
Gary Halbert – Last Seminar


“All The New Secrets I Have Discovered About How To Write Sales Messages Which Produce Huge And Automatic Profits!”*

  • How to get almost everything you want in life… without… force, struggle or unethical behavior! (No need to be a Con Man).
  • The single most important thing you must do before you sit down to write even one word of your sales message!
  • How to find out what people (your customers) really, really want! (Not one business owner in a thousand knows this… yet… it’s crucial if you want to succeed massively with the least amount of time, effort and struggle on your part.)
  • Why focus groups and surveys are virtually worthless in the real world, competitive, mean streets of everyday business! (And… what you should do instead to give you an “unfair advantage” when it comes to collecting useful information about your business and market!)
  • What you should really focus on if you want to make maximum money from your advertising! (It’s the most important element… and… it is NOT the copy you write. Most advertising experts/copywriters won’t tell you this… but it’s the truth nonetheless.)
  • The three most expensive words in advertising!
  • Why you should study golfers and the golf market! (The key to making maximum money is hidden in the underlying psychology of this market. Understand this “key” and you’ll have all the money and success you could ever want!)
  • The true story of how one woman “wrote off” her breast enlargements on her taxes. The IRS challenged her and she won! (This, admittedly, doesn’t have much to do with copywriting… but… it’s enlightening to say the least.)
  • Why what you “think” your customers want or care about doesn’t matter one iota! (Even if your I.Q. is 220… you can’t guess at what the hell people really want. Here’s how to find out quickly and easily!)
  • Why blonds get “hit on” more often than brunettes… and… how to make more money in your business from this piece of real world knowledge!
  • The “one” resource you must have if you are (or want to be in) the direct response business! (This “shortcut-to-success” resource is mandatory… if you don’t have it, you’re not really in the game… and you’re making 1/10 the money you could be!)
  • The 1-2 Government punch that’ll knock you out of business immediately… even if… you are doing everything right and 100% legally!
  • A simple way to “improve your awareness” of what people will pay good money for. This simple secret is only known (and used) by a handful of street-savvy, successful entrepreneurs… Now, You Can Use It Too!
  • How one “smart” but “not so smart”, direct response business owner made $28 Million before age 30 and lost it all in 24 hours! (He was completely blindsided… and you can be too… if you don’t protect yourself!)
  • A little-known emerging market (some might consider sleazy) that is quickly making multi-millionaires out of “average Joes” almost overnight! (If you’re not offended by this market… you can make a bundle too!)
  • The real secrets for making insane amounts of money in direct marketing! (Only a handful of “gurus” even know this secret… let alone, teach it!)
  • How to turn simple, inexpensive classified ads into a real, thriving business! (For example: Gary tells the true story of a friend in Santa Barbara, California who took in an astonishing $250,000 per week… all from these tiny powerhouses!)
  • What a heroin “junky” can teach you about selling and making fistfuls of cash! (And no, you don’t have to go “hangout” with drug addicts to learn this. However, you need to understand the hidden psychology contained in their behavior. You won’t hear this in DM News or Target Marketing… yet… it’s crucial if you want maximum success!)
  • The most important direct marketing web site in the world! (If you got nothing else from this seminar… you’d still make back your investment 10 to 100 times or more by knowing where to find this web site!)
  • A simple “at home” exercise you can do to cheat your way to writing better copy, faster! (This one secret alone could increase your copywriting ability by 500% to 1000% or more in the next 6 to 12 months!)
  • An amazing story that drives home the importance of learning how to write — or at least recognize — world-class, killer copywriting!
  • The “missing link” in most advertising… or… why most copy fails! (If you aren’t straight about this little-known ingredient, you might as well retire your pen right now and go get a job!)

You’ll Be Shocked And Surprised At Their Sage Advice!

  • 6 Challenges we face right now that stand in the way of achieving massive, lasting success… and how to overcome them! (First, you must know what these challenges are… and then… and only then, can you deal with them effectively!)
  • easy strategies for success!
  • Why your people are not your most important asset!
  • 3 must have conditions before you can be “success oriented” and “motivated”! (Know and understand these conditions to avoid the pitfalls and traps most entrepreneurs fall victim to!)
  • The greatest success axiom or truism in the world! (This is all you really need to know to become successful. Seriously, if you’ll engrave these 15 words onto the surface of your brain… you can’t fail!)
  • The story of how Gary raised almost $1 Million for the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund in the wake of Hurricane Andrew in 1992! (This, the most costly natural disaster to hit U.S. soil, prompted Gary to quickly put his copywriting skills into action… and… become the largest individual donor—for that disaster—in the United States! This story relates how, once you become a good copywriter, you can use your skill to increase the “good” in the world… and… help out humanity.)
  • What a circus elephant can teach you about limitations! (What’s holding you down right now? Think about it, and use this revelation to set yourself free!)
  • Why it’s often difficult to change for the better… and… how to quickly change anything at will! (It’s not as hard as you think.)
  • The most bottom-line impactful sales lesson you could ever learn! (Joachim —when he worked for Xerox — was given an unlimited budget [up to $1 Million] to discover exactly why people buy! Using hidden cameras and other clandestine spy methods… here’s the great discovery he made!)
  • The amazing “Marshmallow” experiment done with kids… and… what it reveals about reaching success!
  • How much of your success depends on your environment… and how much depends on your genetics! (Here’s how to manipulate that percentage to quickly and effortlessly climb to the top of the success ladder!)
  • The 3 and only 3 ways to increase your business or productivity in your business! Work on these 3 at the same time and you’ll literally…

Supercharge Your Business Growth And Success!

  • 5 new realities in business today! (If ignored, any one of these can bury you. However, if recognized and dealt with, they can quickly move you to levels of success you previously only dreamed of!)
  • A great quote from Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, that can dramatically and instantly increase your business success and income!
  • Why you must be creative in your marketing! (And no, not creative in the traditional sense… but… “constructively creative” in a “let’s make more damn sales” sense!)
  • How to turn your simple, boring, “here’s how to contact me” business card into a sales and marketing machine that attracts ready-to-buy customers or clients to you like steel to a magnet!
  • Why Joachim’s business card is being “sold” in Panama for $20… and… the lesson to learn from this story!
  • A single piece of advice Gary gave Joachim a few years ago that’s made him tens, if not hundreds of thousands of extra dollars… you can use it too!
  • The single most important business question you must constantly ask (and answer) if you are to become (and remain) truly successful! (Don’t let the utter simplicity of this question fool you — it’s crucial!)
  • Aristotle’s most potent success advice! (Just a single sentence… but maybe… the greatest piece of success wisdom ever to pass the lips of any human being that ever lived!)

Amazing again! But Gary didn’t stop there. No, he brought in another friend, fellow master copywriter, John Carlton to reveal his…

Briefing Doc: Gary Halbert’s Last Seminar – A Review

Main Theme: This document is a promotional sales letter for the recordings of Gary Halbert’s last seminar, touted as a comprehensive guide to writing highly effective advertising copy. It heavily emphasizes the potential for financial success and life transformation using the secrets revealed in the seminar.

Most Important Ideas and Facts:

Halbert’s Core Teachings:

  • Focus on the offer, not the copy: “What you should really focus on if you want to make maximum money from your advertising! (It’s the most important element… and… it is NOT the copy you write.)”
  • Understanding customer desires: “How to find out what people (your customers) really, really want!” and “Why what you “think” your customers want or care about doesn’t matter one iota!”
  • The power of classified ads: “How to turn simple, inexpensive classified ads into a real, thriving business!”
  • Eliminating “writer’s block”: “A simple “at home” exercise you can do to cheat your way to writing better copy, faster!”

Guest Speaker Insights:

  • Joachim de Posada (Motivation & Sales):Larry Bird’s success secret: Focus and dedication over inherent talent.
  • 8 crucial success factors: Missing one can be fatal to your business.
  • The biggest mistake small business owners make: Easily avoidable, yet often overlooked.
  • The most impactful sales lesson: Understanding the true reasons why people buy.
  • John Carlton (Copywriting):Four secrets for writing world-class ad copy, including unique techniques.
  • The most effective single word to use in ads: Compelling immediate action.
  • Eliminating weak language: Removing “have,” “get,” and forms of “to be” for stronger impact.
  • Identifying and utilizing the reader’s “passionate sweet spot.”

Testimonials and Success Stories:

  • Robert Allen: Claims making an extra $75 million from a single idea learned from Halbert.
  • Dr. Gerald McCarthy: Reports earning over $7 million in a year and then nearly $6 million in 15 months from separate ideas learned at Halbert’s seminars.
  • Brett McFall: Experienced copywriter who increased client sales by 312% after applying seminar insights.

Value Proposition:

  • Comprehensive content: Every minute of the seminar recorded, allowing for repeated review and analysis.
  • Cost savings: Half-price offer compared to live attendance, plus savings on travel expenses.
  • Potential for significant ROI: Testimonials and examples highlight the possibility of massive financial gains from applying the seminar’s teachings.

Call to Action: Urgency is created through the limited-time half-price offer and emphasis on the transformative potential of the seminar content. The document ultimately aims to persuade the reader to purchase the recordings and embark on their own journey towards advertising mastery and financial success.

Overall Impression: The sales letter employs a highly persuasive tone, packed with testimonials, specific examples, and a long list of “secrets” promised within the seminar recordings. While the potential value of Halbert’s teachings is highlighted, it also leans heavily on emotional appeal and the allure of quick riches.

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Gary Halbert – Last Seminar
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