Andre Chaperon – Autoresponder Madness v3.0


Andre Chaperon – Autoresponder Madness 3.0 – Monster Profits from Tiny Lists

Built upon and upgraded past members have already previously been spoilt with the highly successful Autoresponer Madness V2.5 and previously V2.0.

With that, I’ve got a few things that I’d like for you to start thinking about, since we all know that email marketing is an absolute must for any online business to be as successful as possible.

The BIG Promise:

Subscribers, a loyal following, and cold hard cashola.

This is what we’ve all been promised by most email marketing courses out there. That’s what you really want, but for some reason, it just doesn’t seem to be happening.

Stop and take a good hard look at the results of your email marketing efforts. I bet you’re going to say that things aren’t exactly looking this way, right? Things are a bit of a mess and you’re just not sure why?

You may even be feeling that you’ve been led astray, and the promises made to you about having your very own online business have been nothing but a lie.

This isn’t how things were supposed to be, is it?

Remember when you were first getting started? You had this vision of a loyal engaged community who just couldn’t wait for you to share with them, and purchase things from you.

I mean, you had a niche that interests you and tons of other people, heck, it’s a niche that should have been chalk full of amazing opportunity.

However, here you are today, and that vision you had just hasn’t seem to come to light.

Your open rates suck, your list is unresponsive, and you’re barely making enough profits to cover your utility bills, or maybe your rent. WTF!

This is a problem that I hear about all to often from many newer clients or subscribers (the ones I haven’t had a chance to really drive home Autoresponder Madness with, anyway).

Of course I’m always the first to ask them if they’ve ever been exposed Autoresponder Madness.

After all, it’s my #1 recommended email marketing course ever, but have they actually picked it up and went through the training itself?

The root cause of the problem?

You see, the root of the problem generally stems from the fact that most courses on email marketing, really don’t come from true experts in that area at all.

No, a ton of them come from marketers who were simply told that if they really wanted to make some good money online, then they would need their own product. So wa-la, let’s throw together a bunch of re-hashed regurgitated content on email marketing, and presto, they have a product.

Also, it’s no real secret that many of these courses are actually outsourced as well, simply written by some person found on Elance who did a bit of research on the subject.

I know that’s sort of tough to hear, especially if you’ve made a fair investment in a product, but it’s the cold hard truth. Sorry about that…

Autoresponder Madness V1 & V2 kicked some serious ass!

When Andre Chaperon’s Autoresponder Madness hit the market, let me tell you, it literally took off like a shot receiving the highest of praise from the net’s top marketers in practically every niche out there.

It was wild … truly and totally wild …

Nobody had ever seen an email marketing course that shared this much insight of
how to tap into people’s internal emotions, keep people engaged, or how to communicate with their prospects properly which turns your email lists into rabid and loyal followers.

People were stunned… literally!

It’s been labelled the ONLY email marketing course ever released that will actually have open rates increase over time, instead of the normal opposite… dwindling open rates with each email recieved.

If you’ve ever had a conversation with a fellow marketer and bring up the term SOS, it only takes an instant to tell if they are themselves, customers of Autoresponder Madness.

I mean, if you haven’t taken it, bringing up that term alone, is enough to have most “wannabe” email marketers scratching thier heads.

Heck, bring up the term PLS, and they’ll be even more baffled.

When you really think about it, Autoresponder Madness customers became a cult following of Andre Chaperon’s just by purchasing it alone.

Hmm, do you think that boy has a little magic up those sleeves of his? His own product produced a cult following for himself!

There isn’t very many online entrepreneurs that can say that, but in Andre’s case with Autoresponder Madness, it’s the complete truth.

What can you expect from Autoresonder Madness V3.0?

  • How to write killer emails
  • How to write incredibly engaging short stories that leave subscribers hanging on the edge of their seat, begging you for your next email
  • How to construct the ever popular SOS or PLS
  • How to create that highly coveted trust with your subscribers

Andre has been asked many times over the years about covering what happens before the prospect actually opts into your list.

You know, things like traffic, creating amazingly high converting squeeze pages, conversion rates etc.. etc.

In fact, at one time he even created a small little course on just that alone.

Andre is bringing us the most ultimate version of Autoresponder Madness of all time.

Also, because I know Andre as I do, I’m sure he’s going to have some incredible surprises in there for us. He always does, and the bonus sections are always killer.

So here’s what to do if you’re interested in Autoresponder Madness V3.0:

If you are an aspiring email marketer who is looking to get the best results from your efforts from the very start, then it’s a resounding…

Yes, it’s absolutely for you!

Or perhaps, you’re already an email marketer who is looking to get far better results form your email marketing efforts.

Well if this is you, honestly, I’m not sure who Autoresponder Madness wouldn’t be for. It’s one of those incredible courses that should be in every marketers arsenal of weapons.

This is especially true, since email marketing makes up such an important part of online marketing as a whole.

One thing I do know for sure though…

With it’s already built in cult following, Autoresponder Madness 3 is absolute pandemonium once again with people kicking, screaming, and punching to get their hands on it!

Autoresponder Madness v3.0

Let’s take a quick look at the different sections and lessons that you’ll have access:

Chapter #1

  • Lesson #1: Prelude
  • Lesson #2: The Big Picture
  • Lesson #3: Understanding Your Audience & Profiling Them
  • Lesson #4: Creating ATTENTION Through The Use Of A Hook
  • Lesson #5: Open & Nested Loops (The Secret to Building Suspense, Drama, Tension & Owning Attention)
  • Lesson #6: Story Direction & Structure (Storyboarding)
  • Chapter 1 Overview

Chapter #2

  • Lesson #7: Soap Opera Sequence (Episode 1)
  • Lesson #8: Soap Opera Sequence (Episode 2)
  • Lesson #9: Soap Opera Sequence (Episode 3)
  • Lesson #10: Soap Opera Sequence (Episode 4)
  • Lesson #11: Soap Opera Sequence (Episode 5)
  • Lesson #12: Soap Opera Sequence Summary
  • Chapter 2 Overview

Chapter #3

  • Lesson #13: List Segmentation
  • Lesson #14: Product Launch Sequence
  • Lesson #15: Product Launch Sequence Case Study & Email Triads
  • Lesson #16: Storytelling Hacks
  • Lesson #17: Marketing Hacks
  • Chapter 3 Overview

Chapter #4

  • Lesson #18: Inner Game Mastery
  • Lesson #19: Advanced

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Autoresponder Madness
Andre Chaperon – Autoresponder Madness v3.0

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