
Dave Kaminski – Video SEO Made Easy


No big sales pitch here. We all know that video is huge and YouTube is now the #2 search engine behind Google. It’s also no secret that Google loves video and ranks videos higher than regular web pages in search results.

Google and YouTube have also gotten very good and very aggressive at knocking people out who try to “game” their system. Entire web sites can disappear from Google in a day. YouTube videos can drop from the top of the results down to page 90 just as fast. And people wind up frustrated, in disbelief, cursing Google and YouTube…and then go looking for the next gimmick to give them instant video riches.

Here’s why this is good news for you. The number of people who actually know how to do video SEO the right way is tiny. Really tiny. That means when you know how to do it the right way, you can get terrific results pretty easily. In fact…

For example, you’re going to have a tough time running an Adwords campaign against a competitor with much deeper pockets. You pretty much have no chance competing against someone who has an enormous mailing list…plus lots of affiliates with equally enormous mailing lists. And with traditional SEO, you’re going to be banging your head against the likes of Wikipedia and businesses that spend thousands each month to grab the top spots.

But video SEO doesn’t work like that. It’s an equal playing field for everyone. And that’s because of the unique metrics that video provides both YouTube and Google. It allows someone who is virtually unknown to beat out big names and big budgets.

And that’s why I created my new video training course called Video SEO Made Easy. It was mostly out of frustration after getting email after email about miracle video products that promise the moon and stars at the click of a button. Plus all of the other misinformation being passed around about video SEO.

Look, Google and YouTube make it simple. They flat out say that everyone has an equal chance with video. But to have that chance, you have to “do this” and you can’t “do that”.

And that’s what Video SEO Made Easy is all about. How to follow the rules, do things the right way and get big results. Whether your videos are on YouTube or you host your own videos. No gimmicks. No techie skills required. No special stuff needed. I lay it all out for you step by step. Here’s a closer look at what my training includes:

* How to get more views, starting right now, period (and no, this doesn’t mean paying someone for a bunch of fake views)

* There’s a lot of buzz recently about how Google has wiped out video marketers by only showing YouTube videos in their results. Is this really true? And what should you do? I tell you what you need to know in the training.

* How to properly prepare your videos for SEO. Pretty much everyone does this wrong. Now you’ll know how to do it right.

* The not so secret weapon that can push both YouTube and self-hosted videos to the top. No one bothers to do it. Big advantage for you.

* How to copy what the porn industry does to substantially increase your video traffic. Yea, the porn industry. But no, it’s not what you think. Geez.

* The one tiny change you can make to your videos that will get you way, way, way more eyeballs on them. Oh yea…it takes about 10 seconds to do.

* The lost art of keyword research. No one will find your videos if you don’t target keywords. And the keywords you need to use can be very different with video. I dedicate 6 videos in the course to this topic alone. Yea, it’s that important.

* Plus much, much, more. All step by step. I walk you through the right way to do video SEO, whether your videos are on YouTube or you host videos on your own web site. With no worries that you’ll be wiped out the next time Google or YouTube make changes. And no experience or skills required.

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Dave Kaminski – Video SEO Made Easy
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