
[Group Buy] Deborah King – Life Force Energy Training 3, Initiate


LIFEFORCE ENERGY HEALING LEVEL III – Initiate-in-Training Certification Course

Step into your own healing power and take your place as an initiate of the light. Become a practitioner of Energy Medicine with Master Teacher, Deborah King! LifeForce Energy Healing® Initiate-in-Training Online Certification Course.

LifeForce Energy Healing® Expert Series

Initiate-in-Training Online Certification Course
Are you ready to go higher?

You’ve begun the process of healing yourself emotionally, physically and spiritually, and now you are ready to begin the important work of healing others – Deborah King, Master Teacher, will teach you how.

This is an invitation to share your special healing gifts and abilities with the world as you step into the role of the Initiate and begin the beautiful unfoldment of realizing your true purpose in assisting others on this healing journey.

How often have your intuitive senses guided you toward the light?

How many times have you been able to sense another person’s energy field and know so much about them… just by looking at them?

If you’ve ever had experiences like these, the work you’ve already completed is taking root and your higher spiritual gifts have already started blossoming within you…

But you have so much more to explore and experience…

Can you imagine if life was really just about taking up space? Living inside of boxes and stuck in repeating patterns and routines that you barely remember choosing, let alone committing to – leaving you feeling drained and unfulfilled.

The truth is so many people, too many people, find themselves exactly in the same situation…cut off from their true selves, unable to complete their life purpose and stuck exactly where they are.

I’m inviting you to step up and do something about it…

For your loved ones, for your children and grandchildren, your friends and family, and complete strangers…

and most importantly…for you!


I want to share something with you that will give you the permission you seek to help others overcome obstacles, heal past traumas and reclaim their own energy in new and exciting ways. It’s just two words and perhaps one of the most powerful affirmations you could ever encounter.

I’m ready.

invite you to say it aloud as you read this page, because it’s going to call in your guides, reinvigorate your personal energy field and illuminate the path to that which you seek on the deepest of levels. I was ready to open up to new experiences three decades ago when I first discovered energy healing. I had just been diagnosed with cancer. I was deeply unhappy and unfulfilled. At times, I was ready to completely give up.

But the Universe had a different plan for me…and I promise that everything that it had in store for me… could be insignificant when it comes to what could be in store for you.

And what’s in store for you will begin to unfold when you say, I’m Ready.

I remember when I was where you are right now. I had all the technical knowledge from my teachers, I had discovered my own passion for contribution and most of all, I was driven to do the most I could possibly do to share my gifts with the world.

There were plenty of times I could have said, “Hey, I’ll just go back to being a lawyer.” But there was a light growing within me, a spark that had grown into a flame that began radiating out of me wherever I went.

I attracted the people into my life that led me to create my school, The Deborah King Center, which had always been a dream of mine.

I got to travel the world and bring messages of healing and hope to tens of thousands of people. I was fortunate enough to have my book published by my idol (and now my close friend), Louise Hay and wouldn’t you know it, jazzed beyond belief when my book became a New York Times bestseller.

I don’t share these things to impress you… I’m sharing these things to impress upon you that NONE of them would ever have happened if energy healing wasn’t at the forefront of my life. Make a choice that’s going to set you apart from the rest and give you the strength and skill to give back to friends, family and even clients in a way that matters.

You just have to trust that you’ll receive the guidance you need exactly when you need it and that guidance will come to you in a way that feels right and empowering… but most of all, this higher guidance will be the key to unlocking the limitless potential of what love, light and healing can truly do for you, your friends and family, and for your clients.


Benefits of Initiate-in-Training Program:

What you’ll gain during the Initiate-in-Training Online Course:
Initiate-in-Training was designed for those who want to advance in LifeForce Energy Healing® and gain advanced certification as a practitioner of Energy Medicine. This comprehensive training course allows you to work as an initiate directly under Deborah’s expert guidance. Deborah will assist you in exploring and healing your own psyche. You’ll be taking the first steps in becoming a practitioner of Energy Medicine.

During this course, you’ll be guided to affect change in others as well as yourself.


In the Initiate-in-Training Course, you’ll:

Engage in 18 Illuminating video lessons, PDF workbooks and multiple energy healing assignments for a deeper understanding of the concepts behind Energy Medicine, so you can deeply immerse yourself into these teachings, and begin using them immediately for yourself and for others.

Learn powerful and effective techniques to help you unlock innate spiritual gifts and abilities and experience even more powerful healings for any area of life that needs improvement.

Hear uplifting stories from fellow students and seekers from around the world that will give you hope, determination and support in becoming the energy healer you are destined to be.

Unlimited Access to over 30 hours of exclusive calls from previous live video calls with advanced students in the audio archive.

Continued access to the private Student Facebook page where you can be of support and guidance to new members of our beloved Soul Family.

Opportunity to assist on stage at select workshops and put your abilities to the test.

Upon completion of this course, you’ll be regarded as an expert LifeForce Energy Healer by the Deborah King Center and authorized to charge for LifeForce Energy Healing® sessions.

Watch, listen and learn on your own schedule and at your own pace.

Deborah King – Life Force Energy Training 3, Initiate

Part 1 Initiate-in-Training: Developing as a Healer

Lesson 1: Victim Mentality vs Self-Mastery

This lesson is all about taking your power back. You’ll learn how and why we get stuck in the victim mentality. You’ll also be guided through a set of questions to test your own mentality. This is an important introductory lesson that will help you become aware and begin to change how you look at situations and challenges.

Lesson 2: How to Turn Obstacles into Challenges

This lesson is all about taking your power back. You’ll learn how and why we get stuck in the victim mentality. You’ll also be guided through a set of questions to test your own mentality. This is an important introductory lesson that will help you become aware and begin to change how you look at situations and challenges.

Lesson 3: Dealing with Grief and Loss

This lesson is all about taking your power back. You’ll learn how and why we get stuck in the victim mentality. You’ll also be guided through a set of questions to test your own mentality. This is an important introductory lesson that will help you become aware and begin to change how you look at situations and challenges.

Lesson 4: Ethics

In this lesson, you’ll learn how ethics is really two parts and how each part plays a role in making important decisions in your life, while also coaching others in making decisions. Gaining clarity around values and using those values to inform decisions is one of the key differences in being just a good energy practitioner and being a great coach for your clients. Deborah also includes exploratory questions to help you and your clients discern what is truly important in terms of values. You’ll understand deeply how your job as an energy healing coach is to lead your clients on a journey of self-discovery. You’ll avoid potential pitfalls with clients as Deborah shares the dos and don’ts when it comes to ethics in coaching.

Lesson 5: How Karma Works

This lesson focuses on karmic law and how understanding karma can help you make long-term decisions that aid in your spiritual growth and personal development. By having a deeper understanding of how karma works in life and afterwards, you’ll see that your karma is not pre-destined. You have complete control over what happens to you in the way that you respond. Learning these key principles in karma can help you move from short-term gains to looking at long-term goals to keep moving in a positive manner in all areas of your life.

Lesson 6: The Art of Listening

In this lesson, you’ll master the complex art of listening. This is one of the most important tools for both your personal and your professional life. In this lesson, you’ll master the complex art of listening to others. This is one of the most important tools in successfully guiding others in every walk of life. The benefits of this lesson extend far beyond your profession as an energy healer. These tools will also improve your personal and professional relationships and bring a deeper connection to the feelings and needs of others. This lesson also includes a powerful guided meditation to help you become an active listener.

Lesson 7: Creating Awareness in Others

Your main goal is to bring about new and expanded awareness in others. To facilitate real change in your clients, you must be able to guide them in opening their awareness of their current thoughts, behaviors and emotions. This lesson details the components in creating awareness in others so that true healing change can manifest in the lives of your clients. To do this, you must be able to guide the client to the key issue they face in the present. You will then be able to teach your client how to recognize how their behavior is preventing them from having the relationships, the business success and the healthy lifestyle they desire.

Lesson 8: Forgiving Yourself

This lesson is all about the power of forgiveness and the steps to actually forgive. To move forward in life, it is imperative to learn how to forgive. Deborah explains why holding on to grudges and experiences from the past harm you today and in everything you do moving forward. This is such an important topic because you will find many of your clients remain stuck and unhappy because they are holding on to resentments and pain from the past. By applying these simple techniques, you can help your clients, and yourself, move out of the past and into the beauty of possibility in the present.

Lesson 9: Self-Assessment Part 1

This first self-assessment will help you gain clarity of your clients’ needs and how to help them pursue and achieve their goals. This assessment addresses many topics including stress, emotional intelligence, life purpose and relationships. This self-assessment tool will prove invaluable in your life and your clients’ lives. This lesson includes an enlightening meditation to bring about balance so necessary for health and happiness.

Lesson 10: Self-Assessment Part 2

The second self-assessment will help you and your client gain clarity around lifestyle habits and emotional patterns. It’s important to have a clear picture of your client’s behaviors and habits so you can best assist your client in making necessary and healthful lifestyle changes.

Lesson 11: Unbending Intent

Learn the shaman’s secret of unbending intent to help you and your clients get what is desired. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to help your clients clear old negative beliefs and replace with a positive intention. By fleshing out the old, you’ll uncover the secret in motivating clients to focus on what they do want, while becoming aware of their current belief system

Lesson 12: It’s Never Too Late

You can change any lifestyle habit or unwanted behavior you desire, no matter your age. In this lesson, you’ll explore the potential you can offer your clients by showing them it really is never too late to make a change and reap the rich rewards. The guided mediation at the end of this lesson will aid in making amends for actions in the past –leading to true healing.

Part 2 Initiate-in-Training: Coming into Your Role as a Practitioner

Lesson 1: Helping Clients Deal with Stress

One of the biggest challenges you’ll face while coaching clients is helping them cope with stress. This lesson offers many ways to alleviate stress and the steps to take to ensure stress isn’t running your life or your clients’ lives. Because it can be almost impossible to create positive change in life when faced with high levels of stress, you must learn how to help your clients accept their emotions and feelings without judgment, while offering tips to lower their stress levels.

Lesson 2: Coaching Practicalities

This powerful lesson addresses all the details of starting your own energy healing business. You’ll discover who your ideal client is, when to create a website, how to determine pricing for your services and so much more! Now that you have the essential energy healing tools to coach your clients, this lesson focuses on the business aspect of building your business.

Lesson 3: Transference and Countertransference

Transference and Countertransference are two ways clients can project their feelings and emotions from their past onto you. This lesson outlines how to recognize and handle these two types of situations so that you may continue the professional relationship and also assist your clients in true healing. You will also learn to recognize when you use transference and countertransference and what to do when this happens.

Lesson 4: The Nuts and Bolts of Starting a Practice

This lesson addresses all of the important questions in regards to starting and maintaining an energy medicine practice. You’ll be guided through a set of important questions to answer to gain clarity about whom you serve and what you offer your clients. You’ll also gain the steps to take to grow your practice.

Lesson 5: Collusion

Collusion occurs when the practitioner winds up merging with their client’s view of themselves and the world, instead of helping the client explore and change. Deborah guides you through examples, how to avoid collusion and what to do in the event you wind up merging with your client’s view. Deborah also offers many explorative questions for you and your clients.

Lesson 6: Setting Goals

Success for you and your clients is all about setting goals. In this informative lesson, you’ll learn how to help your clients set goals in different areas, and how to keep them on track to reach those goals. You can also apply this lesson to your own life in setting goals.


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