
[Group Buy] Donna Eden – Becoming Radiant


For people struggling with their mental and physical health comes a class from Donna Eden designed to help people activate the secret healing power of joy.

Learn how to awaken one of the most powerful healing forces in your body and shift into a lasting state of renewed physical and mental health.

Donna Eden will show you, in just 7 weeks, her powerful and easy-to-learn Energy Medicine techniques that have helped thousands cultivate an inner source of healing – a source so powerful and steady you can maintain your health and happiness even in hard times.

Do you ever feel like you’re sleep walking through life, like you’ve lost your vibrance?

Maybe the state of the world has got you down and you can’t seem to muster the eagerness you once had toward life. With so much “bad news” going around, how can you possibly find your way back to joy?

Or, maybe you feel like your job is going nowhere or your relationship is a little stale.

You go through the motions but you’ve lost your inner spark.

You might even feel depressed… or perhaps your physical health is suffering. Headaches. Digestive issues. Back aches. Exhaustion…

“Thinking positive” and affirmations are helping a little but deep-down, you feel the heaviness. Something has been lost and you long to rekindle that eagerness and excitement toward life.

Your joy and vibrance reside in an energy system in your body called the Radiant Circuits. If that system goes offline, you miss out on a powerful source of healing and renewal.

As Donna sees them, the Radiant Circuits are the first energy system to appear in a developing fetus. They are required to get the other energy systems online and are a core resource for the body.

Radiant Circuits don’t follow fixed pathways. They have the unique ability to jump to wherever they are most needed – creating instant circuits to distribute energy throughout the body. This makes them a powerful source for healing and renewal.

However, over time, in response to the stresses of modern life, your body makes compromises, diverting its energy away from joy and into the energy systems designed to handle stress. Work deadlines, financial worries, relationship bumps, or even global concerns can dampen your Radiant Circuits and that can have serious consequences for your health.

Just compare the unbridled joy and wonder of a toddler compared to the rare and often hard-to-find joy of an adult.

What happens when your Radiant Circuits go offline? 

You miss out on a powerful source of healing and renewal in your life. You go numb. You go through the motions but you have lost your youthfulness, your eagerness, and your vibrance. And eventually without access to our Radiant Circuits, your health suffers.

Over the course of history, people have noticed the link between happiness and good health and studies are beginning to support the connection.

For example, a long-term study published in 2015 looked at the effect of happiness on survival rates in 32,000 people.

The risk of death over the 30-year study period was 14% higher in unhappy individuals compared to their happier counterparts.

Joy doesn’t just feel good.

It’s an essential ingredient to a long, healthy, and satisfying life.

Let Donna show you how to keep your joy flowing and step into your long, healthy, and satisfying life.

Turning Extraordinary Moments into An Extraordinary Life

The Radiant Circuits – Inner Wells of Joy

Can you bring to mind the feeling you get when you …

  • See an amazing sunset that’s so colorful it seems unreal… 

  • Fall in love and notice things that used to bother you just don’t get under your skin anymore…

  • Look at a newborn baby and marvel at the itty-bitty perfect features…

  • Enjoy a good belly laugh with a friend…

That feeling you get is Radiant Circuits energy.

It’s joy, but it’s much more than joy.

It feels light. Expansive. Uplifting.

It can color how you see the rest of your day.

It can fill you with gratitude and wonder.


If you think about it, that feeling you feel – that energy – bubbles up from within.

In fact, that energy is always inside you, in your Radiant Circuits. The Radiant Circuits serve as “inner wells of joy ” and bring vibrancy and harmony to the entire body.

When your Radiant Circuits are activated, you feel great. Hopeful. Eager. Ready for Life.

What if you could learn to consistently activate your Radiant Circuits so you can enjoy life to the fullest?

What if you could carry a joy that comes from the inside – that could not only fuel your day-to-day happiness but also fuel an overall state of vibrant health – making you feel great.

Meet Donna Eden, New York Times Best-Selling Author, Pioneer and World-Renowned Expert on Energy Medicine, and One of the Most In-Demand Authorities in Holistic Health on the Planet.

Donna is a natural healer, born with the innate ability to feel and see energies that are invisible to others.

Her personal journey into the powerful world of Energy Medicine can be traced back to poor health as a child. At 16, Donna was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. By her late 20s she had limited movement. At 27 she had a heart attack because her organs were breaking down. She was told by five doctors that there was nothing more that could be done and she should get her “affairs in order.” Western medicine had given up on her.

But she didn’t give up. Despite this bleak diagnosis, she was determined to take charge of her own health. She started to experiment with moving the energies where she felt pain or incapacity, using her own body as a “laboratory” … and she was able to successfully manipulate her body’s energies to shift the pain and illness.

In time, Donna completely healed herself from Multiple Sclerosis. Every single symptom of this chronic, progressively disabling disease — including Donna’s difficulties walking — disappeared.

Donna describes the “Radiant Circuits” as a wellspring of healing that helped her become a medical miracle.

Having healed herself from an “incurable” illness, Donna knew she was meant to empower others with the ability to self-heal and experience lifelong health and vitality with the power of Energy Medicine.

Today, Donna is recognized as one of the world’s foremost authorities in the fields of natural healing and Energy Medicine.

What Happens When You Start to Work with Your Radiant Circuits

Here are the changes you can expect to experience after taking this course:


You’ll Get Out of Pain and Lessen Chronic Health Issues When You Free Your Radiant Circuits To Bring Healing Where Needed.

Radiant Circuits are not just about making you feel happier. Although they do carry the energy of joy, bliss, and wonder, they have the unique ability to jump to wherever they are most needed in your body. This makes them a powerful source for healing and renewal. Donna gives the Radiant Circuits lots of credit for helping her heal her Multiple Sclerosis. In fact, the Radiant Circuits are behind the stories of spontaneous healing we so often hear about.


You’ll Be Able To Have Your Mind Work For You Instead of Against You. 

The Radiant Circuits are the energy system that can follow your intention. All you have to do is think of a part of your body and your Radiant Circuits instantly go there. This makes intention a powerful tool for creating positive changes to your health and to your life.


You’ll Feel More Joy and Passion for Life and Be Better Able To Hold Steady in the Face of Challenges. 

When your Radiant Circuits are activated, you are supported by an inner knowing that “everything is going to be ok.” It’s not something you consciously have to think about. It’s just there. This inner knowing allows you to hold steady when adversity strikes.


You’ll Experience A Stronger Connection to Your Inner Guidance and Higher Self So You Don’t Feel Like You’re Alone.

Radiant Circuits can be used to revive and deepen your core stamina and the magic, meaning, and joy of your life.

Here’s What You’ll Experience with Becoming Radiant  – A 7-Week Online Class Based on Donna’s Years of Experience Helping People Rediscover Their Zest for Life.

Week 1: What Lights Up Your Life?

Donna and David introduce you to the Radiant Circuits and explain how their ‘Super Powers’ can benefit your body, mind, relationships, and spirit. You’ll learn what is included in this course, how it can change your life for the better, and practical exercises you can do in just a few moments to turn on your Radiant Circuits.

Week 2 How To Establish Radiant Habits

How do you turn a radiant moment into a radiant mood, a radiant lifestyle, and a radiant character?

Developing radiant habits is one route. Activating Radiant Circuits counteracts the habit and effects of stress. The more you activate these Circuits, the more you gravitate to joy and passion. As you make this a habit (with techniques you will learn in this session), you are more positive and appreciative, more curious about everything, and more open to the spiritual realm. This will help you find and maintain your own rhythm, love yourself, and enjoy your life!

Week 3 Retool for Joy!

This week you will explore how to activate the radiant potential of four “Double Agent” Circuits that also act as meridians. You’ll learn how to stimulate and link Central and Governing as ‘The Microcosmic Orbit’ to radiate energy that fuels your meridians, chakras, aura and other physical and energy systems. You’ll also learn ways to help Triple Warmer and Spleen transcend their role as meridians and act as radiant protective forces in your life.

When active, these four Radiant Circuits can help you shift deeply rooted habits or chronic conditions that limit your life. Bottom line: These Circuits can help you retool your brain for joy!

Week 4 Adapting to Change With Regulator Flows

The Yin and Yang Regulator Flows can help your physical and energetic systems to rebalance in changing circumstances. This week, you will learn how to tap this power in support of your physical resilience, emotional stability, harmony with others, and abilities to flow with unpredictable change.

You’ll also practice the Anchor and Wander technique to activate and strengthen Regulator Flows. This technique is especially appropriate for work with Radiant Circuits, because it mimics their spontaneous nature as it calls forth your intuitive healing abilities.

Week 5 Building Connections With Belt and Bridge Flows

Want an energetic boost to connect and communicate with others more deeply? Want to experience stronger links to your inner guidance and Higher Spirit?

The Belt and Bridge Flows can help you do this.T hey can also fuel connections between different parts of your body and its energetic systems, or support communication between you, your environment, and the larger forces of Nature and the Cosmos.

Week 6 Deepening the Meaning and Joy in Your Life

A sense of purpose and meaning is vital to living life at its fullest. If you are feeling as if your days and moments hardly matter, it’s time to activate your Penetrating Flow. This Radiant Circuit can enable you to deeply appreciate simple joys, value your relationships and your contribution to others, feel your connection with a greater whole, experience ecstasy, and even make sense of suffering and tough times.

The energies of the Penetrating Flow can also help you enjoy vibrant sex, transform chronic health conditions or self-limiting attitudes, and nurture spiritual growth and experiences.

Week 7 Choosing to be Radiant

At the beginning of this course, Donna and David encouraged you to learn about your Radiant Circuits through direct experience. They introduced a number of simple, natural ways these energies spontaneously come alive. And they shared quick and effective techniques for igniting these powerful Circuits to produce extraordinary states.

They also challenge you to create habits, through conscious choice and deliberate practice, to make becoming radiant an on-going part of your life.

This final week of the course gives you an opportunity to review what you’ve learned, how far you’ve come related to your initial intent, what barriers you’ve encountered, what breakthroughs you’ve made, and how your quest for great radiance has enriched you. Finally, you’ll review what matters to you and set your intent for where you want to go from here.


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[Group Buy] Donna Eden – Becoming Radiant
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