[Download] High Ticket Coaching Academy by Lucy Johnson


“How Coaches And Consultants Can Start Getting High Paying Clients WITHOUT Social Media Using The Z.E.R.O Brand Method”

Finally COACHES and CONSULTANTS Like Us Don’t Need To Worry About Being Famous, Using Facebook Like A Kardashian, Or Building A Huge Following…

In This 45 Minute ‘No Cost’ Online Training You Will Discover…

The simple, yet effective “Z.E.R.O Brand Method” that delivers new high paying clients into your coaching or consulting business in under 76 hours WITHOUT hours of work….

Why CONTENT Creation is Failing (And the much easier methods that still allow you to become the “go-to” person in your niche…)

Do you feel like you’re on Big Brother or the Truman Show? Forget about doing Facebook Lives, Endless Content

Creation And Speaking On Stage for 2020. Instead you’re about to see overlooked secrets which DO make it easy to get both NEW AND VETERAN coaches and consultants massive amounts of influence, goodwill and profits hand over fist…

Why being virtually UNKNOWN in your market is actually one of the most profitable strategies you can have….

The breakthrough strategy that is great if you’re are an introvert, just a private person, or just don’t want to live-stream your life just to get clients….

And that’s only just the beginning….

Whats Included For High Ticket Coaching Academy Program:

The Program consists of the training videos in the Members Area (these are subject to change and may be updated at any time to keep the Client up to date) and access to recordings of the live Question and Answers.
Support offered for the High Ticket Coaching Academy Program:
Access to live Question and Answers with a selection of the HTCA experts and access to recordings of the live

Question and Answers.

The Client may submit coaching help requests via the Members Area and can expect a response within 2-5 working days depending on the nature of the request. The response may be provided by any member of the HTCA team. A Client may not dictate which member of the HTCA team the response is given by.
After 12 weeks of the program commencing the Client will no longer have access to the support for the Program.

Sales Page: _https://highticketcoachingacademy.com/


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[Download] High Ticket Coaching Academy by Lucy Johnson

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