
Peter Van Zijl – The Ecom Authority Sites System 2020


If you’re frustrated with Facebook ads…and ready to profit from the biggest traffic source on the planet, then… Tapping into Buyer Intent Traffic Is The Key To Explosive, Long Term Growth For Your Ecommerce Store By Using The Ecom Authority Site System

When you think about it…

Millions of people are using Google, right now, to search for something to buy.

They’ve done their research.

Their mind’s made up…

They go to Google…type in what they want…

…click on an ad or organic listing…

And they buy.

Now…let me ask you –

What if there was a way for you to quickly and easily put a product you sell…

A product you never have to touch…

Or hold any inventory of…

In front of them?

What if it was YOU they were buying from?

In a minute I’ll show you exactly how to do that…

But first:

Buyer Intent Traffic: Sell People What They Already Are About To Buy

Whether you’re just starting out or have an existing ecommerce business…

Right now, you have an incredible opportunity that is just waiting for you to take.

You have the ability to quickly and easily…

…put your products in front of people who already want to buy.

And almost guarantee that every product you launch becomes a winner.

You’ll quickly build a reliable online business that brings in sales on autopilot

That works even if you completely turn your Facebook ads off.

No more being a slave to the newsfeed.

You’ll make more by working smarter…and free up your time to do what you want to do…

Spend time with your family.

Do what you want…when you want to.

Completely eliminate inconsistency and bring in reliable, steady sales every single day.

You can earn $2+ for every organic visitor that hits your site

Just by tapping into buyer intent traffic.

And even better..

You can use Google Shopping to get those products in front of people in minutes…

…and validate your idea before putting any effort into SEO.

You’ll use Google Shopping for quick sales…

And Google organic listings for ongoing, long term sales.

Here’s How You Can Build Your Own Ecom Authority Site

Every day, millions of shoppers go to Google to buy something.

They type in what they’re looking to buy…

Paid and organic results appear…

They click on one of them…

…and if the product hits the spot, they buy.

They’ve solved their problem.

And what happens is – each time someone searches for something Google basically ‘counts’ that search,

That number isn’t 100% accurate.

But its a good guideline.

Now, what you can do is use that guideline and find keywords (search terms people are using to find what they want to buy) and build your products around those.

These are products you never have to touch…and you never have to hold inventory.

You’re building products based on demand that is already there.

You don’t have to create the demand – it exists…

You’re simply tapping into it.

Once you’ve done that…

Use Google Shopping to put your products in front of these soon-to-be customers.

You can get into this slipstream of buyer traffic in minutes.

And after you identify keywords that are working to sell your products…

Use SEO strategies to rank them in Google for ongoing, long term organic sales.

So even if you turned off all your ads today…

The sales would consistently pour in.

Introducing: The Ecom Authority Sites System

An over the shoulder, step by step training system to help you build a site that will bring you consistent profits.

NOTHING is left out.

No guesswork required.

You’ll discover the exact framework I use to repeatedly build Ecom Authority Sites from scratch.

This is NOT theory…

This is a battle proven blueprint that is repeatable…and scalable.

Module 1: Keyword Research & The Product/Keyword Match (Value $297)

The foundation to any successful ecommerce authority site campaign lies on picking the right keywords.

Choose wrong and no one will come to your site.

But follow my proven strategy and get it right…

…it can turn into a goldmine.


What if I told you that others have done your keyword research for you?

They’ve done the heavy lifting…I’ll show you how to piggyback off of that.

In this module you’ll discover:

  • The exact process I use to reverse engineer any competitor to find exactly which keywords they are trying to rank for
  • How to extract profitable search terms that people are using every time to find products they want to buy
  • How to use Amazon review sites to find product ideas that you never would have thought of…and then create products around them and rank them
  • An easy way to start with a root keyword of a product you know you can make and sell without ever holding any inventory
  • The keyword/product match technique – a simple way to create products that you never have to touch yourself based on exactly what people are searching for.
  • The best place to find expired domains (that are short, punchy and niched) that already have backlinks and are perfect for your next project

Module 2: Site Structure & On Page SEO (Value $197)

Your site structure is the key to easily ranking for your keywords.

I find a lot of people do this wrong from the start (and don’t worry if you have an existing site – it can be fixed!).

But if you’re just starting your Authority site, you want to get this right from the start.

It’ll make things a LOT easier for you as you go.

You’ll discover my powerful “three tiered site structure system”.

Use this, and you’ll easily build your site on rock solid foundations that easily draws in Google love for organic rankings and sales without ads.

You’ll also see how to properly optimize your product pages to give them the best chance of ranking…

…and how one simple tweak can bring in a flood of new sales.


Module 3: Validate Your Products With Google Shopping (Value $297)

To maximize the effectiveness of this business model…

You need to eliminate as much guesswork as possible.

Instead of throwing stuff against the wall and seeing what sticks…

You’re going to be very specific in the way you test the products you’re selling…

Almost scientific.

You’re going to validate your products and start making sales.

But something more important starts to happen here..

You will start to figure out exactly which keywords are profitable…

You see, with Google Shopping you can’t choose which keywords you want to target.

While this sounds a bit bizarre, it actually works really well.

Google takes a look at your products and chooses the keywords for you based on the title and the description.

Then, they display your products for you based on those keywords.

You can then add negative keywords as your campaigns mature – effectively telling Google not to use certain keywords if they aren’t relevant or aren’t profitable.

Here’s the best part of this entire process:

You’ll start to make sales on keywords you would never have thought of.

You will know exactly which keywords to rank for…

There is ZERO guess work here.

In this module I’ll show you exactly how to setup Google Shopping campaigns the right way (you’ll have them up and running in a matter of minutes).

In this module you’ll discover:

  • How to quickly and easily setup your Google Analytics account (do this from the beginning and you’ll have a detailed track record of your growth should you ever want an exit down the line).
  • EXACTLY what to do when setting up your Merchant Center account (if you don’t do this the right way you’ll spend days, if not weeks trying to get your products approved).
  • The ONLY app you should be using to manage your feed…this app saves you so much money every month…as well as allows you to create laser targeting shopping campaigns in minutes…
  • The single most powerful way to link all your Google accounts in seconds to ensure a smooth experience when you start advertising…
  • A tried and tested method for uncovering your “root keyword” (you’ll be amazed at how quickly you uncover profitable keywords just waiting for you to target and profit from)
  • What to do with your product feed when you’re about to get your campaigns started (if you don’t do this right you’re going to waste hundreds of dollars on ad spend before getting any results)
  • How to use a free tool to uncover hundreds of keywords to work with (and how to ensure your products rank easily for them)…
  • A special trick to reverse engineer your competition (they’ve done the hard work…now YOU can leverage that hard work to really ramp up your campaigns)
  • A PROVEN step by step plan to structuring your Google Shopping campaigns to ensure that Google knows exactly what it is you’re selling…so that they’ll put your products in front of the most targeted buyers possible.
  • The single most powerful way to break your products up into groups…so that you ensure your traffic is as targeted as possible.
  • The “3 Tier Campaign” structure – my secret formula for forcing Google to put my products in front of the right people for the most profitable keywords.
  • The fatal mistake most people make when they try to push their most profitable products with Google Shopping, and an easy, yet not-so-obvious way to make sure YOUR products take front and center stage to guarantee you make as many sales as possible
  • A way to use your product images that will have you beating your competition (even if they are huge brands with enormous marketing budgets)
  • The single most powerful way to use negative keywords (these effectively steer your campaigns and they are the lifeblood of a successful, profitable campaign).
  • Exactly what to do when you want to scale your campaigns and get more customers…but be careful…if you do this the wrong way you’ll completely throttle your campaign and it’ll grind to a standstill…
  • The secret of layering your campaigns…few know of it…but when you do you’ll unlock a special way to get incredibly targeted buyer traffic

My sneaky, but 100% ethical trick for getting 10x CONVERSIONS using Google Shopping (the volume is low, but the conversions are there…I haven’t shared this with anyone before).

This module is designed to help you learn from my mistakes.

Instead of spending thousands of dollars figuring this out for yourself…

…use my experience to the bypass the learning curve.

You’ll get much more profitable quicker…be able to scale…and save yourself a lot of money and time in the process.

Module 4: Rank Your Main Keywords At The Top Of Google (Value $297)

WARNING: You may ONLY think about links for the next few months!

This is addictive

Every site needs backlinks pointing to it to rank

If you’re not familiar with the process – if a site links to yours it’s like a “vote”.

You’ve got something on your site that is so good that another site is willing to link to it. To “vote” for it.

But this is where most people get stuck.

Because getting sites to link to you isn’t easy.


I’ve got you covered.

Over the last year I’ve perfected reaching out to site owners to get links from them.

Think about it – if you had a content site you’re asking people to link to your articles.

But you’re actually selling something tangible here – so how much easier is it to get someone to review what you’re selling?

And, if you want to move this along quicker – and you don’t want to do the outreach yourself…

…I’ll give you access to my personal merry band of link builders who I use for all my sites.

Their links are highly effective and inexpensive.

And we always go for quality not quantity so you don’t have to buy thousands of links.

What’s more – you’ll get access to my personal 6 month link building plan.

Proven over and over again.

Month one get these links.

Month two get these.

Everything you need to make this a massive success for yourself

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Peter Van Zijl - The Ecom Authority Sites System
Peter Van Zijl – The Ecom Authority Sites System 2020
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