
DM’S On Demand


What you can learn from the average looking guy with the hot, very attractive woman on his arm… without being rich, famous, nor good looking!

The Ten Simple Steps To Make The Girl Of Your Dreams Beg For Your Attention And Love…


…Even If You Think You’re Not Good Looking And Have Never Been On A Date.

“Once upon a time I was exposed to red pill and cold approach pickup…

Which I was heavily into at first, but as time went on…

I realized that I wasn’t getting the returns I really desired from it.

It’s a lot of effort going out and staying up really late to hopefully get some results…

Especially now that my priorities have changed and I’m more involved with business, not chasing girls in nightclubs until 2am…

That was fun for a while and it’s still good for certain guys, it just wasn’t for me anymore.

Too much effort, too much time, especially now with covid, that just destroyed the whole cold approach thing.

So I had this huge epiphany when just by chance my good friend Fresh Prince CEO said…

“Why don’t you just use the Gram to get girls?”

I was like…

“What do you mean..?”

“…Isn’t the Gram for social media, so that you can post your breakfast on there then complain about traffic or whatever you want…”

It’s not Tinder so, do you mean get a Bumble?

He’s like… “No no, you just use social media and you post high value stuff, then you can use it to meet women.”

Whoa whoa whoa, you gotta show me this…

It gave me a whole new outlook on social media.

Here I thought you had to be some celebrity like James Bond with a six pack working at Area 51 doing some really cool shit to get women on the gram.

He’s like, no man, I’ll break it down for you… now, we’re not gonna get too specific into the details… but he set me up and gave me the knowledge.

And little by little we started posting really high value stuff, high quality photos, me doing cool stuff.

I had no idea I could just do that myself and I was the product to meet women…

So not only am I getting in front of my followers, which at the time was very low, like 500 followers… and none of them were hot chicks.

Like what’s the point of this…

But through ads I could amplify myself and increase my reach exponentially.

Especially for me, I have a thing for columbian women… I mean, I guess you’re gay if you don’t have a thing for columbian women right…

So I used it down there in Medellin, Columbia and holy cow…

All of a sudden I was like a celebrity, I had a lineup of girls, it was like I was a rockstar and I had my own fan club of groupies.

Mind you these hot girls were messaging me.

So I post a story and they see it like who is this guy, why did this come up… then they see my profile and the high value stuff Fresh hooked me up with.

You Can See The Course And What It’s All About Right Here

So I sent out the text that said I’m in medellin, who’s in medellin send me a message… in no time at all I was getting messages and these girls were immediately in the “chasing” frame.

Now, not all of them were hot, about 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 were hot, so if you do the math… the odds are in your favor.

Guys… if you can’t do that you’re just a bum, and you should probably just leave this page if that doesn’t sound like a good deal to you.

If you’re still here though… keep reading. It gets better.

I had so many options I could choose from. I was able to filter through all the types of girls to find exactly what I want, and it led to an amazing relationship with an amazing chick.

Someone I never would have had the chance of meeting or knew how to meet before.

And its enriched my life so much having a sexy girl that I’m dating… the company, the romance, the sex, the cooking and cleaning, and she’s feminine submissive…

I remember I left the gym once…

Got back and my clothes were hanging up drying, the apartment was spotless, and she was mopping up in a thong shaking her ass to some reggaeton music.

It will transform your dating life, it will make you feel like you have a line up of groupies to choose from so you can choose exactly what you want.

It works for you, kinda like passive real estate investing, once you get that property it just keeps producing.

Same with the Gram, it’s not like you have to constantly manage it.

You get a high quality profile once that works for you and it brings you girls on demand all the time.

So I can’t express how much gratitude I have for these guys who created this course and are getting this out there to men because… I’ve never seen anything like it before, it’s a whole new opportunity to me.

It’s changed my life in many ways and I’m so grateful for it.”

Be Ready Or Be Left On Read…

Are you fired up now after that Secret Client testimonial?

I sure am knowing that our course has already helped change his life, and the lives of many other people.

Before I tell you more about it and how it can change your life to…

Let me briefly introduce myself so that you can understand why we made this course…

So how can you get girls even if your dating skills are awful?

It’s two simple words…

The Gram.

Yes, you read that right.

And right now it’s the biggest dating site on the internet.

So if you know how to use it right..

You can seamlessly transition girls from the DMs…

Right into dates.

How does this work though?

It’s quite simple, really.

The whole thing with the Gram is you need to portray yourself in a certain way that makes you attractive.

Because right now we live in a globalized sexual marketplace.

A girl that lives in the middle of nowhere in Idaho…

Now has access to blue checkmark athletes and celebrities that live in New York, California, Miami, etc…

This means these girls can literally access anyone they want now through the Gram…

And these famous guys who have great content…

Have the means and methodologies to get these women to come to them.

Whether they fly them out or whatever it is.

So the girl next door, or your favorite girl… If she’s attractive…

She is probably talking to some high-value guy that wants to fly her out.

This is why about 10% of the men are having sex with 90% of the girls…

That leaves 90% of men struggling and stuck with the scraps.

There’s a reason why the porn industry has grown so much over the past 5 years…

The majority of porn consumers are men with a debilitating addiction to masturbation…

And guys in general have a hard time meeting women.

It’s because winners take all in this society.

The Gram allows these high-value guys to find a way around cold approaching and all these other methods we know about…

To get any girl they want.

And because of that…

You’re going to have to compete in this competitive digital marketplace.

Let me explain how this works…

When I fixed my profile…

And tapped into that hidden 10% of guys who have STATUS and GAME.

..Everything started to change.

Not only was I 5X more confident in myself while living a high-value lifestyle.

But for the first time in my life…

I had the women I dreamed about.

The women that I previously thought were way out of my league… were now messaging me to hang out with them.

The women that once rejected me for not being interesting and having a high-value lifestyle now wanted to be friends with me.

And the women who are attracted to the top 10% of guys were now begging me for alone time together.

But what’s even MORE exciting is how sharing this method has changed thousands of lives around the world.

After 15 years of ruthlessly refining this system, I decided to share it with my clients and now they’re…

Getting more women messaging them from multiple social channels than ever before…

Living the lifestyle of a high-value male who gets the women he deserves…

And going on dates any night of the week by practicing what they learn daily.

And today, you have the opportunity to experience these same types of results in your life and business…


DMs On Demand


A personalized, no-frills, no b.s. 10 module value-packed course designed to supercharge your social media profile.


Unlike other popular dating books and courses out there…

..This program isn’t some “one size fits all” approach that’s going to make your life harder and more stressful than it already is.

You won’t need to spend countless hours trying to implement everything we teach you in the course.. in fact, you’ll be able to start taking action right away!

You won’t feel like you’re at work getting nagged on by your boss…

Instead, you’ll feel excited and full of energy from chatting with new women every day.

You won’t feel like you have no work-life balance.. because you will get more opportunities from the high-value lifestyle you create.

And inside DMs on Demand…

You’re given access to my entire DMS system that’s been used by everyone from highly successful businessmen with poor social skills to average guys working 9-5 jobs and hardcore gamers looking for their big break.


It’s A Simple, Step-By-Step Training That Can Be Completed In Just 5-10 Minutes A Day.


Showing you exactly what’s worked for me over the past 15 years in the dating industry.

Revealing simple science-based principles you can use to chat with more women, get more dates, and create the high-value lifestyle that gets you excited every day.

Giving you exactly what you need to build your social media profile and attract girls to your DMS in only a few short days.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.


Here’s Just A Sneak Peek Of What You’re Going To Get And How It’s Going To Work…


Module 1: Mindset To Attract Women On Social Media

You’ll discover how important it is in 2020, why it is a good avenue for you to use, why most approaches aren’t viable anymore (stranger, has a boyfriend, cold approach) this way she can see your lifestyle and your background, kinda like a resume.. She can see your profile before deciding if she will go on a date with you or not.

Module 2: How To Get Photos That Attract Women Like Bees To Honey 

How to hire the right photographer, how to pose for pictures, How to add value so you don’t have to pay, locations. Every picture should have some kind of value and attraction which we’ll teach you how to create.

Module 3: Networking

How to use social media to build your network and connect with other High-Value people. As the wealthiest men in the world say “Your net worth = your network”

Module 4: How To Rate & Edit Photos

How to run your photos through a voting software to see how they rate & what women rate you on a scale of 1 to 10. This will allow you to have only the photos women vote as a 9 or above on your social media.

Module 5: How To Make Your Profile Stand Out From Every Other Guy

Profile picture, bio, highlights, tag posts. Whenever someone sees your profile or you DM a girl the first thing they see is your profile picture so you want it to stand out, having it visible, smiling or grinning, top of their shirt with a headshot. Have your bio tell others who you are, what you do, where you’re from, and a business website link at the bottom for clients who want to be a part of what you’re doing, and you can fluff it up a bit.

Module 6: How To Make Stories That Get People To Follow You

How to create stories that have a lot of power, going to different events, high profile places, different places, great views, yacht parties, friends and other people’s parties, different cars, animals in your posts. No, you don’t need to post all of these as they’re just examples.

Basically, you’re posting a story that’s high value and tells a story in itself to help you with setting up a date. It Shows girls your high-value lifestyle that they want to be around and helps with your networking.

Module 7: How To Grow Your Gram With Virtually No Followers

Grow for super cheap or free through giveaways adding value, paying for shoutouts, paying companies to promote your IG for you, commenting on other people’s posts by adding value, using small targeted hashtags to help you stand out.

Module 8: How To Get A Girl From Other Platforms To Your Gram

Cold approach, give her your IG handle instead of your phone number, dating apps ask for their IG as they don’t have much other than your picture, your IG is your resume as it has your lifestyle, your highlights, your story, girls can get a better understanding of who you are.

Module 9: How To Chat With Girls From Anywhere In The World

Using the location feature on IG, find the tag of places and you can see the girls in that area of that country, you can get specific details of city and town of that country, let them know you’re coming to town, you can run ads to your posts in that country, paid posts in other countries is often cheaper as well so more bang for your buck.

Module 10: How To Set Up The Date

After you fill out your Instagram you’ve done all the work, for the most part, you just need to invite her on a date, get her phone number from the DMS, facetime to set up the date time, and place.

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