[DOWNLOAD] MindValley – Feng Shui for Life


In This 60-Minute Masterclass, You Will Discover:

  • Why business tycoons never compromise the direction of their desks, and how to arrange yours so you can attract more wealth, abundance and business opportunities.
  • The secret of “decluttering” people rarely talk about… but ignoring it could disrupt the harmony of your family relationships and cost you your peace of mind.
  • The #1 reason why having pictures of your loved ones at work, can quickly render all your efforts to be productive, focused and a top performer in your career useless.
  • How to introduce two universal Feng Shui colors into your life so you experience more abundance in your work, and more romance in your bedroom. (Careful… Mix these two up and you’ll end up sabotaging both your love life and your career.)
  • Why images commonly associated with peace, divinity, and a connection with spirit could leave you feeling more restless, drained, and emotionally exhausted… even if you had a full night’s rest.
  • Why this common household item is referred to as the “energy doubler”, and how you can use it to amplify your levels of prosperity.
  • Why our love for plants with this one subtle characteristic may be causing unnecessary unease and conflict in your home.
  • Experience the “Tubes of Light” meditation to make you more intuitively aware of the energy in your living spaces so you can make instant corrections and transform your home into a more harmonious, calming and loving environment.


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MindValley - Feng Shui for Life
[DOWNLOAD] MindValley – Feng Shui for Life

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Less stress, more sweat.