
Alpha Male Activator by Derek Rake


The AlphaMaleActivator® is a program designed and developed independently by ActivatorTech, Inc, and is proudly endorsed by Derek Rake.

Alpha Male Confidence & Charm On Demand.

The revolutionary AlphaMaleActivator® is engineered to help you boost your confidence levels and increase your charisma and magnetism with women at no extra effort.

The AlphaMaleActivator® is a package of one-of-a-kind meditation audios programmed to guide you into deep meditation.

Developed together with Derek Rake’s team of coaches and experts, the AlphaMaleActivator® is like having confidence, self-assurance and calmness at the flip of a button… these are the same traits that you will need to fully benefit from Derek Rake’s programs.

You can use the AlphaMaleActivator®, for example, to mentally prepare yourself for an important date with the woman you love. Or, to calm yourself down if you have social anxiety or fear of approaching women.

It’s like having a magic switch that gives you positive feelings whenever you want… and say goodbye to anxiety forever. Just imagine the impact that this would have on your dating life!

Here’s How AlphaMaleActivator® Will Benefit You

Be Comfortable Effortlessly In All Social Situations

Activate and boost your personal magnetism easily

Before you go out and meet women, simply put on the 15 minute Inner Game Activator and let it work its magic. Meditate along the spoken instructions and feel inner calm engulf your body, prepping you up mentally for a great night out.

Deeper Connection With The Woman You Love

Be magnetically attractive to your partner

A strong inner game is absolutely foundational for you to build strong rapport and develop deep empathy with the woman you love. With the AlphaMaleActivator®, building your inner game is as easy as pushing the Play button on your iPod.

Destroy Approach Anxiety Completely

Be fearless and unstoppable in any social setting

Put the 30-minute Alpha Activator track on Play and notice that your anxiety quickly melts away. Experience the fearlessness while you approach ten women in 30 minutes… and marvel at your newfound social power.

Eliminate Nervousness Around Women

Let them see you as the Prize to be won over instead

Guys are nervous around women because they yearn for acceptance and validation. Use AlphaMaleActivator® to eliminate this imaginary “beta status” in your mind and reframe yourself as the ultimate Prize to win over by women.

Turbocharge Your Confidence And Self Belief

Develop superheroic confidence that appeals even to hard-to-seduce women

As any woman and she’ll tell you that confidence tops the list of traits owned by attractive men. The AlphaMaleActivator® gives you all the confidence you need on tap… and more!

Attain Zen-Like Calm And Inner Peace

Achieve a calmer state of being… the mark of a superior man

The Relaxation module of the AlphaMaleActivator® loosens up your otherwise tense muscles and declutters your mind. Develop a zen-like inner calm and radiate peacefulness to the people around you. Remember: effortless serenity is the definitive mark of a true Alpha Male.

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Alpha Male Activator by Derek Rake
$48.00 $16.00 Add to Cart

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