
Cryptonera Pro: Learn How to Trade Cryptocurrency like a Professional


The easiest way to learn Crypto Let’s take the guess work out of your investing.

Education that Pays
Over 125+ explainer & tutorial videos, finely curated to make your Cryptocurrency journey, a successful one!

Taught by Experts
Learn from those that do it for a living, and do it best. Crafted by Ex-bankers with over 30 years of Crypto & Trading Experience.

Basic to Pro
Wherever you are in your journey, this is for you. Learn from the absolute basics to the exclusive strategies used by expert traders.

Our Course will let you do ALL this, and more, with ease:

Read Charts and Predict the Next Price Moves
Learn the art of day trading and how to use strategies used by Pro Traders, that allow them to predict future prices and profit from movements in the markets.

Catch the Undervalued Crypto’s that will Boom
Never miss out on a life-changing opportunity again! We give you the strongest understanding of Crypto, so you’ll be able to use market information and your new knowledge, to make the best investment choices.

Learn & Network with Pro Traders
We’re in this together! You’ll get access to our Crypto Member’s Hub, so you can source market knowledge from experts and arm yourself with actionable information you can build wealth with.

Your Journey with Cryptonera Pro

Become a Professional Crypto Trader & Learn How To Make More Than 6-7 Figures a Year from Trading and Investing in Crypto

Step 1 – Enrolling

Believe us, this is the hardest step here. When a life-changing opportunity is presented, people often doubt their own ability or think ‘I’ll come back to it later’, but they don’t.

Our students that took this very step themselves, made it to the end! It’s as simple as that, we’re here to guide you through the rest of the steps, but you’ve got to get on to the ride!

What you’ll learn in this course will pay you for years to come!

Step 2 – Break Down The Basics

Here, we bring your knowledge up to scratch. Learn the fundamentals in crypto, what they are, how they function, the long-term projection of crypto, how to buy etc.

You’ll be confident in discussing crypto with other people and fully understand crypto related news AND, you will be ready to open your own Crypto account and start buying or selling Cryptocurrencies.

Step 3 – The Art of Price Chart Analysis

You know those chart screens that traders often look at that look so complex and confusing?

Well, they wont after this. – You will learn how to read price charts and make accurate future price predictions, using indicators, various different methods and exclusive tools. A skill to make money on the go, and from wherever! Many of our students day-trade, and earn more than $350+ daily from their short term trades, within a few hours each day.

Step 4 – The Investment Secrets of Institutions & Corporations

The FULL blueprint for what the big players look out for when deciding to invest in any cryptocurrency. Our PRO Crypto Checklist will allow you to independently assess the strengths and weakness of any given cryptocurrency. By doing this you’ll be able to make some crazy gains because of how early we are in Crypto.

Throughout 2020 and 2021, our students have caught some insane gems that performed more than 50x their initial investment! (That’s $1k turned to $50k, and just like this, there’s so many more coins with this much potential)

You’ll be ready and hunting for these opportunities, and know exactly which projects to get into, when to get in, and exactly when to get out.

Step 5 – Exclusive Strategies From Pro Traders & Ex Bankers

30 years, yes, you read that correctly. 30 years of industry knowledge coming from senior bankers and traders, we collated the strategies that work best, so you can sit back, learn it, then apply it yourself. This exclusive knowledge that is the result of years of learning, inside information, and networking with the top investors in the world. And to think you’ll learn it in just a matter of hours and days!

Cut out all the mistakes of a beginner and go straight to the winning side!

The End – Make money on the go and secure the best investments for yourself!
A timeless skill, join thousands of other people who were just like you, but are now confident in trading the markets & investing, ready to make the progress and growth they dream of!

This is the part where, with your newfound time & funds, you can get up to anything and everything you could possibly imagine! Many of our students travel the world, trade for a few hours a day and make figures they wouldn’t every find at a job. The goal is to be an independent, profitable trader & investor, but the reason, is to live life on your terms. Cryptonera Pro is your tailored path there!

What you’ll learn with Cryptonera Pro

Introduction to Crypto

Over 20 videos introduce you to the World of Cryptocurrencies, where they come from, how they work, and how they are used to make money and revolutionise the world we live in today! Learn the basic building blocks, and develop a great understanding of the top 30 cryptocurrencies used today!

Our introduction to Crypto will equip you with the strongest foundation, to go ahead and understand further topics and concepts with ease.


▸ What cryptocurrencies are, where they come from, how they work and how they are used today

▸ How to open your own Crypto Wallet and buy Crypto

▸ What is Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Cardano, Dogecoin, and 50+ other coins

▸ The history of cryptocurrencies over recent years, and which coins are booming!

▸ Learn how to use top Crypto Platforms & Apps, including Binance, CoinMarketCap, Coinbase, Pancake Swap and TradingView.

Blockchain, NFT’s, DeFi & More

What are they & why are they Important? – Learn the fundamentals of Cryptocurrencies and understand the different components of every crypto. With these in-depth videos, you’ll have a strong enough foundation to be able to explain Crypto fully, and simply, to anyone!


▸ Gain a strong understanding of Blockchain, how it operates, and how it shapes the future ahead of us

▸ Learn about Smart Contracts, Mining, Hash Rates, Staking, Security, Scalability and more

▸ Learn what NFT’s are, why they’re so popular and valuable, and where to buy NFT’s

▸ Learn how to make your own NFT and sell it online for profit

▸ Learn about Decentralised Finance (DeFi), and how it completely revolutionises and changes finance and banking around the world.

▸ Learn how to identify valuable NFT’s and DeFi coins, as well as in all other crypto categories. Every concept and angle covered!

▸ Learn all about Crypto Mining, how to set up your own mining facility from home, and how Crypto miners make millions a year (and how you can do it too!)

Price Chart Analysis

The most exciting part of trading – You’ll learn exactly how to analyse price charts and predict future prices! A 35-video series teaching you chart analysis, price strategies and how to use exclusive indicators and methods used by Banks and Institutional investors.

You will:

▸ Learn how to read financial trading charts and graphs, and how to analyse them

▸ Learn how to draw charts and use price indicators to determine future prices

▸ Learn how to research prices and look at different types of data and make reliable judgements

▸ Learn when to enter a trade, how long to hold coins, and when to exit

▸ Learn risk management and profit taking strategies

Fundamental News Analysis

Ever wanted to be able to watch the news, buy a coin, and profit? With our fundamental analysis lessons, you’ll be able to do exactly that! Learning how to catch the growth in Crypto by trading the news and market events, is a MUST. If you do it right, you can trade independently, forever.

You’ll learn:

– How to trade the news and economic events

– How to determine future prices with new news releases

– The top and most reliable news sources for Crypto and the economy

– How to identify new and valuable coins, and how to decide if a project is worth investing in

Exclusive Secret Crypto Trading Strategies

Gain extremely exclusive access to crypto analysis strategies, information resources, and methods used by top Banks, Institutions, and companies on the Stock Exchange. This one module will set you far above the rest, and best of all, you’ll see the results for yourself.

You will:

▸ Learn actionable trading strategies used by banks and companies to see real growth in your trading journey

▸ Get access to special trading indicators and analysis charts that you can’t find anywhere, unless you’re paying thousands and thousands

▸ Learn strategies that you can begin using and seeing results from instantly

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Cryptonera Pro: Learn How to Trade Cryptocurrency like a Professional
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