
[Group Buy] Debra Silverman – Applied Astrology: Level 1 2024



Applied Astrology School is an online Astrology Language school, that includes a psychotherapeutic curriculum.

It’s designed to help you quickly learn the fundamentals of Astrology and apply it to your life, relationships and career – without the confusion, headaches, or complicated ‘woo-woo’ lingo you’ll find in most books + courses.

This is a highly interactive and participatory experience. There are only 10 people in each LIVE classroom.

The course consists of 3 levels PLUS a new Level 4 option – each building on the last that can be taken over 6-12 weeks + a 3.5 day weekend.

Level 1 is a stand alone course about personal transformation. Levels 2 and 3 are the nuts and bolts of how to be an Astrologer, Level 4 is the business of Astrology. When you complete Level 3 you will have all the tools you need to apply the practical knowledge of Astrology and become a complete Astrologer.

At every level in this school, there is a communal family-like feeling that occurs. When it all ends, people cry. A recurring sentence we hear after almost every Level 3 retreat is, “I’ve never felt more myself. Never felt more at home. I finally found my tribe.”

When you take this course, you will finally understand yourself in a deeper way you never thought was possible. You’ll get your life force back. You’ll gain confidence and discover your purpose.


For over eight years of running Applied Astrology, we’ve seen people make incredible life changes during the course. People change careers, discover passions, lose weight, find their life partners, dissolve their fears/anxieties and find their purpose.

Peoples’ lives transform. Most importantly, they step into becoming some of the most powerful wisdom keepers, turning on the lights of others with total compassion and love for humanity.

Too often people think: “I can’t learn Astrology.” It’s too big, too complicated and too cosmic.

I’m here to tell you, you absolutely can learn – and you can do it in a matter of weeks. That’s why I developed Applied Astrology School… When you learn Astrology the right way, it can be easy, powerful and transformational.

Why? Because it’s all about you FIRST!

Applied Astrology is one of the most powerful tools for creating a life that’s aligned with your most authentic self. It can be partnered with any and every career, life goal and self-evolving tool you already have in your wisdom toolkit.

Whatever that “missing ingredient” is for YOUR most fulfilling life, Applied Astrology School gives you the foundation to help you find it. Join the waitlist and be the first to know when enrollment opens again PLUS get a free 12-part Art of Reframing series to begin your self-discovery journey.

Why Applied Astrology Works In Debra’s Words…

“I’m humbled to say I’ve worked with every kind of person over the course of my career, from high-performing business leaders, to rockstars, to actresses, to children and everyday people on a mission to have a better life.

I’ve discovered that we’re all asking the same questions. We all want to know why we were put here on Earth, in this specific lifetime. We want to understand ourselves and know our purpose. To be comfortable in our skin.

I’ve watched over 4,000 people go through Applied Astrology only to walk out with the exact answers they are seeking and the tools to help others do the same. It’s always the same — a DEEP sense of relief occurs when each and every person discovers their very own permission slip that learning the language of Astrology within this school provides.

This system works with your specific framework to help you discover your individual purpose and fall deeply in love with how God/dess made you.

The medicine of Astrology isn’t about changing who you are but instead shows you how your insecurities and pain are the doorways to your healing. It sounds counter-intuitive, yet it’s true!

You’ll begin to have compassion for yourself, understand the people in your life, and live your purpose.

At last, your self-confidence, your energy, and your joy become authentic and reinvigorated. This is the gift Applied Astrology gives to anyone who does their homework — and it’s my mission to bring this gift to you.”

“Hello! I’m Debra Silverman,

With Astrology, I found a map to understand my family and why I had struggled so badly with them. I had a framework to understand myself and where I fit in the world.

Finally, I was able to accept my quirky personality. I wasn’t awkward anymore, I found my self-confidence!

Over the years, this one quality – self-confidence – has been my strong suit. I want to give that to you! The confidence to be yourself with no desire to change who you are.”

When Debra Silverman was just 20 years old, she met an Astrologer who blew her mind and changed her world forever. It was then that she realized the stars in her own world had aligned just right, and she had found her life’s purpose in Astrology.

Debra went on to deeply study the mind and body, earning a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology & Dance from York University and a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University.

Debra has developed a unique psychological-spiritual model, combining her expertise in Esoteric (soul-centered) Astrology with her extensive education in psychology to help those going through major life changes, especially in crisis. She custom designs her therapeutic approach to each individual, using Astrology and psychology as a magical healing combination.


In Applied Astrology, all of the videos and modules will be taught directly by me. You’ll also have access to incredible mentors who will be the guide for your small classroom/pod of 10 students or less.

Our company values intimate learning settings. I’ve personally trained each mentor. These individuals are some of my best friends. People I’ve known for over 40 years. You’re walking into a tribe. From the very beginning, your mentor will know you better than your mom! It’s funny to say, but they will have studied your chart before the class even begins.

We also have a team of technical helpers who will be available to you any time you have a challenge. Our whole company is built on a feeling of nurturing & care taking. When you join this program, you will be held every step of the way.


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[Group Buy] Debra Silverman – Applied Astrology: Level 1 2024
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