
[GroupBuy] A.I.M. For Clients: A Client Acquisition Machine That Does The Work FOR You


A.I.M. For Clients: Who Else Wants A Client Acquisition Machine That Does The Work FOR You?

Harness A.I. to Skyrocket Your Marketing Success, Free Up Time, and Leave Competitors in the Dust.

Dear Friend,

The race to capture attention has never been more challenging.

As an expert in your field, you know the importance of staying ahead of the curve, which is why you’ve been going around learning how to integrate AI into your work.

The internet has no shortage of tutorials.

The problem?

The AI world is overwhelming and filled with empty promises.

Which left you stuck and struggling to integrate these new tools into your business, costing you time, money, and opportunities.

That’s where A.I.M. for Clients comes in.

I’ve been closely monitoring the AI landscape, and put many of these claims and ‘game-changing tools’ to the test.

AI avatars. Sales chatbots. AI video editors.

(and a lot more than I can bother to write)

And I can tell you one thing:

Most AI use-cases are as empty as cotton candy – sweet nothings.

99% of the stuff out there will either not produce the promised results; or need more effort than they’re worth.

Wanna know what AI IS good for?

Building out your client acquisition ‘machine’.

  • Researching
  • Brainstorming
  • Writing

In the eyes of a newbie, this may not seem like much.

In the hands of a master, this can be life-changing.

Every important marketing asset starts with these three things.

Sales = Offer writing.

Lead magnets = Copywriting.

Video = Script writing.

Proposals = Writing.

Content = Writing.

Every crucial bit of asset starts with WRITING.

If you don’t do this well, you will only confuse your market, or send the wrong signals.

But if you do this well, you have created a force multiplier for more leverage.

  1. I have used AI writing to hit my first $30k month.
  2. One client used AI to add EXTRA $30k in revenue to his writing business in only a few weeks.
  3. Another client used AI to reduce his workload by a whopping 87%.


Or, also-known-as “A.I.M. (A.I. Machine) for Clients.”

If you know how to use AI the proper way, you can automate many of your tasks, free up your personal time, and use all of that extra bandwidth to scale your business.

Just imagine, for a second, having a ‘machine’ that tirelessly does the work FOR you.

Without having to pay a full time salary.

Without complains.

And every time you ‘ON’ this machine, POP, out comes a client.

Oh, and you don’t have to run any paid ads or cold outreach, too.

This could be yours.

Sound sweet?

Because if you have this machine, then you don’t need to do so much work.

You can use all that extra time to spend with your family, your passion, invest into your legacy, and create more impact.

Isn’t that the whole idea of being a business ‘owner’ in the first place?

Your business should not own you. It should be the other way around.

So, I have put together a workshop that will show you exactly how this works.

The AI Client Acquisition Machine

  • Engagement
  • Lead Generation
  • Sales

I will show you exactly WHAT mechanisms you need to have in order to build this client acquisition machine.

Better yet, I will take you behind the scenes, and demonstrate exactly how I use AI to build MY business.

All this meaning to say that what you’re going to learn isn’t theoretical.

It’s proven.


Here’s everything you will learn in the “A.I.M for Clients” workshop:

Promise #1: Your Thoughts-Into-Words AI Content Writer

The 2-STEP process to write content SO GOOD, nobody would believe it even if you try to tell them it was done by AI.

Promise #2: AI Content Multiplier

How I use AI to create 1,820 pieces of HIGH QUALITY content for clients in one evening.

Here’s a screenshot of my own personal Twitter schedule. I have 5x content, 7x a week, all year round ????????

Promise #3: Engagement Explosion AI Strategy

One thing I did with my Twitter (X) account that got me 800+ new followers in my first month (not cold DM).

Promise #4: “60 Lead Magnets In 60 Seconds”

The AI driven lead generation process that got me 600+ NEW email subscribers & hundreds of followers in a single post (also not cold DM).

Promise #5: The 14-Day AI Launch System

How to ideate & launch offers in just hours and days, instead of weeks and months using my CustomGPT, ‘Clarity Coach’.

Yes, you’ll receive access to the AI too!

I’ve compared the quality of my output against other AI outputs in the world, and I’m confident this quality is something you won’t find anywhere else.

If you are busy and you are interested in saving time, you won’t want to miss this.


Bonus #1: Access to my ‘Unifying Theory of Marketing’ training.

If you’re new to marketing and not clear about all the what’s, why’s, and how’s of marketing, this concise, 30 minute training will help you make sense of everything.

You will emerge from this video having a clear idea of why all these conflicting marketing information isn’t, in fact, conflicting.

And you’ll gain a better idea on the roles of various mechanisms in marketing – why do experienced marketers do all these weird things that they do.

Bonus #2: The Instant Authority Model

This 2 hour training is a deep dive where I teach participants how to “escape the grind” and effectively magnetize high paying clients using my Instant Authority Model.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

✓ Break the feast-or-famine cycle with a proven marketing consistency strategy

✓ Discover how top experts work less and attract more by being an object of desire

✓ Exact steps to build an ‘Authority Machine’ that brings high-ticket clients to YOU

✓ How AI can do 90% of the heavy lifting for your marketing while you focus on delivery

✓ Real case studies including Vivienne’s leap from $16.5k to $50k+ per month

Bonus #3: Prompts and templates to help you make this work.

This has been a popular demand since my last training session, so…here we go.

I’ll give you copies of the crucial prompts I’ll be sharing during the training so that you can use it at your own time.


  • SGT: 7 PM on Tuesday, April 30th
  • CST: 6 AM on Tuesday, April 30th
  • EST: 7 AM on Tuesday, April 30th
  • GMT: 11 AM on Tuesday, April 30th

It’s a LIVE workshop where I’ll show you my exact content & client acquisition strategy.

Because I want to make it as personal as possible, this also means I’m capping the slots.

So get in early if you don’t want to miss out.

Sales Page:_

Delivery time: 12 -24hrs after paid


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[GroupBuy] A.I.M. For Clients: A Client Acquisition Machine That Does The Work FOR You
$497.00 $69.00 Add to Cart

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