
[Group Buy] How To Create Your Book Workshop by Patric Chan


How You Can Generate $100K Income By Just Selling 5 Books/Day!

How To Create Your Own Book – And Make Money With It!

You don’t need to be an author and don’t need any experience. This is a brand new workshop I’m doing to show you:
HOW TO CREATE THE BOOK IN 2 WEEKS – Just follow the blueprint to come up with all of the book’s chapters and how to produce the content of the book, even if you do not have any experience or knowledge about the topic
HOW TO MONETIZE THE BOOK – You can use the “Borrowed Funnel Strategy” or simply follow the training on how to create 3 new information products from it
PRINT ON DEMAND – How tap on the print-on-demand business model so that you don’t need to keep any inventory!
You don’t need to learn how to pitch like crazy, you just need to sell your book and let the funnel monetize for you. Now that you have a book funnel that works, you can easily PREDICT how much money you can make each month.

The 3 Free Bonuses

You’ll also get 3 bonuses when you register today. These bonuses are AMAZING. They’re going to help you to get your book up and running very quickly because the first 2 bonuses are templates and the last one is the slides for you to refer.

BONUS #1: Book Title And Outline Templates

This bonus will give you 25 book titles with examples to use and 3 book outlines that you can “copy and paste”.

BONUS #2: Instant Salesletter Template And Fill-In-The-Blanks Swipe File

This is a complete salesletter template for you to customized for your book, you don’t need to be a copywriting expert! Fill-in-the-blanks swipe file for headlines, sub-headlines, bullet points, book intro’s, money-back guarantees and so on.

BONUS #3: How To Create Your Book Workshop Presentation Slides

This valuable bonus will give you the presentation slides for the workshop, in a nicely formatted PDF! This way, you can attend to learn without being distracted to copy the content of the slides during the class.

How To Create Your Book Workshop by Patric Chan

A. Create Your Book Workshop
B. Social Media Income Masterclass

Create Your Book Workshop
These are the modules covered in the workshop

MODULE 1: Follow One System

MODULE 2: Creating The Book
2.1: The Compilation Method
2.2: The Book Content
2.3: The Structure of Book Content

MODULE 3: Book Fulfillment for Print On Demand
3.1: Setup Your Book in Amazon KDP
3.2: Setup Print On Demand for your book in Amazon KDP
3.3: Creating The Book Funnel

MODULE 4: Creating The Book Funnel And Monetization
4.1: Your Book Salesletter
4.2: Upsell Before Checkout: Order Bump
4.3: Upsell After Checkout: One Time Offer
4.4: Suggested Selling Price

MODULE 5: Backends Income

Bonus #1: Book Title And Outline Template
Bonus #2: Instant Salesletter Template And Fill-In-The-Blanks Swipe File
Bonus#3: Create Your Book Workshop Presentation Slides

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Delivery time: 24 -48hrs after paid


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[Group Buy] How To Create Your Book Workshop by Patric Chan
$124.00 $49.00 Add to Cart

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