
[Group Buy] Brick By Brick Strength & Fluffy to RIPPED in 18 weeks


Brick By Brick Strength

Are you fed up of hitting plateaus?

Training for months on end and not seeing results?

I’m not here to bullshit you, you need to get smarter with your training approach.

I’ve been there, I’ve made every mistake in the book when it comes to training.

You don’t need to do the same.

Take advice from someone with real skin in the game.

If only I had access to this information when I first started, I’d be way ahead now.

I’m going to educate you and equip you with the tools to become a successful lifter for years to come.

What makes this course so special?

-Not only do you get the eBook.
-You get 20+ in depth video tutorials as well.
-You’re taking 10 years of my knowledge all in one place
-Plus a FREE 10 week strength program.

Who is this for?

-People who want to get strong.
-People who are tired of plateaus/sticking points.
-People who want to train in the smartest way possible.
-People who want to learn about programming their own training.
-People who want to set themselves up for training success for years to come.

Here’s a taste of what’s inside.

✅ Understanding specificity (It’s obvious but people still disregard this)

✅ Understanding overload (Learn how to progressively overload your training in the right way)

✅ Fatigue management strategies (Make sure you’re including these strategies to be the best lifter you can be)

✅ How to use variation in your training (This will skyrocket your training results and prevent it from becoming stale, Training doesn’t have to be boring!)

✅ Understanding phase potentiation (I wish I knew this sooner in my training career)

✅ Individual differences (One of the biggest factors in becoming the strongest lifter you can be)

✅ Weak point training (Learn what exercises will help you bust through them plateaus that are holding you back)

✅ How to use RPE in your training (Game changer for all of mine and clients training programs)

✅ Deload 101 (Understand how to deload effectively, and no it’s not just a week off from the gym!)

✅ Pre workout nutrition for lifting heavy (Fuel your sessions in the right way to you can perform like an animal in the gym…and NO, it’s not by fasting!)

✅ Using a lifting belt (Most people get this wrong and they’re leaving KILOS off the barbell)

✅ Understanding stimulus to fatigue ratio (This will change the way you look at your training forever going forward)

✅ How to design your own training program (Understand all the principles that I use when designing effective training programs)

✅ Squat tutorials (Learn about the squat and its variations)

✅ Bench tutorials (Learn about the bench and how to set up properly)

✅ Deadlift tutorials (Learn about proper deadlift positioning so you can explode your numbers through the roof)

✅ PLUS More to be added (This is gonna become your strength training bible)

Fluffy to RIPPED in 18 weeks

You wanna know how I done this in 18 weeks?

It’s not keto

It’s not carnivore

It’s not intermittent fasting

It’s a NO BULLSHIT approach!

In this book you’ll get:

✅ My top 20 tips that can help absolutely anyone get lean

✅ Full Macronutrient breakdown

✅ Complete grocery list I used and with clients

✅ Meal timing/frequency guidelines

✅ How to train on a fat loss phase

✅ Golden tips from YEARS of training experience

Why listen to me?

✅ Cold hard solid proof

✅ Practice what I preach with skin in the game

✅ Nearly a decade of training experience

✅ BSc in Sport & Exercise Science

✅ Competitive powerlifter

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[Group Buy] Brick By Brick Strength & Fluffy to RIPPED in 18 weeks
$63.00 $25.00 Add to Cart

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Less stress, more sweat.