
Chris Wright and Peter Tzemis – Spellbound-Storytelling For Action


ATT: Freelancers And Business Owners Looking To Add An Additional 6,7, or 8 figures To Their Bank Account…
Now, For The First Time Ever, There’s Never Been An Easier Way To Craft Action-Provoking, Money-Printing Stories All Thanks To The…

“E.P.I.C.” Storytelling Framework
Discover The Simple, 4-Step Storytelling System Directly Responsible For Creating Multiple Top Offers
And Generating Over 100M Online

There are 171,146 words in the English language.

And four of them have made us millions upon millions of dollars online.

In fact one of my clients made over 15M using these 4 little words.

Disney used these 4 words to build a $190 billion business empire…

Early adopters of Bitcoin used these 4 little words to usher in the era of cryptocurrency…

And everyday investors in GameStop used these words to build a movement that separated Wall Street from billions of dollars.

And if you’re an internet marketer, copywriter, or business owner…

These four little words hold the keys to persuade anyone to take massive action.

Which means YOU can effortlessly craft hyper-compelling copy that scales hard and scales fast…

Break new sales records for you and your clients, plus…

Ratchet up your fees by double – even triple – to “A-list” levels…

In fact when I applied these 4 words back in March 2021, I was able to generate nearly 20k in bonuses for myself…

And over 2M in a single month for my client.

And here’s the undeniable rub:

You already know these 4 words…

Because as you’ll see today…

These words tap into the most primitive parts of our brain (I’ll reveal what part shortly)…
As a way to pass on knowledge from generation to generation.

It’s part of our survival.

So what are these powerful words?

“Once upon a time…”
Because Encapsulated In These 4 Words Is The Most Powerful Motivator Of Human Action To Ever Exist: Storytelling.

See, behind the very examples I just showed you are true stories…

The story of how the anonymous Satoshi Nakamoto built a new currency to displace fiat…

The Mickey Mouse story that has since spawned countless movies, TV shows and theme parks…

And the story of the little guy finally getting the chance to fire back at the rigged financial system…

But these are just 3 high-profile examples…

The truth is, stories are EVERYWHERE…

In sports, news, your personal relationships – heck even our calendar year – you name it…

Influencing the actions of millions of folks every minute of every day.

In fact, there’s no bigger example than politics…

Mark McKinnon, the lead campaign strategist for George Bush and John McCain, declared:

“Successful [election] campaigns tell a story”…

The bottom line is this:

We vote…

Watch sports…

Read the news…

For the exact same reason we read a book or watch a movie…

It’s for the story.

And the reason why stories are so powerful is simple…

Stories “bypass” the rational, conscious part of our brains…
To go straight to the source of every decision we make – a subconscious part of the brain as old as the human species.

Which is why, once you learn how to craft powerful stories…

Triggering the actions you desire in other people becomes remarkably simple…

Whether these actions are getting others to…

Subscribe to an email list..
Sign a contract…
Buy a product…
​Become a repeat buyer or…
Hand over a $10,000 check…​
Point blank, storytelling is a veritable superpower.

And it works whether it’s used in a sales letter…

In a cold-email drop…

Or in a YouTube video or Facebook ad…

And whether you’re talking to someone face-to-face, on the phone or over iMessage.

Just imagine what this superpower could mean for you…

You could write copy that not only converts – but crushes the competition – so you or your client can scale exponentially faster…

And with better results, you can watch as bigger and bigger checks enter your account each month.

Allowing you, whether you’re a copywriter or business owner…

To experience true freedom in your life….

That’s the freedom to step away from your laptop, and spend more time with your loved ones…

Or take a well-deserved vacation to rejuvenate your body and recharge your mind.
But the best part?

ANYONE can harness powerful storytelling.

Because here’s the dirty truth that NO ONE wants you to know:

Great storytellers aren’t born…
great storytellers are made.

Look, I know what it’s like…

To see amazing copywriters, marketers and business owners crafting stories that sell by the millions…

While your own attempts fall flat…

It feels like the “masters” have been blessed with their storytelling prowess…

Like they’re naturals…

But that couldn’t be further from the truth…

In fact, give me just 5 minutes of your time today…

And I’ll show you how to harness the power of storytelling…

I’ll show you why it works… how it works… and most importantly…


No matter their experience level (even if you haven’t written a story before)…

Can follow a simple 4-STEP “E.P.I.C.” framework to craft compelling stories that bypass your prospect’s limbic (buying) brain to move people to action…

(And make a metric ton of money in the process)

Along with…

How a 23-second scene from the film “Inception” revealed the ultimate playbook to master storytelling (it’s totally true, and modern science just confirmed it!)

Plus, how the accidental discovery of an Italian neuroscientist unlocked a biological hack to move any person to action (you can activate this “hack” on-demand)…

But before we go any further…

WARNING: What You’ll Learn Today Has Literally Shaped the World –

For Better or Worse…

By Continuing to Read Today, You Must Commit to Ethical Usage of this Knowledge.

“With great power, comes great responsibility”

This line – from one of the most popular stories of all time, Spiderman – couldn’t be closer to the truth.

The principles you’ll learn about today are extremely powerful.

They’ve created real, positive change in the world…

From America’s early “pioneer” story… to the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream”.

But they’ve also been used to destroy…

With a story being used to sow the seeds of the second world war.

The bottom line is that if you’re hoping to learn the tools of manipulation…

So you can sell a subpar product…

Cheating people out of their time and money…

Then leave this page right away.

Go on…

Close this tab.

Still here?

Good. Then I’m going to assume you’re one of the good guys…

Who has a product or service that enriches people’s lives…

And makes the world a BETTER place…

Now, with that said…

Who are we and what do we know about storytelling?

My name is Peter Tzemis.

Together with Chris Wright (who I’ll introduce shortly)…

We have over 14 years of using storytelling to sell products from financial newsletters and e-courses… to supplements, dog treats and keto cookies.

Independently we’ve played a part in helping to grow multiple 8-figure companies…

Scaled sales funnels to 7-figures a month…

And brought in tens of thousands of buyers…

All through the power of storytelling.

Yet the accomplishment we’re most proud of is the “E.P.I.C.” storytelling framework…

In mid-2020, we began to craft powerful stories together…

And in the months that followed, we began to condense everything we knew about storytelling into its core principles…

Principles that ANYONE can use to become a master storyteller…

At the heart of it all is the EPIC framework…

That lets those committed to telling better stories shortcut the learning process by half…

And craft soul-gripping stories in record time.

Now, creating the EPIC framework wasn’t easy…

In fact, Chris didn’t even realize he was using it when he was writing sales letters and videos that went on to do 7- and 8-figures…

I had to spend months learning from him…

Pulling out the information that he had internalized…

But I couldn’t be more happy I did…

Because as you’ll see today, I’ve used the E.P.I.C. formula to craft incredible stories…

That have annihilated “unbeatable” controls…

Worked gangbusters for a $50 million per year direct response publisher…

And have personally grown my income by more than 4X…

I’ll be sharing this incredible journey today.

So that you can quickly craft compelling stories on demand that out convert your competition and help you make millions of dollars.

But let me first be crystal clear…

For both me and Chris…

It wasn’t always this way – We both used to SUCK at storytelling.

See, storytelling didn’t always come naturally to Chris and me…

We’ve both spent longer than we’d like to admit staring at a blank screen…

Even scouring through forums… Reddit… Amazon reviews.. or blog articles…

Hoping and praying for inspiration to strike – that never came.

Worst of all, we’d feel paralyzed for days or weeks by the challenge of writing a story…

Or, if we were able to write at all…

We’d spend hundreds – maybe thousands – of words saying too much and wondering if anyone would stick around to read it.

Listen – I get it.

It can feel like some people are just natural storytellers – and you’re not.

After all, we all have at least one silver-tongued friend who can captivate a room of people with ease.
But I’m here to tell you…

That if you do know someone who can tell stories that consistently move people to action…


For me, that someone was Chris…

He would write these gripping stories…

With the right amount of drama…

That would suck me in – top to bottom…

He’d even moved me to purchase more than one product…

I thought he was just born a great storyteller…

But when I reached out to him for advice he corrected me.

In fact, he’d spent more than $31,000 learning how to craft compelling stories…

Buying storytelling books and courses…

Hiring coaches…

Learning from Hollywood director masterclasses.

You name it – he tried it.

And though he was getting better at storytelling slowly…

He wasn’t as consistent as he wanted to be…

Introducing… Spellbound: Storytelling For Action

Spellbound is the ONLY storytelling course designed to craft stories that do one thing:

Tap into the limbic brain to inspire people to take action…

Inside, you’ll learn our entire “EPIC Framework”…

Emotion… Problem… Inception… and Close.

Where Chris explains step-by-step how to construct stories that grab your prospect by the hand…

Imbed an idea deep in the limbic brain…

And drive them to the action you want them to take.

There’s literally no stone left unturned.

While some concepts are highly advanced…

Everything is simple to understand and learn…

In fact, you’ll have 6 over-the-shoulder videos to go through…

Where you can watch me at each stage of the storytelling process…

You’ll also get all the templates… swipes… and resources you need to start writing action-inspiring stories right out of the gate.

All in all, there’s 10 breakthrough modules for you to go through…

Which I’ll share with you right now…

Module 1: Story-ception 101

This is the HEART of spellbound.

In this module, I’ll walk you through what a story is, and how YOU can harness them to DOUBLE and triple your conversions and squeeze out every penny from your offers, ads, and emails

You’ll also discover…

  • ​How to use stories to shape the world and persuade anyone to do (almost) anything you want…
  • When and how to use “tailored omission” to legally mind control your prospects buying emotions
  • Storytellers are born, right? WRONG! Storytellers are made and we’ll show you how to unlock your own storytelling superpowers (and why you are probably already amazing)
  • The 6 steps of stories that move people to action. Understanding these 6 components is a crucial part of being able to craft a story that influences.
  • ​The brain chemistry of persuasion: the three chemical reactions you must trigger in the brain to automatically cast a spell on your audience
  • ​The ONE powerful action-inspiring that triggers buying behavior subconsciously (hint: it’s not greed or fear or even shame)
  • ​How to navigate the choppy waters of your prospects’ “Neural hallucination effect” and speak directly to your prospect’s soul. Get this wrong and you risk inaction.
  • ​The neocortex, confabulation and a deep dive into the science of storytelling so that you can competently craft action-provoking stories on demand.
  • With this information at hand, you have everything you need to master the EPIC storytelling framework…

Which brings us to…

Module 2: The E.P.I.C Storytelling Framework

This is where the rubber meets the road.

Inside this module, I’ll show you the 4-step EPIC framework for writing hard-hitting, emotionally-driven stories that tap into the limbic brain and persuade your readers and move them to action.

Rigorously tested with over 8-figures in revenue, this foolproof framework will turn you into a masterful storyteller without fail.

In fact, just one story using this formula can add millions of dollars to your (or your clients) bottom line.

You’ll also learn…

  • ​How to prime your reader with Emotional power punches to unlock the most primitive level of your prospect’s brain and hypnotize them to take action
  • ​Problem: The secret to creating emotionally compelling “stakes” that grabs your reader by the collar (And hurls them through your copy at breakneck speeds)
  • Inception: How to shape your reader’s world (and enjoy total influence over them)
  • ​Close: Time to bank your reader’s trust for maximum conversions (and unlock eye-popping AOVs)

Combined with the lessons you already put into action from module one, when you finish this section, you’ll be in possession of a powerful one-two punch of time-honored storytelling secrets.

And regardless if you’re a complete newbie or an experienced marketer…

Once you go through these first 2 modules, I guarantee you’ll be on track to make more money and acquire more customers telling stories.

But we set out to make Spellbound the most detailed storytelling course around…

Which is why you’ll also learn about…

Module 3: The Conversion-Boosting-Triggers™ of the Limbic Brain

Never again worry that your story is falling flat.

Because in this module, you’ll discover ways to not only dramatically increase the power of the stories you tell by harnessing the psychology of humans.

You’ll also learn how to instantly bring to life a “dead story” that pulls prospects in their droves.

What’s more, I’ll share with you:

  • The little-known secret to transforming dull, lifeless sentences into action-packed sequences that can’t be ignored
  • The little-known secret to transforming dull, lifeless sentences into action-packed sequences that can’t be ignored
  • The “ limbic brain opener” you need to start every story with to command attention, and effortlessly hook your prospects into saying yes – near instantaneously…
  • How to suck your reader into a vortex of imagery that keeps them hooked like addicts to your story.
  • ​What to say to hijack your prospects emotional circuitry and incept your sales message deep within in the limbic brain
  • ​and much, MUCH more!

Better still, after watching this module…

You’ll have at your finger-tips the definitive, step-by-step checklist to create blockbuster stories your market simply cannot ignore

Module 4: The 7 Deadly SINS of storytelling

Sometimes the best way to win is not to do things right, but to avoid doing the WRONG things…

Which is why in this module we’ll cover the 7 deadly sins of storytelling you must avoid so that you can shortcut your way to writing killer stories that move people to take action.

You’ll also discover…

  • ​The #1 mistake storytellers make that tank conversion rates faster than the Titanic
  • Why “tried-and-true” can flip the switch OFF in the limbic brain (practically guaranteeing your message goes ignored)
  • The hidden “exit ramps” in your story that burns conversions to the ground
  • The sure-fire way to OVERLOAD your prospects with “stuck in the mud” details that chase prospects away
  • By the time you’re finished with this module…

You’ll NEVER again struggle to write a hard-hitting story your prospects (or even clients) go crazy for.

Module 5: Storytelling WITHOUT words

One of the most overlooked aspects of storytelling, especially for copywriters and marketers, is the production value…

Music, jump cuts, countdown timers, b-roll…

All of it, incorporated strategically, can give you (or your client) MASSIVE boosts in ROAS, AOV, Epost-production.

This is the secret sauce that some of the biggest DR companies use to separate themselves from the pack and scale offers to 1000s of buyers a day…

And NO ONE talks about it… until now.

  • ​How to get a 110% boost from your VSL without changing the copy.
  • The double post production combo that helped improve our YT ads by 100%
  • Love Superheroes? Here’s how the FLASH™ gave us a 10% bump in CVR without changing a single word of the copy. This takes less than 5 minutes to do and can be used on every ad, VSL, and upsell you have.
  • The exact frequency to add b-roll, jump cuts, and musical transitions to keep viewers engaged.
  • ​How to direct your creative team to execute like marketers.
  • ​When you should use high-quality products and when you should use your iPhone for maximum money making

I promise that once you go through this module, you’ll be able to inject rocket fuel into every single of your VSLs, ads, and pages to dramatically increase conversion rate and your income…

All without changing a single word of copy.

If you’re a client this can TRIPLE your ROAS allowing you to unlock scale

And if you’re a freelancer, you can get paid handsomely for doing almost no work (and your clients will happily pay because they’ll see such an increase in ROAS)…

But once again, we didn’t stop here…

We’re serious about making Spellbound the ultimate storytelling masterclass. Which is why you’ll also receive…

Bonus #1: Good Stories & Bad Stories

In this bonus, we’ll deep dive into some of the best (and worst) stories and surgically evaluate what makes them so powerful….

And where you have the opportunity to pull some strings and ramp up the emotional firepower (and make some serious $$$ in the process).

In fact there’s just 3 questions you need to ask to troubleshoot a flat, uninteresting story and turn it into a Hollywood-worthy blockbuster.

Plus we’ll show you the best places to research, find, and swipe the hardest-hitting, emotional stories (and no, it’s not Reddit. But something far more powerful)…

And give you the 4 best stories of the past 2 centuries that have shaped the world on a global scale (and how you can transfer these high-level storytelling tactics to your own work.)

Bonus #2: Six Words Storytelling

If that wasn’t enough, you’ll also learn how to craft stories in just SIX WORDS.

Seriously, that’s all it takes.

This is straight from Hemingway himself, who used the six word story formula to bring an entire bar to tears…

By the end of this, you’ll be able to craft your very own action-provoking stories in half the time.

Plus there’s also a super secret interview with Chris Haddad, who’s made millions upon millions with this formula….

People have offered us thousands for just this alone…

And you get it for free.

But, like we said, we want this foolproof storytelling training to be the world’s best…

Which is why we included Bonus #3

Bonus #3: Story-Hunting

One of the most difficult aspects of storytelling, is finding what stories are worth telling…

And which are duds.

In this 17 minute bonus module, Chris and I breakdown exactly what makes a story worth telling…

How to tell it…

And simple tricks to turn dry boring stories into blockbuster promo’s.

Plus we’ll show you exactly where we source money printing stories that you can use.

So given all that…

How Much Would This Be Worth To You?

Listen, I know that most people when they land on a long-form page like this, they’ll scroll right down and see the price to decide whether it’s worth reading the copy or not.

If that’s you, then let me ask you a question:

Up above, you’ll see that Cody Bramlett was able to make an extra 16MM in a single year off of ONE story following the EPIC storytelling formula…

And Divine locks is having 7 figure months, every month off ONE EPIC story.

Personally, I’ve been able to help my multiple 8-figure clients and celebrities generate millions a month using EPIC stories (giving me some sweet bonuses as well)…

For example here’s one month’s bonus I received for telling ONE EPIC story that converted like gangbusters…

Sales Page: _


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