
[Group Buy] Arcturian Healing Method – Arcturian Flying Dragon Training


n this training, you will be attuned to 5 Arcturian Flying Dragon frequencies.  These frequencies represent abilities called the Five Enlightened Activities: Peaceful, Magnetizing, Wrathful, Increasing, and Supreme.  As we work in the world to benefit others, we can call on these activities as needed to perform the tasks that need to get done.  By sitting for the transmissions, participants will more fully embody these abilities and also be able to carry them out with ease.  Participants will also be attuned to these 5 Arcturian Flying Dragon Frequencies so that they can use them in their sessions for others and increase their clients’ abilities to perform the Five Enlightened Activities.
The 5 Arcturian Flying Dragon Frequencies and their associated Five Enlightened Activities are as follows:
1.  Arcturian Violet-Blue Flying Dragon-Peaceful
The peaceful activities include healing, calming, soothing, and in general helping restore balance in any particular situation or person.  The Arcturian Violet-Blue Flying Dragon embodies this aspect and imparts its wisdom to participants as well as the ability to share this with others.
2.  Arcturian Orange-Red Flying Dragon-Magnetizing
The more common understanding of the term magnetizing in our modern spiritual culture is manifestation.  With the powers and abilities from the Arcturian Orange-Red Flying Dragon, participants will increase their ability to magnetize or manifest their goals and desires.  When combined with the wish to benefit others, this serves as a potent ability to get things done.
3.  Arcturian Silver-Black Flying Dragon-Wrathful
There are times when tough love is called for in situations.  The Arcturian Silver-Black Flying Dragon imparts this ability in participants as well as the wisdom and understanding to know when to use such a potent force without harm to others and imbalance to the environment.  The transmissions also enable participants to be able to channel this frequency to clients who are stuck because of overwhelming obstacles.
4.  Arcturain Green-Yellow Flying Dragon-Increasing
The increasing ability is the capacity to increase knowledge, lifespan, merit, abilities, and capacities.  This also includes increase wealth, prosperity, and money.  The ability to increase is needed at times which participants will be able to do as directed by their Higher Self.
5.  Arcturian Gold-White Flying Dragon-Supreme Activity
This frequency embodies all the above 4 frequencies plus allows participants to move more quickly towards full awakening and enlightenment.  Ultimately, our goal is to remember who we ultimately are-our divine birthright and nature.  Spiritual traditions refer to this as Oneness, Union with the Divine or Godhead, and Enlightenment.  This final set of transmissions and frequencies help participants move toward this goal in an accelerated fashion as well as have the ability through channeling this frequency to help others move towards this ultimate destination more quickly.
Each day we will be going through two 45-minute transmissions to download the frequencies and abilities embodied by each Arcturian Flying Dragon.  We will also have ample time to practice using these frequencies as partner exchanges and discuss the deeper meaning, implications, and uses of each enlightened activity.
Requirement: Arcturian Healing Method Level 1
If you have not taken the Level 1 training and cannot make a live training in time, you can also take the Level 1 by mp3.  Please contact Gene at [email protected] for this option.
Please bring eye cover, yoga mat, blanket, pillow, notes, pens, and pencils as needed.
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Delivery time: 24 – 48hrs after paid


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[Group Buy] Arcturian Healing Method – Arcturian Flying Dragon Training
$888.00 $259.00 Add to Cart

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