
Alex Social – Conversation Casanova


How To Use Your Words To Magnetically Attract Any Woman You Meet

Hey, it’s Alex Social.

Most likely you’ve been following my dating advice videos, social media posts, or you’ve taken a program from me before.

Or perhaps a friend pointed you in this direction.

Either way, this is the place for you… if you want to once and for all become a Pure Natural with women.

I’m talking about being the kind of man who turns female heads when you walk into a room.

I’m also talking about the kind of man who doesn’t have to settle.

You don’t have to worry about women being “out of your league” anymore, and having to date women that you aren’t that attracted to (or being alone entirely).

However, this is not a simple thing that can be solved with a pickup line or “one weird trick.”

If you want to be a man who effortlessly attracts the most gorgeous women… what you need is a transformation.

And luckily… I have found the absolute quickest way to take you from wherever you are, to having the dating & sex life you’ve always dreamed of.


But Why Listen to Me for Attracting Women? (16 x 365 Reasons Why)

If you’re familiar with me already, you can skip down to the next section. But I recognize that this may be the first time you’ve heard of me and are wondering, “Who is this Alex Social, and why should I trust that he is better than anyone else out there?”

It’s a fair question, and I have a one-word answer:


For the past 16 years… (Yes… SIXTEEN YEARS…)

I have been coaching men… in person… all over the world… in how to attract and seduce women.

And I’m not talking about being a simple dating blogger or doing zoom coaching calls like 99% of so-called “experts” out there.

I’m talking about going into the bars, coffee shops, clubs, street fairs, and demonstrating live for students how it’s done… then watching and coaching them on how they can get the exact same success.

Why So Many Men Struggle With Women.

If you’ve had an extremely hard time meeting, dating, and keeping the women you want, it’s not your fault. Honestly, it’s one of the hardest times in history to meet women.

We’re just coming off a pandemic, and fewer women are out and about. Some are still terrified of catching Covid and won’t go on dates even with a man they DO like.

Bars & clubs have fewer women showing up than ever… and the ones that do show up are not used to talking to strangers anymore.
The dating apps are known to put fake profiles of model-hot men on their sites, so you’re literally competing with men who are too good to be true.
The #MeToo movement have made women and establishments very wary of men who introduce themselves to women or show romantic or sexual interest.

The media has been feeding women a ton of mixed messages for whether men should be masculine or feminized, alpha or “nice guy,” confident or shy.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

On top of this, we still have the evolutionary problem that’s been going on for literally hundreds of thousands of years… where women will compete for the richest, best-looking, tallest, buffest, most popular men…

And the other 80% of guys have to settle for scraps (or nothing at all!).

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Over the last 16 years, I’ve found that there is a way to take even the most shy, unconfident, awkward guy and turn him into a superstar…

As long as the man is willing to do the work in front of him to succeed (which I’ll share with you below).

The Conversational Compass is Your Map to
Getting Any Woman Addicted to You

Now what kind of man needs the Conversational Compass?

If any woman has labeled you a “nice guy” or put you in the Friendzone, you need this.
If women ever get bored talking to you, you need this.
If women politely excuse themselves and walk away when you’re talking to them, you need this.
If you run out of things to say when talking to a woman, you need this.
If women think you’re creepy, you really need this. (This is something so easy to fix that you’ll be baffled it took so long to figure this out!
Now the Conversational Compass will work great with anyone.

If you’re making business deals, or in sales, or just trying to make new friends, the Conversational Compass will give you incredible charisma that just magnetizes people to you.

Politicians use this all the time to activate their audience. Notice that a good politician (in any political party) will make their audience feel upset… angry… hopeful… proud… hateful… and caring… all within a span of five minutes.

However, as good as this stuff works on the general population, it’s especially good with women.

See… women, unlike men, desperately need their full range of emotions stimulated. They need it to feel alive. In a weird way, they even need it to feel safe.

Introducing… Conversation Casanova: The Words that Make Her Addicted to You

Over 3 days with my core inner circle of students, I unveiled the entire method of using the Conversation Compass and Range of Emotions to make women feel utterly magnetized to you and deeply desiring sex (or a full-on relationship) with you.

I video-taped all of it, and was amazed to find that this was arguably the greatest program I’ve ever taught.

These students soon were seducing women left and right. If they went out for 7 days straight, some of them would bring girls home 5 of those nights out.

It was absolutely legendary, and this recorded seminar has become the basis for this package.

Here’s a “Sneak Peek” at What’s Inside Conversation Casanova

  • The map of Evolutionary Psychology… So you know exactly what’s causing every woman you meet to either want to rip your pants off… or avoid you like a literal plague.
  • The absolute fastest way to amazing inner game where women can just smell your confidence from across the room.
  • How to handle all the “new” problems of the era, including #MeToo, Covid, over-the-top feminism, and all the other strange developments in society.
  • The revelation I got in 2009 that revealed that 98% of what the Pick Up Artist community was teaching was total bullshit (including a lot of things you believe right now!)
  • The secret to using these dating skills for making more money than you ever thought possible.
  • The secret holes in a woman’s confidence and how to use them so a woman sees you as “the perfect catch” she desperately needs in her life.
  • How to get a woman’s friends on your side so they make it their entire night’s mission to get her to go home with you.
  • The secret of the Hosting Paradigm, where you make everyone feel like you own the party (Even if the club you’re in just barely allowed you inside)
  • How to deal with tests from girls and reverse them, so women are piling over each other trying to prove they’re good enough for you.
  • The secret to finding and creating After Parties so you can guarantee yourself the best chances of sleeping with a woman on any given night.
  • How to know within 3 Questions if a woman is single and ready to hook up with you.
  • The deeply controversial Heroin Paradigm… which causes women to get ravenously addicted to you.
  • How to figure out your Attraction Archetype so you know exactly what personality traits to focus on. (You might be the Bad Boy, or you might be the Sexy Joker. Women love both)
  • The Six “Hot Guy” Traits that will make you a total stud with women, regardless of what you look like or how much money you have.
  • How to Inject Sexual Energy into any conversation, so it goes from platonic to her fantasizing about breaking your bed.
  • The “No Expectations” Mind Trick to make the woman fiercely compete to sleep with you.
  • 5 Easy Lifestyle Habits you can do that will naturally make you more attractive, every single day.
  • The 8 Strengths that load you with irresistible masculine energy that sets her hormones on fire.
  • Why hyper-focusing on a woman in conversation gets you nowhere and what to do instead.
  • The Quantum Moment in the night that 100% decides whether a woman sleeps with you or not.
  • The Self-Talk Secret to keep you feeling positive, powerful, and optimistic at all times (Amazing for depression or anxiety.)
  • Daily Challenges that will make life 100% more fun and double your success with women in a month’s time.
  • The Triple Acceptance Secret for making everyone feel blissful around you, even if you’re not talking to them.
  • The Motivational Master Method to give you instant self-discipline in working out, making money, and meeting women… even if you’re absolutely sure you’re lazy.
  • The Keys to Female Psychology that will give you the ultimate breakthrough in seducing women.
  • The Party Guy vs. Eligible Bachelor concept that will decide whether you’re a fun guy for the night or a long term boyfriend or husband.
  • Why being the “Perfect Guy” will make some women avoid dating you… (and how to use your flaws to your advantage).
  • How to instill a crippling fear of loss in the woman, that makes her do everything she can to make you happy.
  • The difference between Win-Win Seduction and Win-Lose Seduction (And why it’s better to stay on the Light Side).
  • How to dismantle a woman’s Fear of Heartbreak to make her ready to sleep with you 5 times as fast.
  • The best way to avoid Friendzone forever (Women are deciding between Friendship and Romance, and this will make sure they choose right!)
  • The Power of Ambiguity for making yourself a mystery that sucks women in like a Vortex.
  • How to use Crocodile Theory to demonstrate yourself as the Alpha Male of the pack.
  • When to seek depth in a conversation, vs. keep things light & fun.
  • 500 pick-up lines, phrases, and jokes you can use any night to suck women in.
  • How to hook attention every single time.
  • 5 Amazing Exercises to NEVER run out of things to say.
  • The difference between the Safe Zone and Seductive Zone, and how to make sure you’re in the second one!
  • Ninja Conversational Skills for manipulating the entire interaction… even if there are 5 people in a circle talking.
  • How to enter the Flow State so you are totally in the zone any time you need to be.
  • Cycling Emotions & Conversational States… so you know when to be edgy, flirty, funny, or mysterious.
  • The Exact Breakdown of a One Night Stand that you can use every single time you go out.
  • How to “read” a club, party, or bar, so you know exactly when women are looking for a man and when they’re just trying to have fun.
  • The one time that taking a girl to the bar for a drink can reveal your exact chances of hooking up with her that night.
  • When to absolutely walk away from a group of women (Most guys miss this part and it kills their success).
  • Terminator Vision for spotting the women who are the most horny and ready to go.
  • How to take a Snapshot of a group and know exactly what vibe they’ll be receptive to.
  • How to make friends with the whole group so everyone treats you like you’re part of the gang already.
  • When to use a dance floor (99% of guys get this wrong).
  • What to do if another man hits on her (You can use this to your advantage if you know this one secret).
  • The “Watch the Sunrise” method for making a woman get impatient and demand you take her to your room.
  • The absolute Biggest Attraction Killer and how to make sure you never do it again.
  • How to take a woman’s Emotional Heart rate so you know exactly what emotion she needs next.
  • The Jedi Mind Reading Trick to know exactly what she needs to decide to give you her number, go on a date with you, or sleep with you.
  • The Compassion Charm Method for giving yourself an invisible charisma that makes everyone want to be your friend or lover.

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