
[Download] The Champion’s Perfect Day™


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New Research From NASA & Harvard Finds ‘Hidden Rhythm’ Built In Your Body That…

“Unlocks Your Peak Performance Potential On Command!”

Now Dr. Jeff Spencer… private coach to billionaires, Olympians, & Fortune 500 CEOs… shows how this ‘Rhythm’ is the key to high performance 7 days a week without needing to:

  • Join the 5am club…
  • Spend money on biohacks, or…
  • ​Waste time on long morning routines…

Dear Future Champion,

After coaching the top 1% of high-achievers in the world…

I’ve found how to break free from the silent hands of doubt that hold us back.

Imagine how it would feel to no longer…
Work 12+ hour days…
​Check email every 5 minutes…
​Refresh social media 20x a morning…
​Put off your personal goals every month, and…
​Feel guilty for not being able to get into the zone…
Sounds amazing, right? Well it’s now possible…

New science proves there’s a ‘hidden rhythm’ built in your body.

And if you can sync your actions, habits, and routine with this rhythm…

Everything Inside The Program

The Champion’s Perfect Day™ contains 4 core modules.

We dive deep into the science of performance. I’ll show you how to use this science to construct your perfect day. Our goal is to construct a routine that allows you to be productive. All without needing to force it.

This program does not force you into a specific routine. It’s not copy and paste, and it’s not one-size-fits-all. We created this to be flexible. We give you lots of options to build your perfect day. Then we help you know how to choose.

You’ll get the online program, the e-book, and worksheets to guide your learning.


Module 1: The Simple Science Behind – THE CHAMPION’S PERFECT DAY™

In module 1, you’ll discover the science behind peak performance.

I will show you the optimal progression used by high achievers. I’ll show you how to create your routine around your creative windows. This will give the foundation to gain full control over every day.

What you’ll learn in this module:

  • The key to command your day – without urges to check social media.
  • How to tap into your creativity. Just follow your body’s energy rhythm. How to inspire your subconscious to feed you good ideas (leverage the Gocus™ method).
  • ​4 creative opportunities that activate your flow state. Learn when these times in your day start, when they end, and how to take advantage of them.
  • ​2 attention peaks that allow higher focus – and why this is when you should do your creative work.
  • ​3 attention lows that crush creative flow states (don’t do important work during these windows at all costs).
  • ​2 brain gain windows where you absorb information. Use these windows to retain what you learn.

Which leads us to…

Module 2:The Simple Science Behind – YOUR PERFECT MORNING ROUTINE

In module 2, you’ll discover how champions start their mornings.

Most programs will tell you to wake up at 5am. Or they’ll give you a copy-and-paste routine to follow. This is not only wrong, but it can hurt your performance.

I will show you how to create your own morning routine. And personalize it to you. Your routine will feel different from every other routine you’ve tried.

What you’ll learn in this module:

  • 7 performance multipliers to create a perfect morning. Pick and choose from these habits to enjoy more energy.
  • How to stay balanced through your whole day. This will help you remain in control for 10+ hours in a row. Plus it helps you not fall off track.
  • ​Why starting your day fast is a risk (and how it doesn’t help you beat the competition).
  • How your morning routine can help you finish work early. Business owners can finish work by 3pm. And people with 9-5 jobs can finish work with energy left in the tank.
  • How to work less than you did before (without needing to rush).

Which leads us to…


In module 3, you’ll discover how to finish your work strong.

I will teach you how to take charge of your performance. You’ll have the ability to zone in on your most important work. Whether you’re a CEO, manager, creative, or work a 9-5 job…

This will show you how to produce like a machine.

What you’ll learn in this module:

  • 7 performance multipliers to help get your work done. Follow these multipliers for maximum creativity and focus.
  • The key to consistent creativity – with the “Multi-Push Performance” strategy.
  • How to move tasks across the finish line (find your perfect work speed that’s not too fast or too slow).
  • How to make progress towards your goals. You’ll see how to set up your workday to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • How to set up your Champion’s Perfect To-Do List. This is a new approach to finish your work each day. It shows you visible progress on your goals and gives you true satisfaction.

Then we’ll talk about…


In module 4, you’ll see how to end your evening. So you wake up the next day feeling great.

Your evening determines the quality of tomorrow’s morning routine. That’s why elite performers know their evening routine is nothing to ignore.

What you’ll learn in this module:

  • 8 performance multipliers to create a perfect evening. These habits will help fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • How to let go of the impulse to work at night – use the champion’s method to free your mind from thinking about work.
  • Fun fact! Discover the 2-hour window where most athletes break world records. I advise my clients to work out at this time.
  • How to avoid waking up trashed in the morning – follow this easy night routine for good sleep.
  • Why it can feel impossible to get asleep and stay asleep (and how to avoid it if you run a business or work a 9-5 job).
  • And so much more…

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[Download] The Champion’s Perfect Day™
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Less stress, more sweat.