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Bundle 11 eBook The Art of Dating Book Set by Kamalifestyles

Conversation Secrets

The Secrets to Entice a Woman’s Mind, and Capture Her Heart

For a long time, conversation secrets we have been told that women are complicated. They come from another moon. Probably that’s why you are here today. You want to understand women and what makes them tick. The secret to attract women is to offer them what they need. It’s very challenging for a woman to reject you when you offer her what she desires. It makes you different from other men, which will make your emotional connection intense.

It’s easier said, but the real challenge is how do you figure out what a woman desires if you have just met her?
Most women mistrust men, and that puts us in a negative position because you have to first work to level the playing field. That’s why it becomes crucial to master the skill of conversation and understand its secrets. You can build trust, comfort, attraction, and form a strong connection with a woman if you converse with her in right way. A good conversation can change a woman’s no to a maybe and then a yes. A conversation is the single most important tool to start and develop a relationship.

The real challenge for most guys is usually to build trust and initiate sexual tension with a woman they’ve just met.

Do you find asking yourself what you need to do to convince a woman that you like her?
That’s a commonplace that most men find themselves, but it’s also a desperate spot. Once you find yourself wondering what you can do to impress the woman, then the answer is mostly anything. That can make you come across as a guy who lacks confidence, leadership, and self-esteem. These nonverbal cues will trigger doubt, and the woman will start questioning your true intention, which can make the conversation tougher. There are so many other conversation traps that men find themselves in and lose the women they want as a result.

The biggest challenge is how you build a conversation where you will get what you desire. How do you talk to women? How do you package yourself in a conversation to make you look different and attract the woman? But that does not have to be one of your worries anymore. Although we do the chasing we are also the prize in the relationship. Building a conversation that illuminates clear light on your value and the value of the woman can make you indispensable. The Conversation Secrets eBook is a conversation guide that sheds light on secrets that can help you make your interactions with women simple. It’s like it gives you the tongue of a Wall Street broker and the tone of a saint.

You can get your copy of the Conversation Secrets: The Secrets to Entice a Woman’s Mind and Capture Her Heart eBook by clicking on the button below.
For most of the clients that come to me for help, we start with a conversation. In my years as an expert dating coach, I learned that when most guys master the skill of conversation, their success with women rockets immediately. I was one of the shy guys that didn’t know how to score girls, but all that changed when I understood how to express myself from a position of power. We continuously analyze what people say and measure it against our values and principle to determine how to react. That is why Kamalifestyles started its research on conversation skills and which areas carry more weight than others.

The Conversation Secrets: The Secrets to Entice a Woman’s Mind and Capture Her Heart
eBook was a result of the research and the eBook has been used in Residential training at Kamalifestyles for a couple of years. Most guys that used the eBook during the Residential training showed an acute increase in success with women.

It has been a rough year and we all need something to make us smile. A good relationship might give you that smile. And that’s why I am taking the Conversation Secrets eBook public. The eBook talks about different conversational structures, skills, and how to hack the conversation system. There’s a simpler way to interact with women that will illuminate your masculine energy and inspire the woman’s femininity. The eBook takes you through different phases of conversation but with a twist. The twists are the secrets that will give you a unique perspective of how to maintain control of the conversation and attain what you desire.

You might wonder how the Conversation Secrets is going to change your conversation with women. For example, you want to start a conversation with a beautiful woman but she seems distracted by someone or something. Or maybe her nonverbal cues communicate that she’s not in a good mood. How are you going to start a conversation with her?

The eBook has a special section for conversation starters.
How you start your conversation can trigger a lot of emotional reaction or no emotion at all. But the best outcome would be for your conversation starter to trigger desirable emotions that will build the woman’s interest in you. There are secrets in the eBook that will illuminate to you the various ways to approach different types of women. The storytelling techniques that you’ll acquire in the eBook will help you build a progressive conversation after starting it on a high note. And that’s not all that you get. There still so many other skills that will give your game the extra sauce to attract women without too much effort.

Creating your dating goals is very important when it comes to connecting with a woman you desire. It will be easy to meet each other’s expectations when you desire the same things. It will be easy for you to narrow down your search when you understand what you want. There’s a secret in the eBook that goes in-depth to discuss dating objection and goal setting. When you don’t know what you want in a conversation, you’ll not determine what you are willing to give in the conversation. That is a slippery slope to be because you might give too much and appear desperate in the process. Or you might give too little and appear like a creep. The eBook helps you find the right balance in a conversation. It guides you on the things you need to consider when setting your dating goals.

You can build a connection with a woman you just met without saying too many words. When you combine verbal communication and body language seamlessly, magic happens! Nonverbal communication is so strong that it might make a woman subconsciously start mirroring and mimicking your nonverbal cues. The eBook discusses to great lengths the secret behind nonverbal cues and the common nonverbal mistakes that guys make without knowing. The secret also digs deeper into how you can build trust and inspire comfort in a woman with your body language.

The Conversation Secrets is tailored to guide any guy that needs to boost their conversation skills with women. Improving your conversation with women will grow your confidence. You’ll be able to approach more women because you know what to say. Confidence also grows your sex appeal to women, and you’ll start attracting more women. Improving a skill can have an amazing ripple effect on your dating life.

You can make it all possible right now. You can start your walk as the lady’s man by understanding the conversation secrets. Get your copy by clicking on the button below, and it will be sent to you immediately via email. Nothing is complicated when you have a solution, and you have your conversation solution right here.


“A System To Pick Up Girls During The Day”

Meeting women during the night time is completely different to meeting them during the day time. Day time seduction really separates the boys from the men because most wouldn’t dare conquer their desires in broad daylight. Most of us men have trouble approaching the girls we like during the day. We might have the guts to approach a woman in the dark but approaching her in the streets during the day might be a challenge.

However, some of us are not about the nightlife, and we would prefer to meet those desirable women during the day. Are you tired of wishing you could fast forward time and meet that beautiful girl you see during the day, at night? If you feel like you have no idea of where to start when you meet a beautiful woman during the day then you need this masterpiece as it will give you a step- by- step guide on How to Pick up Girls during the Day and actually succeeding in your endeavors.

We believe in leveling the playing field for everyone, and that’s why we have this great read to help you boost and improve your game in the dating field. In this book, you will master the various techniques on how to approach a woman during the day and seal the deal. More often approaching is not the problem but it’s what comes next; the moment she stops and listens to what you have to say.
So here’s a sneak peek on what to expect when you get this book:

Mind set

The game is very different during the day and it may be even tougher for the faint- hearted. Women are ready to have fun at night and they may be open to guys who meet their energy levels however during the day they have their minds fixated to the hustles and bustles of the day. The challenge comes when you have to convince the girl you like to give you a few minutes of her time. During the day time you have to compress your A-game and deliver it in the shortest time possible. So in this book I will show you step- by- step techniques on how to up your day time game and unleash the beast within you. There are a lot of things that people overlook when approaching women during the day time which are absolutely essential. So get this book and get comprehensive illustrations on how to change your day game mindset forever.

Body Language

Now you’re probably wondering how body language can help you get the woman you want during the day when you only have a few minutes with her. Women are very observant and the few minutes that you interact with her will decide if you are worth her time or just another creep. The alpha males have mastered how to let their body language suggest more than they’re spilling. Learn how to incorporate those 007 Bond moves and sweep the girl you like right off from her feet. It is not as easy as it sounds but this book will make it possible.

How to Break Ice

What do you say? How do you approach her? How do you tell her your intentions without appearing live a pervert or a creep? There are sneaky ways on how you can approach a woman you like during the day and leave her wanting more of you. Have you ever wondered why other men pick up women during the day faster than others? They have mastered how to break the ice without leaving crumbs around it. Women want to feel special and that’s a weakness that alpha males maximize on. In the book, I’ll give you a detailed way on how to break the ice with conversation and body language that will leave the girl you like wanting more of you. Also during the day you meet girls in a different setting, and each setting has it’s own trick.

Instant Date

We live in a generation of fast food, fast cash, quick deliveries, and even fast dating. So who are the winners and the losers in this new generation game? Well the guys who can convince girls to go on instant dates with them have a major advantage over their peers – instant dates are for those gentlemen who have mastered the game, who know all the angles on which way to approach women in different settings. My book Carpe Diem: How to Pick up Girls during the Day levels the playing field by giving you the secrets of how to become a Casanova and get the girl you like instantly. There are tricks that work for almost all women and the book reveals the details and the clever techniques to use.

How To Get Girls To Chase you

“The Gentleman’s Ultimate Guide”

Master The Subtle Art Of Getting Girls Chase You

  • Are you always on the sidelines as people around you get the hottest girls in the room?
  • Have you ever wondered what other men do to get the women of their dreams that you don’t?
  • Have you dealt with more rejections than you can handle?
  • Is there an unspoken rule on how to attract women that you still have not grasp?

It can be frustrating to see the woman you want slipping by you. It is even more frustrating to be friend zoned by the women that you like.

Well, count yourself lucky because soon you will have the women you want chasing you. Not just like you but the Casanova type of chasing you. Are you ready to tell your farewells to the sleepless nights because of being lonely? How To Get Girls To Chase You: The Gentleman’s Ultimate Guide is the answer you have been longing for. A book that is tailored to make you a women’s magnet. Like we always say, all men have the same chance with a woman is just that some have mastered the art more. We take you through a series of reinventing your character and attitude towards women and the various techniques that will help you reach the highest heights of your potential with women.

Become An Alpha Male

“Do Not Read This Book Unless You Want A New Way Of Living”

Dear Friend,

Have you ever met someone and instantly felt attraction for them?

You don’t know why but for some reason you were drawn to them. They have qualities that appeal to everyone and are extremely successful with women and life in general.

Have you ever wondered why beautiful women are not that into you and do you know that you can easily be that guy who can get the women in a blink of an eye

Once you recognize and begin to develop your own unique alpha traits, you will achieve maximum success in your relationships, and indeed in every area of your life. As you use the principles contained in this book, you will be amazed at the permanent and lasting changes that occur in your life. This book is about helping you to be an alpha male and producing positive results in your own life.

Why Our Alpha Male Strategies Are a Legitimate Way To Start Meeting Women Today… And Why I’ve Decided to Share Them With YOU!”

It’s about taking your ideas and dreams and turning them into reality. You have in your hands a proven formula for success that will enable you to achieve your potential as a man and really achieve the results you desire.

You are about to partake on a journey that will profoundly change your life. In this book, we offer you a structured, practical approach to developing your true alpha male characteristics. Everything you are about to learn is based on our own personal experience and proven psychological and metaphysical techniques that guarantee success. Despite this some people still ask

Is it really possible to become an alpha male?

Get Her Crazy in Bed

The Gentleman’s Ultimate Guide to Giving Her Best Orgasms in Bed

  • Do you want to make her sexually addicted to you?
  • Do you want to learn all the orgasm tips and secrets that will drive her crazy in bed?
  • Do you want to make her fall madly in love with you and fill the nights with passion?

Gents listen, I will admit that we are not the simplest species to understand, but we are not that complicated. Men perceive that trying to understand us is like trying to find the reality in Sci-Fi movies. Understanding your woman’s bedroom needs is one of the easiest things to grasp yet, seems like the toughest task of all for most men. Some women are bold and will tell you exactly what they need or take the lead and show you, but that is only a small percentage of us. Alpha males take on the challenge to discover how to get their women crazy in bed, and that makes them a chick magnet. In the book ‘Get Her Crazy in Bed’ I try to level the playing field for all men by giving you the unbridled truth. This book will not only make you get her crazy in bed but also make you laugh while reading it. I take you through a journey of the simple things that men overlook that can get her screaming your name to the sophisticated techniques that will make you seem like a captain for the alpha male species.

Let’s get this straight before we go any further. Not all women will scream your name to the same technique. We are like a guitar to a delicate song. You need to understand the rhythm then tune us to it. Taking the time to understand your woman is the key to having any success with her and trust me… it will be time well spent! Once you know your woman, you can make her fall head over heels for you, get her screaming your name, and even get her obsessed over you. In my book ‘Get Her Crazy in Bed’, I will give you the pointers that will help you identify the unique traits in every woman that make us different and “complex”.

This book is not authored just to get her dancing to your tune in the bedroom but to also build a bond and chemistry between the two of you. Sex is more pleasurable and outstanding if it’s not only based on the biology but also your chemistry is incorporated in it. I’m going to touch on all aspects of Sex, whether it be foreplay, orgasms they myths and the classic pitfalls. You may fall short in more than one area with your current game, but do not fear lads… how are you supposed to know the right way about it if no one tells you! That’s why I’m here; to make sure you get the uncensored truth on how to make us crazy in bed. Here is an insight into what you will get in the book:

The ultimate foreplay techniques

Most men will kiss us for a few seconds then rush to dip their hands into our cookie jar. I wish it was that easy but it’s really not, we don’t just jump to action like you do. A woman’s sexuality awakens like a slow burn and when you get us hot we can be like an inferno of sexual intensity. Now kissing can be a strong foreplay technique, but it needs someone who knows how to do it right to give the optimal results. However, that is only testing the waters at the shores. Kissing should be blended with other forms of foreplay techniques to get her begging for you inside her. Alpha Males know that foreplay is a game of tango and before he takes you to the dance floor he has prepared you for the dance.

Good foreplay can last the whole day, yes… THE WHOLE DAY! Not the five minutes thing you give us then imagine we are ready. Women don’t just need the physical to reach our peak, we need the emotional. We have the need to feel beautiful and loved and if you start the morning with a cheeky erotic compliment or two you’ll see how the day follows that path. Our minds are our most significant sexual organs, and if you manage to get us thinking about your hands in our cookie jar, you sir, are in for a treat. Learn the power of touch and the areas that will make her curl to the lightest caress. Learn the subtle, sensitive areas that most men overlook, and discover their importance when on your mission to get her crazy in bed.

Have you ever wondered why bad boys keep getting more women? Dirty talk is one of the top secrets in their playbook. When you know what to say and when to say it, you might not just get laid but have the best sex of your life. I don’t want you to just get laid lads; I want you to have MIND BLOWING SEX! And talking dirty is one way to get it! We are one the few species of mammals which has sex for pleasure and my oh my, can it enlighten you to what it really feels like to be alive. But men underestimate how personally pleasurable they can find pleasuring someone else; it really is a game changer. But I can’t tell you everything now, get your copy and get all the juicy details.

How to give her multiple orgasms

I don’t see why I should bail on my friends and drive all the way to your house if you didn’t even make me cum in the first place. You want me to come to your place, make it worth my while. Men complain that our G spot is not the same on every girl while theirs is located just on the same spot. Alpha males love to take on a challenge, and if you think it’s an impossible mission, then this is not a league for you. Luckily, I got you covered in the book ‘ Get Her Crazy in Bed’.

When you treat a woman’s body as a challenge, a mission you need to conquer, a puzzle you want to solve you will have fun. You need to be selfless and patient if you want her cookie jar to overflow. Take it from me; penetration does little to make a woman reach multiple orgasms unless you have exceptional skills. You can get her to have her first orgasm without even laying a figure on her. Paint the picture for her of what you will do. Let her imagination do the work for you because in our imaginations everything is done the way we like it. Learn how to give her orgasm from just your touch and tongue.

In the Book, I focus on various regions such as vaginal orgasm, clitoral orgasm, deep spot orgasm, and sex position orgasm among others. Each region takes a special set of skills, and I take you through all of them in details. It isn’t impossible to give all these orgasms during the same session, if you can achieve it, it’ll make you the master of bedroom game.

What turns women on?

So many men have asked me, Annabella, what turns women on because sometimes it seems impossible? I have your answers, and I’ll also teach you how to get her in the mood so you never hear those dreaded words, “not tonight”. After reading this book, I think you will be the one using that statement because she will never get enough of you. This takes us back to our main principle which is understanding your woman.

Some women are kinky and the thought of safe sex bores them to death. She wants you to stroke her with a tender touch after a hard spank. Some women want to feel special like they are the only girl in the world. Here we have two types of women: one that is turned on physically and the other one that’s turned on psychologically. Truth is those are the only ways you can turn a woman on. Now the challenge is how do you do it? In my Book, I take you through a systematic unfolding of events that will help you change your sex life forever. Learn how to play with a woman senses to get her dancing to your tune. The truth is by the time you have mastered all the techniques I give you in the book; you will do it like you were born ready. They are natural and effective.

I also tackle what turns on women out of the bedroom and the small details in men that turn on women. You might not be the most good-looking man in the room, but you will be able to attract most women in the room. Women are attracted to confidence and power, men who seem to have everything in control even when things are falling apart.

The alpha male approach

It annoys me to see when one man is attracting multiple women and the others simply look on, as they cannot even seem to get the attention of one. Alpha Males dominate because they know what to say and when to say it, what to do and when to do it. Like I said, take your woman as a mission that you need to conquer. One thing that all alpha males have in common is that they will take the usual things and turn them into art to impress the woman they like. They will treat her as a poem, and each segment takes a different delicate turn not too far from the first one.

Alpha Males are initiators when it comes to women, but they never take the sole lead because they know it’s riding on a thin line. They will start a conversation that will spark imagination and create a fantasy world of pleasure in the woman’s head. Note that they will let the woman do all the imagining and since they ignited it they will be at the center of it all. So, literally, the woman will do all the work for them. In the book, I give you incites on how to create such artist conversation that will stir both imagination and lust.

Decoding her non-verbal cues

Once you learn these cues, understanding your woman will seem so much easier than it once was, but even then it’s not a walk in the park. It is an art for the daring because they can be easily misinterpreted. When you are on a quest to get her crazy in bed, you need to listen to her body. Just because the cookies jar is a little bit slippery does not mean it’s ready for your adventures. The eyes tell a lot, and even if we try to fake it, the eyes will always sell us out.

Learn the tell tell signs, what they imply and how to use them to your sexual advantage. The book gives you a full view of the female anatomy and how she will react when she feels a certain way. Read her body language and use it for your benefit.

‘Get Her Crazy in Bed’ is a book that is meant to level the playing field for all men. You don’t need Champagne on ice and bed full of roses every night to get her pouncing on you. This is a book written by a woman for the type of man who cares about exploring their women’s desires. Even the alpha males need to update their skills and improve on what they already know. This is not your usual book. ‘Get Her Crazy in Bed’ is about getting her drop all her barriers and unleash the darkest desires hidden behind them. Become the best in your sex game, redefine your expectations and open the door to new experiences by getting yourself a copy of ‘Get Her Crazy in Bed’.

Introverted Casanova

“An Introvert’s Guide to Dating and Becoming More Social”

Gentlemen,Are you still single because of your shyness?Have you ever liked a girl but your shyness stopped you?Have you ever said to yourself if I knew how to get over my shyness I would get her?Is your shyness making you feel awkward in social situations when it comes to interacting with women?
Did you say yes to one of my questions? Ok Gentlemen listen… For a long time, we have been getting emails from guys who are worried that their shy nature acts as an obstacle to getting hot women. We have finally fulfilled our promise to give you an ebook that is not only the Holy Grail for shy guys to get hot women but for men who want to understand what women think and how they interpret certain scenarios. Let me present to you the ebook we have all been waiting for the Introverted Casanova “An Introvert’s Guide to Dating and Becoming More Social”. This ebook is designed to help any man get hot women, but it’s mainly targeted to guys with a shy personality.

When it comes to matters dating and picking up girls, being shy, reserved, withdrawn or unsociable pretty much works against you. Unlike extroverts whose personality naturally allows them to be outgoing, somewhat loud and outspoken most of which gives them an advantage at meeting girls, introverts, have to work against their nature to do something as simple as drawing attention to themselves. However, what if I told you my eBook “Introverted Casanova” that would come to your rescue literally as a shy guy who is looking to have a rather fulfilling romantic life? Amazing, right? I know. Well, don’t contain your excitement since even I cannot contain mine.

I bring you The Introverted Casanova. I wish I could take all the credit, but the ebook was researched by the entire team, and that’s why it gives a holistic perspective of how to approach dating if you have a shy personality. The ebook is not meant to change who you are but to help you be a better lover and a smooth love criminal if you know what I mean.

Social Anxiety

“A Gentleman’s Ultimate Guide and Cure for Approach Anxiety”

Do you find yourself foot heavy, heart beating fast, sweaty and tensed, when you see a beautiful girl you like?Do you have a friend that you secretly love, but you can’t collect yourself to let her know how you feel?
Well today is your lucky day, my friend, because today we will forge you into an alpha male of your pack. I’m pleased to introduce you to: Social Anxiety: A Gentleman’s Ultimate Guide and Cure for Approach Anxiety. This is an eBook that will help you to build the confidence you need to overcome approach anxiety and to get the girls or the girl you want.

Gentleman, you need to realise that us men fight a lot of secret battles, but in the end, we all want to be happy. We all want to live a life that is fulfilling. Approach anxiety is very real amongst many men, and that is not going to change anytime soon. You are here because you have decided that you will not let your fears or your insecurities define the life that you live. I used to live in the shadows for quite a long time too, and I lived to see the women I’d always wanted, rolling out with other guys. It made me think that something was wrong with me. I even thought, maybe I wasn’t good looking enough. It had crashed my self-worth and my confidence. You see no one ever dies in their nightmares, which means that you should live your life to the fullest when you’re awake. You are here because, deep down, you have a desire to live like and to become an alpha male. So I’ve designed this eBook in order to improve and to give you the confidence, charm, and understanding that you will need to have success with women and relationships.

Conversation Hacks

“Gentleman’s Guide to Keep a Conversation Going and Never Run out of Things to Say”

Gentlemen, it is finally here. The reason why sometimes it takes longer for us to give you the reads you want is because of the extensive research that goes into the Ebook. Kamalifestyles has a reputation, and we cannot provide you the phony half-baked information that is spread everywhere on the internet. You have been sending us emails to give useful conversation hacks to get the girls glued. Before we go far, I want you to self-analyze using the following questions.

Do you have that awkward silence when talking to women?Have you ever run out of things to say?Has a girl sidelined you because you didn’t know what to say?Have you ever wondered what women want and look for in a conversation?Do you want to improve the way you interact with women?Is it a challenge for you to keep the conversation flowing when you are with a gorgeous girl?
Now gentlemen, if your answer is yes in any of the questions above, then I am speaking to you. I know the struggles that you have as men when having a conversation with a girl. It becomes more challenging when you are sexually attracted to that girl. You don’t want to say things that will upset her, yet you don’t know precisely what will bother her. So, you end up silent, and you go home wishing you had said more. Well, that feeling is a disease that we are getting rid of. I present to you the ultimate gentleman’s secret handbook, Conversation Hacks: Gentleman’s Guide to Keep a Conversation Going and Never Run out of Things to Say.

The Ebook Conversation Hacks: Gentleman’s Guide to Keep a Conversation Going and Never Run out of Things to Say is designed to help men find ways to keep the conversation flowing.The trick of this book is it will help you guide the conversation the way you want it without appearing like a control freak or creep. Players, you can also read this Ebook because it enables you to understand women better and sharpen your Casanova skills.

Apart from guys requesting me to write an ebook like this, I also felt that many men have a challenge when having a conversation with women. It is not about the confidence you have or how funny you can be. Having a conversation with a woman to wow her requires you to know what to say when to say it and still maintain your individuality and charm. This Ebook is tailored to help men start a conversation with women and also build it up for future encounters.

Durable Confidence for Men

Gentleman’s Guide to Becoming More Durable and
Building Their Self Confidence”

Well, gentlemen, you don’t need superpowers or a genie in the bottle to get the woman of your dreams. I give you the Holy Grail that will not only increase your success with women but change your life. I give you Durable Confidence for Men: Gentleman’s Guide to Becoming more Durable and Building their Self Confidence.
We like to Provide Solutions
At Kamalifestyles, we like to provide solutions to tough topics that men do not open up to other people or topics that people never seem to find the right answers they are looking for. Before I give you the juice that this eBook brings, here are self-analysis

Are you comfortable with your level of confidence?Do you feel like you always need approval for the things you do?Are you afraid of expressing yourself to women?Does other people’s opinion of you count more than your opinion about yourself?Are you happy with your dating life?
Discretion is crucial, so you don’t have to say your answer out loud. But I will tell you one thing right now. The Durable Confidence for Men: Gentleman’s Guide to Becoming more Durable and Building their Self Confidence eBook will address how to tackle and overcome the issues that the above question raises and many more. As always, our eBooks have to be tested in-house to see the impact it has before being released. As we were testing the eBook in our programs, more issues were raised, and I am glad to say that you are getting an all-inclusive confidence guide and it is perfected so do not worry. Some of the solutions are drawn from professionals that we work closely with, but most of the techniques and solutions that the eBook gives are drawn from people who have had confidence issues, and we worked with them, and they overcame it all.

It is no lie that lack of confidence makes you live in the shadows. You watch other men get the finest ladies, and you wish it was you. You end up resenting your life and living an unhappy life. Gents, I believe that every man has that fire in them. The major challenge is most people don’t know how to bring that fire to the surface, and that’s where we come in.

Dating Guide for Men

“Learn How to Meet, Attract and Date the kind of Woman you have
Always Wanted”

Dear Friend!

In some ways, the drive for perfection is like a jealous lover that consumes your thoughts. The way to achieve excellence and perfection is through experience. Experience is usually filled with mistakes and painful lessons.

Unless you have a guide, you face a long hard path to really have success, consistently, with the strikingly gorgeous women out there in the real world. However, there is a quicker way…

The Persuasion Master

A Gentleman’s Guide to Mastering the Art of Persuasion

The Persuasion Master: A Gentleman’s Guide to Mastering the Art of Persuasion is the Holy Grail that you need to change your life.

After many years of being called a loser, I needed to change that perception and build a new one that will make me the ALPHA MALE.

Women are attracted to guys that emit energy from authority and power, which is what this book is about.

It is tailored to help you make people understand you the way YOU want.

It is your ticket to getting suborn women to change their views and accept yours.

If you can make a woman see things from your point of view, she will do what you want willingly.

This is not a motivational book but a guide that will make you become the master of persuasion and influence.

The chapters cover a wide range of aspects that you can change or adjust in your personality to make you irresistible to everyone.

No matter how good you are with women, sometimes women push us to a corner without us realizing until it’s too late.

The difference between men who have mastered the art of influence and persuasion, and the rest is how they get themselves from tight spots.

Sales page: _https://kamalifestyles.com/products/


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