[Download] BD FX Course


What is the Standard BD Strategy?


The Standard BD Strategy is the foundations of the Binary Destroyer. Jamie first created the Binary Destroyer back in 2015 using this strategy. It was this strategy that gave him huge success and gave him the drive to want to share it and help others. Every admin of the Binary Destroyer, and fulltime traders of the Binary Destroyer all learnt from this strategy. The Binary Destroyer indicator has changed over the years, as we update it to keep up with the latest technologies but the strategy has always remained the same. This powerful strategy teaches the trader to only take trades when the market is overbought or sold. It is also a great strategy to learn about Trend lines and Support/ Resistance lines. Over time this method of trading will bring the trader consistent profits if followed correctly, as the trader is only trading with the momentum of the market.

We recommend every member to learn this strategy first before continuing onto other strategies. This strategy will teach you the foundations of trend trading and it’s important you understand this first before moving on. This strategy can be used to trade both Binary and Forex but in this course, we will cover Binary.

Sales Page: _https://fxlearning.com/lessons/what-is-the-standard-bd-strategy/


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