facebook.

– What everybody ought to know about the word “you.” Can you say it? Can you not? Here’s how to find out when you can and can’t say the word “you” on Facebook

Week 2 – Messaging (How To Think Compliantly)

 This is where the biggest issue lies.

Most people screw this one up without knowing it.


Because good copywriters have a hard time writing Facebook-Friendly copy.

So think of it this way: When Facebook shuts down your copy it means your copy was too good for them to handle.


So this week we’ll cover how to cool down your copy and get it Facebook compliant.

Week 3 – Funnel Design

Even if your offer and copy are super squeaky clean… just because you’re missing elements from your footer or header, or your page isn’t set up properly your ads could be getting disapproved.

So we’re gonna go over how to handle exactly that.

Week 4 – High-Conversion Compliant Copy Masterclass

“Facebook compliant copy has to be boring!”

I roll my eyes anytime someone says this.

You DON’T have to write boring copy.

The copy you write can be incredibly interesting.

But only if you do it right.

That’s why I’m going to show you how to write high-converting and SEXY Facebook compliant copy.

And the good news is writing Facebook compliant copy can be easy when you’re a good copywriter – or at least if you have solid fundamentals.

Because you can apply the skills you’ve already learned to this new method of thinking and Facebook compliance.

Plus we’re going to go over 5 of my favorite Facebook ad frameworks that are designed with Facebook compliance in mind.

They’re proven hooks and angles that work very well on Facebook, and are easy to implement and get approved.

Even if you’ve never written a single Facebook ad before.

Each week’s class is 2-3 hours.


So you’ll get to ask me any questions during each LIVE session.

The recordings will be hosted inside your private member’s area in case you miss a session or wanna revisit it.

Here’s What You’ll Get:

  • The Facebook Compliance Code Week #1 – How To Crank Out High-Converting Facebook Compliant Copy Lightning Fast
  • The Facebook Compliance Code Week #2 – What You Can & Can’t Say On Facebook
  • The Facebook Compliance Code Week #3 – How To Set Up Facebook Compliant Funnels
  • The Facebook Compliance Code Week #4 – Facebook Ad Angles That Work
  • Bonus #1 – FREE One Hour 1-1 Call
  • Bonus #2 – Copy & Paste FB Compliant Claims
  • Bonus #3 – Facebook Compliance Checklist
  • Bonus #4 – Access To My Facebook Compliant Swipe File
  • Bonus #5 – 30 Days Of My Support In The Private FCC Facebook Group

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