Astral Projection Mastery by Robert Bruce


Here’s The Ultimate Guide To Instant Success With Astral Projection… Learn How To Have An Out Of Body Experience At Will… My Proven 3-Step Strategy Will Work Even If You Failed In The Past

Video Program: Watch online anywhere anytime
Companion Workbook: With tips and advice

Robert Bruce

In Astral Projection Mastery, you will learn:

Proven meditations for deep Theta trance
The ultimate astral projection techniques
Directions to the Astral Worlds and afterlife
Access points for the Akashic Records
Tips for Initiations by Ascended Masters
Guidance to reunite with family and friends who have passed over

You’re About To Learn Secrets That Most Humans Will Never Know About Out Of Body Experiences

Dear Friend,

I have some important questions for you. Be honest with yourself as you answer them…

Do you get nervous when it’s time to perform astral projection?

Do you feel like something as powerful and exciting as an out of body experience could NEVER happen to you?
Have you felt like every time you want to go out of body, your mind is bombarded with distracting internal dialog and chatter?
Do you ever lay down to astral project, and as soon as you go into deep trance, you fall asleep and miss out on the whole experience?
Do you feel like you’ve read every book, watched every video, and intellectually understood every aspect of astral projection, without any consistent practical success?
Have you ever felt like just throwing in the towel and giving up because it seems like NOTHING will work… and you should accept it?

If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions, then I have some important news for you…

You’re NOT alone. In fact, that list of questions was created from years of personal experience and from learning about this area of my life for myself.

Over the last 40 years I’ve been pretty lucky. I’ve travelled the world giving seminars and teaching thousands of people just like you how to get out of body and astral travel.

And out of all the questions I’ve received, one particular question kept popping up…
Why Is It So Easy For Psychics To Have INCREDIBLE Success With Astral Projection, While It’s So Hard For Us “Normal” People To Go Out Of Body?

Here’s the truth…

Psychics have MUCH healthier energy bodies.

Now let me ask you this: is there a difference between the physical health of an Olympic athlete and a normal person?

You BET there is!

Well, there is ALSO a difference between the ENERGETIC health of a psychic and a normal person.

Do you understand my point yet?

The secret to lasting success with astral projection is hidden inside your energy body. If it’s not healthy, then you won’t go out of body EVER.

But fear not, because we can all get our energy bodies into shape through a special technique I call “tactile imaging”.

The truth is, when you turbocharge the chakras inside your energy body, astral projections will start happening AUTOMATICALLY, without any hassle.

I want you to know that I was NOT born able to have out of body experiences on command. For years I struggled, and fought to claw my way out of my physical body.

But one day, I made what some people consider to be the BIGGEST DISCOVERY in the field of astral projection. I invented a brand new technique for stimulating the energy body… a method that actually works. And through careful experimentation, I figured out that my special “tactile imaging” technique SKYROCKETS your success rate with getting out of body.

I reported my discoveries in detail to several online communities devoted to psychic abilities, and I quickly became the “go to” guy for advice on the subject. This launched my career as a professional author and international trainer. And since then, I’ve helped hundreds of thousands of people learn to have out of body experiences willfully.

And if there’s one thing I learned from helping THAT MANY people… it’s that ANYONE can get success.
Here’s My PROVEN 3-Step Strategy For Triggering Astral Projections On Demand… And It Will Work FOR YOU, Even If You’ve Tried Other Techniques And Failed In The Past

Imagine what it’d be like if you could easily go out of body whenever you felt like it. What if you could sit down, close your eyes and slip into the astral plane anytime you want? For the record, this is ENTIRELY possible, and it only takes 3 steps:

1) Physical Relaxation And Trance

For the astral body to exit the physical body, the physical body *must* be completely relaxed. It’s needs to basically be in “sleep” mode, like a computer. This is called “trance”.

Similar to a car, you need to park your body, before you can safely open the door and get out. Relaxation and trance unlocks your physical body.

2) Deep Energy Work

Here’s the secret step that almost all mystics miss. If the activity and health of your energy body is crucial to success with astral projection, then it’s vital for you to “warm up” the energy body before attempting your exit technique.

Even just a few moments of concentrated energy work will prime the pump, so to speak, and boost your ability to project. Energy work unlocks your energy body.

3) Effective Exit Technique

Once your physical body is in trance, and your energy body is warmed up, then it’s time to shift into drive. That is to say, it’s now time to perform an effective exit technique. And if you’ve taken care to complete the first 2 steps, then this third one is SURE to work.

Think about it this way. If you’ve turned off your car, and opened the door, now all you have to do is step out and walk away. Exit techniques unlock your astral body.

Astral projection really is this straightforward. And guess what? You literally can start learning this simple, intuitive 3-step system in detail, within minutes from now…
My Astral Projection Mastery Program Will Show You Exactly How To Get Out Of Body, So You Can Do It Anytime You Want

If you’ve decided that you’re ready for SUPER-SUCCESS with astral travel and out of body experiences, then what I’m about to tell you will help you get it in A LOT less time than it took me.

My Astral Projection Mastery program is the most advanced educational product on planet Earth for INSTANTLY increasing your success with astral projection.

For over 40 years I’ve tested and refined the most powerful and effective astral projection techniques, and invented several of my own. I’ve put ALL MY BEST material inside this one program. It only consists of what has proven to work through thousands of experiments. You will not find these special techniques and strategies anywhere else.

The bottom line is this: if you try my material and it doesn’t work, then it’s YOUR fault, because I know for a FACT that this stuff WORKS. Hundreds of thousands of people have confirmed it for me, and I’ve been using these very techniques myself for decades, testing them in a variety of conditions.

When you’re totally committed to following my simple instructions, so you FINALLY get out of body and start exploring the wonders of the astral plane, this program is for YOU.
In Astral Projection Mastery, you’ll learn:

The MOST EFFECTIVE astral projection techniques I know… some of which I’ve NEVER revealed before
In-depth instructions for performing my “tactile imaging” technique… so you can TURBOCHARGE your chakras and totally transform your energy body
How to eliminate your fear and anxiety about astral projection – reprogram your brain to give you BULLETPROOF CONFIDENCE
How to “shut off” the annoying chatter inside your head when you’re trying to get out of body
The absolute fastest ways to enter the deepest Theta trance states
How to astral travel to the most heavenly astral realms and meet real angels
Directions for accessing the Akashic Records to learn your Past and Future Lives
How to visit the Afterlife to reunite with friends and family who died – get emotional closure, and permanently remove any fear of death or the unknown

Watch This Entire Program Online RIGHT NOW, Risk-Free And Receive:
15+ hours of video material A complete guide to astral projection
Streaming online Watch online anywhere anytime
Companion workbook Full of helpful tips and suggestions
Detailed track listing For quick access to re-watch chapters
Forum membership Get support when you need it most

Because I want as many people as possible to benefit from this program, I’ve priced it at only 3 easy monthly payments of $99 and it comes with my better-than-money-back guarantee.

You can watch my program online immediately from your computer, smartphone, or other portable device.

Try Astral Projection Mastery RISK FREE for 7 days. If for any reason you’re not happy, simply let me know before the 7 days are up, and I’ll give you a full refund.

Start following this proven step-by-step system to quickly learn how to get out of body, explore the astral worlds, and experience immortality. You’ll feel completely ecstatic as you discover the secrets to the Afterlife while you’re still alive.

We BOTH KNOW it’s time for you to finally get consistent success with astral projection.

Don’t let your spiritual life pass you by…


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Astral Projection Mastery by Robert Bruce

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