
Daniel Throssell – Upwork in One Hour


Oh, hey there!

But I have some, uh, bad news …

See, in that course I was *supposed* to teach you my full strategy for succeeding on Upwork.

I *wanted* to show you how I started with ZERO experience and NO credentials …

Won paid copywriting work in my very first week …

And raised my rates to $200/hr within my first nine months.

And I was *going* to teach you all this …

In just ONE hour!

So I was really excited to write this sales page.

I even paid some guy to make me this fancy logo and all:

I got the checkout all set up, too …

Priced it at a nice, affordable, $200 price point …

And sat down to write this sales page.

But then I realised:

I’m a total IDIOT.

I should never have even tried doing this.

Because I remembered something:

As EVERY copywriter knows …

Upwork SUCKS.

And there are NO good jobs on Upwork.

And anyone who uses Upwork is a total LOSER.

And they’re miserable and they make NO money.

I mean, why else would ALL the well-known copywriters out there diss Upwork?

One more thing to know before you buy:

The course is delivered via my Learnistic mobile app.

Due to the requirements of Learnistic which I do not control, users in some countries — such as Nigeria — will need to use an app such as FreeTone or Text Me to get a US mobile number in order to use the app. If you are not willing to do this, DO NOT BUY THIS COURSE.


For the time being, the course is mobile-and-iPad-only.

If you don’t have a reasonably new smartphone or iPad — or cannot tolerate even ONE HOUR of watching courses on it — then I don’t recommend buying this course.

What You Get:

  • A trick (which ONLY works on Upwork) for winning copywriting work even if you have literally never achieved a single thing as a copywriter (it’s how I got started …)
  • My full four-stage Upwork ‘career map’ for freelance copywriters (this is the first lesson in the course, and in many ways it’s all you need to know)
  • A back-door way to ‘spy’ on the proposals OTHER freelancers are sending in to try and win jobs (this can get unethical REAL fast, so I include a strong recommendation on where to draw the line)
  • How to instantly eliminate EVERY single other copywriter as ‘competition’ and become your client’s ONLY choice. (This strategy works off of Upwork, too!)
  • How to stand out even if you’re not the best at anything by using ‘niche stacking’
  • A 12-point template for writing one of the best profiles on Upwork in under 15 minutes. (This is one of the few times I will ever encourage you to use a template. But here, I’ve done all the thinking for you … simply fill it out with your own details and you’re good to go!)
  • My exact $$$ recommendations for what hourly rate to set!
  • A 7-point checklist for writing proposals that win work even if you have NEVER been paid to write a word of copy before
  • How to create a portfolio “on demand” in less than an hour if you have no samples
  • The exact “fake beard oil” proposal that won me my first-ever Upwork job within days of joining Upwork!
  • Why you should NEVER send your portfolio to a client (no exaggeration … and again, this is just as true OFF Upwork)
  • 10 actual proposals I used to win Upwork jobs, with my commentary on each
  • My four-part pricing strategy for “magically” bidding almost the exact maximum amount the client is willing to pay — even if it’s well above the budget they actually posted!!! (Actual feedback on this one from a student: “It’s like I have a powerful chess move for every scenario a potential client would throw at me. Very cool.“)
  • How to make your proposal look dirt-cheap, even if it’s the most expensive one on the job
  • The four things you MUST tell your client after they reply to your proposal if you want to get hired. (Two are the cost and when you can get it done by. The other two are far less intuitive but even more important)
  • A simple line to include at the end of a message to a client that makes it almost neurologically impossible for them to feel ‘in charge’ of the interview. (Best of all, you can ‘reuse’ this line in multiple messages, and you’ll have even the most ‘alpha’ client acting like they are applying to work with YOU!)
  • My 9-step outline for running job interview calls with clients — even if you’re a shy introvert
  • Why you should NOT accept a client’s first job offer when they send it, EVER!!!
  • A condensed version of the actual market research questionnaire I used with clients (stolen from my expensive Market Detective course)
  • How to use a free online tool to ‘flip’ job interview calls so YOU become the one interviewing the CLIENT! (This is an Upwork strategy I invented, and every single student I have taught it to has said it is pure genius … yet it’s almost so ‘obvious’, you will slap yourself for not having thought of it)
  • An 8-point checklist of what you must know before opening a contract
  • Sneaky techniques for delivering your copy so the client simply likes it more. (And no, it doesn’t involve FedExing the copy, or sending them wine … those things are awesome, but these techniques are all FREE.)
  • How to almost guarantee a gushing review after every project … and possibly even repeat work!
  • A trick for using Upwork to win copywriting work OFF Upwork — without getting banned! (Upwork has strict rules prohibiting taking your Upwork jobs off the platform … and they enforce them hard. But do what I tell you, and you will be fine.)
  • And way more (you’d be surprised at what I managed to fit into one hour)!

Sales Page: _


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Daniel Throssell – Upwork in One Hour
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