
[GroupBuy] Crypto Salary Incubator


Invitation to Join Crypto Salary Incubator

This is an 8 minute read and a 2 minute decision.

The Crypto Salary Incubator will equip you with the skills 

If you felt like the webinar was a little confusing, that’s MY FAULT.

I probably did my usual thing of thinking that everybody is a trading nerd who has been doing this for over a decade like me… and made it sounds way more complicated than it needs to be.

The Crypto Salary System really is pretty easy… here are the 4 simple steps.

Step 1) Sort the funding rate data (using our spreadsheet) to choose which coins to trade

Step 2) Look for a specific price action setup. Once you’ve seen it a few times, it’s very obvious and you will recognise it at a glance

Step 3) Check for “confirming evidence” on the 30 minute and 60 minute charts. This stops us taking bad trades and improves the win rate.

Step 4) Place the trade, trying to double your money on every trade.

Here is a video of me doing it

Here is the recording of the presentation

Course Curriculum

12 Week Group Coaching Schedule – presented by Scott Phillips:

  • Module 1 – CSI Program Overview
  • Module 2: Foundational Price Action Setups and Confirming Evidence
  • Module 3: “Efficient Learning Practices”
  • Module 4 – Record Keeping
  • Module 5 – The Baseline
  • Module 6 – Introduction to Exchanges, Part 1 of 2 (Long Trades)
  • Module 7 – Introduction To Exchanges, Part 2 of 2 (Short Trades)
  • Module 8 – Leverage
  • Module 9 – Mistake Elimination and Execution Guidelines
  • Module 10 – The CSI Journey: From Beginner to Pro-Level Trader
  • Module 11 – Live Trade Reviews
  • Module 12 – Live Trade Reviews


Q: What is the Crypto Salary Incubator?

A: It’s going to teach you to make a steady $500-$2000 a day from crypto regardless of what the market is doing.

Q: How does it work?

A: It’s a 12 week sprint to take you from where you are now into me. 

If you are a beginner I’m gonna take you into someone with the skillset to make 500-2000/day using the system we just talked about.

If you are already an experienced trader  it’s going to happen way quicker for you, but there’s still a huge benefit to having a community of people around you doing the exact same thing and having me mentor you.

Q: Who is it for?


  • Maybe you saw the presentation and it seemed a little advanced. 
  • Maybe you feel like you couldn’t do this on your own. Maybe you want MY support and the support of our expert coaching team.

Q: Why can’t I just do it by myself?

A: You absolutely COULD do it by yourself (if you’re a beast) but it’s going to take you way longer. 

I’m just giving you a shortcut and making absolutely 100% certain you don’t fuck it up.

I had a mentor when I was learning…

I never invented any of this stuff and don’t claim to…

You can pay us a little bit of money and recoup that in the first couple of weeks, or you can try and go it alone.

And let’s be brutally honest here. With the best of intention you are going to stall out, get distracted, and end up giving up before you get to the goal.

I CAN and WILL make sure you get to the goal. Earning a consistent $500-$2000 per day no matter what the economy does and what the market does.

Sales Page:_

Delivery time: 12 -24hrs after paid


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Crypto Salary Incubator
[GroupBuy] Crypto Salary Incubator
$4,800.00 $89.00 Add to Cart

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